
Zhao Jianfei is in a mood? There is another scandal in the Taishan team! Fans complained: Why Shi Ke is the main force

author:Brother Jian said sports

On July 2, Beijing time, in the process of the live broadcast of a sports anchor in Shandong, many Taishan fans were asking about the news of Zhao Jianfei, the middle and middle generation central defender of the Taishan team, and it was rumored that Zhao Jianfei, who had become a substitute again, intended to leave the Shandong Taishan team in this summer window, and began to make a fuss.

Zhao Jianfei is in a mood? There is another scandal in the Taishan team! Fans complained: Why Shi Ke is the main force
Zhao Jianfei is in a mood? There is another scandal in the Taishan team! Fans complained: Why Shi Ke is the main force

Zhao Jianfei became the starting central defender of the Taishan team because of Shi Ke's injury some time ago, and his performance on the field also conquered almost all the fans of the Taishan team. But once again became the starting central defender that worried the fans of the Taishan team.

Zhao Jianfei is in a mood? There is another scandal in the Taishan team! Fans complained: Why Shi Ke is the main force
Zhao Jianfei is in a mood? There is another scandal in the Taishan team! Fans complained: Why Shi Ke is the main force

When the scandal of Zhao Jianfei in the Taishan team was rumored to be in trouble, although the news is not necessarily true, many Taishan fans have begun to complain about Zhao Jianfei, why is such an excellent Zhao Jianfei competing with Shi Ke, who is nothing, why Shi Ke's comeback is the main force, if Cui Kangxi insists on using Zhao Jianfei in the central defender position, maybe the results of the Taishan team will be better than now.

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