
Slap in the face and hard Guoan fans! Referee expert Wang Xuezhi: Taishan missed a penalty, and Yu Dabao was handball

author:Brother Jian said sports

On July 2, Beijing time, when referee expert Wang Xuezhi commented on the performance of the 17th round of law enforcement referees in the Chinese Super League, when talking about Xing Qi of law enforcement Shandong Taishan VS Beijing Guoan, Wang Xuezhi thought that Xing Qi should give Shandong Taishan team a penalty, Wu Xinghan shot the ball on Yu Dabao's arm, and Xing Qi thought that Yu Dabao did not foul was wrong. Immediately Wang Xuezhi also took the World Cup final Mbappe's shot on the opponent's arm, and the referee decisively gave an example of a penalty, thinking that Yu Dabao's handball and Mbappe's handball situation is the same, and the handball rules have not changed much, according to the current handball rules, this handball should still be directly awarded to Shandong Taishan penalty.

Slap in the face and hard Guoan fans! Referee expert Wang Xuezhi: Taishan missed a penalty, and Yu Dabao was handball
Slap in the face and hard Guoan fans! Referee expert Wang Xuezhi: Taishan missed a penalty, and Yu Dabao was handball

When referee expert Wang Xuezhi both gave an example and came up with handball rules to verify that the Shandong Taishan team was hacked by Xing Qi after the penalty, this not only made Xing Qi sit firmly on the name of the black whistle, but also made him a blatant whistle against the Taishan team.

Slap in the face and hard Guoan fans! Referee expert Wang Xuezhi: Taishan missed a penalty, and Yu Dabao was handball
Slap in the face and hard Guoan fans! Referee expert Wang Xuezhi: Taishan missed a penalty, and Yu Dabao was handball

In addition, Wang Xuezhi confirmed the fact that the Taishan team should get a penalty, and also slapped the face of the fact that Yu Dabao has not been admitted that Yu Dabao is a part of the handball Guoan fans, this part of the hard-mouthed Guoan fans, actually said that the ball was hit in Dabao's ribs, and then rebounded to Yu Dabao's arm, according to the rules, this is not a fallacy of penalty kicks, under the fact that handball has been identified by referee expert Wang Xuezhi, I really don't understand that it is so difficult for these Guoan fans to admit that they have profited? I feel that the loss of Shandong Taishan team was not only lost to the black whistle Xing Qi, but also lost to Yu Dabao, who has the strength of an Oscar actor.

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