
20.912 billion yuan! Hutubi County signed 5 projects at the 8th China-Eurasia Expo

author:Charm Hutu Wall

June 28th

At the 8th China-Eurasia Expo

"Chain" Changji into the "Silk Road" investment promotion signing meeting

The People's Government of Hutubi County successfully signed contracts with 5 enterprises

The contract amount reached 20.912 billion yuan

Li Xiaoliang, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and Fu Xiuguo, deputy secretary of the county party committee and commander of the Fujian Ningde Branch Headquarters for Xinjiang Aid, attended the signing ceremony. Fu Xiuguo, on behalf of the Hutubi County People's Government, signed a comprehensive industrial project for the integration of optical hydrogen storage and ammonia with Hebei Jizhong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. The total investment of the project is 20 billion yuan, with a total land area of 623.01 mu and a photovoltaic land area of 130,000 mu, mainly building photovoltaic + energy storage, supporting photovoltaic module production and an annual output of 50,000 tons of green hydrogen and 200,000 tons of ammonium nitrate. Construction is expected to start in July 2024 and be completed by the end of 2025.

  Cao Jingzhong, head of Hebei Jizhong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said: "From January 18, 2024, the project company will land, and the application work in the early stage will be basically achieved, and now the requirements of the chemical sector can be met in the early stage, and it is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of 2025, with a total investment of about 20 billion yuan, which can bring 286 jobs to the local area, and the local fiscal revenue will bring no less than 450 million yuan of financial revenue." ”

20.912 billion yuan! Hutubi County signed 5 projects at the 8th China-Eurasia Expo

  Xinjiang Oriental Huanyu New Energy Development Co., Ltd. is a company engaged in gas production and supply industry-based enterprises, the signed urban gas storage peak shaving project with a total investment of 80 million yuan, the main devices are deacidification purification device, liquefaction device, liquefied natural gas storage tank, the construction content includes urban gas storage peak shaving device, the main equipment is sub-high pressure natural gas transmission pipeline, raw gas pressurization, decarburization equipment two, drying mercury removal equipment two, natural gas liquefaction equipment two, liquefied natural gas storage tank, A set of filling equipment and supporting public and auxiliary facilities. After the project is put into operation, the annual sales revenue of the product will be 80 million yuan, which is expected to create 4 million yuan of tax revenue for Hutubi County every year and provide 35 jobs.

  Li Weiwei, executive director of Xinjiang Oriental Huanyu New Energy Development Co., Ltd., said: "The original intention of the construction of this project is first of all to ensure the peak regulation of the entire gas reserves in Changji City, including Hutubi Industrial Park, and further strengthen the supply capacity, and then it can play a role in peak shaving and filling, the number of natural gas processed per day is about 60,000 cubic meters, and the annual processing is about 3,000 cubic meters of LNG, and the economic benefits brought by it are about 7~80 million yuan." The project is planned to be put into construction this year, operated this year, put into operation this year, and is expected to be completed at the end of September and early October. ”

20.912 billion yuan! Hutubi County signed 5 projects at the 8th China-Eurasia Expo
20.912 billion yuan! Hutubi County signed 5 projects at the 8th China-Eurasia Expo

  In addition, the People's Government of Hutubi County has also signed a green hydrogen plant and comprehensive energy station construction project, a wheat processing production line construction project with an annual output of 300,000 tons, and a calcined stone tar project with an annual output of 150,000 tons with Jiangsu Guofu Hydrogen Energy Technology and Equipment Co., Ltd., COFCO International (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and Xinjiang Tianzhize Chemical Co., Ltd., involving new energy, new materials, photovoltaic power generation, intensive processing of agricultural products and other fields, and the successful cooperation of these projects has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality economic development of Hutubi County.

20.912 billion yuan! Hutubi County signed 5 projects at the 8th China-Eurasia Expo

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