
85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

author:Li Zhi
85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

On June 30, Liu Shikun and his wife Sun Ying appeared at the birthday banquet of Yukio Hatoyama, the wife of former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, with a pair of children.

Hatoyama's birthday banquet was not a big deal, only a few celebrities in the art world were invited, and there were no delicacies, but a few Japanese dishes with exquisite ingredients can see the sincerity and quality of life of the host's family.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor
85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

After this birthday, Hatoyama will be 81 years old, and she and her husband Yukio Hatoyama have always been known as the envoys of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, and have formed a deep friendship with many Chinese friends.

Liu Shikun is one of them.

At the birthday banquet, Yukio Hatoyama and Yuki Hatoyama not only took special care of Liu Shikun and greeted him, but also treated his wife and children politely and smiled kindly.

When the birthday cake was served, the chic patterns and styles immediately attracted the attention of Liu Shikun's four-year-old daughter Beibei.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

The birthday boy Hatoyama Yuki noticed this detail, and when she was about to blow out the candle and make a wish, she deliberately smiled at Beibei, as if she wanted Beibei to share her joy and satisfaction at that moment.

However, as a child who is ignorant of the world, it is difficult for Beibei to understand Hatoyama's good intentions, and because a stranger keeps smiling at him, he feels uncomfortable and worried, and even begins to look left and right to find his mother.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

Hatoyama Yuki did not continue to interact with Beibei, but turned around and picked up Liu Shikun's one-year-old son, and let the child sit on his lap.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

At a young age, you can be so spoiled by the wife of the former prime minister, it is definitely worth blowing for a lifetime.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama was extremely friendly to China, and during his tenure, it can be said that Sino-Japanese relations have developed to a very harmonious level.

Yukio Hatoyama has also been appointed as an honorary professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University and an honorary professor at Northwest A&F University.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

Yukio Hatoyama and Yuki Hatoyama not only acknowledged that history, but also actively reflected on it and publicly apologized for the suffering of our ancestors.

It is precisely this attitude that allows Liu Shikun to establish a deep friendship with the couple.

Liu Shikun's wife, Sun Ying, also accompanied her husband with her children to attend the birthday banquet.

Sun Ying is 37 years younger than Liu Shikun and is his third wife, and at the beginning of their union, they suffered a lot of doubts.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

After the divorce, students Sun Ying and Liu Shikun officially came together, the difference between the two is 37 years old, and they are questioned by many people, especially Sun Ying's misunderstanding is deeper, thinking that her purpose in choosing this grandfather-grandson relationship is not pure.

However, they were not bothered by the rumors, after all, any choice has to pay a corresponding price, and this ordeal should not be a stumbling block for the two to achieve this good story.

Now, Sun Ying has given birth to a pair of children for Liu Shikun one after another, and the couple with the crystallization of love has become more and more harmonious.

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor

At the same time, for Liu Shikun, being able to have a child at the age of 84 has already created a miracle in the art world, and has also received praise and blessings from Yang Zhenning.

For Liu Shikun's four-year-old daughter and one-year-old son, it is also extremely lucky to be born in such a family.

Not only can you enjoy the rich material life that ordinary children can't reach, but you can also be influenced by the world-class artistic atmosphere from your father, and you can also make connections with celebrities from all walks of life around the world, and you are destined to win at the starting line from an early age. What do you think? #头条创作挑战赛#

85-year-old Liu Shikun took the whole family to the birthday banquet of the former prime minister's wife, and his 1-year-old son sat on the birthday star's lap to enjoy the honor