
From the night of July 1st to the 2nd, there was heavy rain in Hutubi County~

author:Charm Hutu Wall

Hutubi County Meteorological Observatory 18:19

A blue rainstorm warning signal has been issued

From the night of July 1st to the 2nd, there was heavy rain in Hutubi County~

It is expected to be from the night of the 1st to the night of the 2nd

Hutubi County, Qiergou Township, Shitizi Township

Heavy rain in some mountainous areas

Cumulative precipitation is achievable

Localized occurrence

Short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, etc

Severe convective weather is more likely

Local flash floods and mudslides in mountainous areas, landslides, etc

The meteorological risk level of geological disasters is high

Please take precautions

From the night of July 1st to the 2nd, there was heavy rain in Hutubi County~

Defense Guide

1. The government and relevant departments should make preparations for rainstorm prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Schools and kindergartens take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and young children;

3. Drivers should pay attention to road water accumulation and traffic jams to ensure safety;

4. Inspect the drainage system of cities, farmlands, and reservoirs, and prepare for drainage.

The next three days

What is the weather like?

Follow the editor to take a look

Weather forecast for the next three days in Hutubi County

Weather forecast for the next three days

From the night of July 1 to the day of July 2, moderate rain in most of the plains, moderate to heavy rain in some mountainous areas, and heavy rain in local mountainous areas, 18~29 °C, northwest wind 6~7;

From the night of the 2nd to the day of the 3rd, light rain in the plains, moderate to heavy rain in some mountainous areas, local heavy rain in mountainous areas, 16~27 °C, northwest wind 5~6;

From the night of the 3rd to the day of the 4th, it was cloudy and clear, 14~29 °C, and the wind was not strong; In the next three days, there is a greater possibility of strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning, thunderstorms and strong winds, hail, and short-term heavy precipitation from afternoon to night.

Risk Warning

In the next two days, there will be a period of heavy precipitation, and strong convective weather such as thunder, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, and short-term heavy precipitation will occur locally in mountainous areas.

The precipitation weather process can easily cause secondary disasters such as flash floods, mountain collapses, landslides, and debris flows.

Please try to minimize travel in mountainous areas, do not travel to mountainous areas, stay away from rivers and areas with high risk of geological disasters, reduce unnecessary travel, pay attention to traffic safety, and prevent safety accidents.

In the next two days, the temperature will drop significantly, please add clothes in time, do a good job of health protection, and beware of colds.

It's a new week

What will the temperature be like this week?

Let's take a look at the weather forecast for the week!

1. Weather forecast for the coming week (July 1 to July 7, 2024):

From the afternoon of July 1 to the 3rd, moderate rain in most areas of the plain of Hutubi County, heavy rain in most mountainous areas, and heavy rain in local mountainous areas, with northwest winds of about level 6 in most areas, accompanied by short-term sand and dust in local areas;

Around the 7th, light rain in some areas and mountainous areas, heavy rain in local mountainous areas, northwest wind 5~6; For the rest of the week, it will be cloudy and windy in most areas.

2. Focus on the coming week:

1. From July 1 to 3, the cumulative precipitation is large, the rain intensity is strong, and it is prone to strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning, thunderstorms, gales, hail, etc., and the possibility of geological disasters such as flash floods and mudflows and landslides is high, and it is necessary to strengthen the prevention of geological disasters and mixed floods on the adverse effects of transportation and tourism.

2. Windy weather has adverse effects on agriculture, forestry and fruit industry, transportation, electricity, communication facilities, etc.; In agricultural areas, it is necessary to strengthen the facilities of agricultural greenhouses and pastoral sheds in advance; Do a good job of lodging prevention in the wheat area, avoid unfavorable weather periods, and speed up the harvest progress; Relevant departments need to strengthen traffic and transportation management, circuit and photovoltaic facilities inspection.

When a rainstorm hits

Here's how to deal with it

From the night of July 1st to the 2nd, there was heavy rain in Hutubi County~