
Follow the red footprints and carry forward the revolutionary spirit

author:Defense Times

The July 1st party emblem shines in the sky, and the party's glory is long. On June 28, 2024, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, a brigade of the Air Force of the Central Theater organized a unique party day activity - a visit to the Li Dazhao Martyrs Cemetery.

Follow the red footprints and carry forward the revolutionary spirit

Li Dazhao martyr revolutionary deeds exhibition room

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the oath-taking ceremony of joining the party kicked off in the majestic "Internationale", first of all, the flower basket ceremony, the "flower song" sounded, the salute soldiers held the flower basket, and walked into the tomb of Li Dazhao to present the flower basket. "A moment of silence for the martyrs!" As the order was issued, the whole audience stood up, and the officers and men took off their hats and paid silent tribute to the martyr Li Dazhao.

Follow the red footprints and carry forward the revolutionary spirit

A solemn oath

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" After the silence, in the face of the bright red party flag, the three places were connected by video, and all the old party members and new development party members raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath, and the sonorous oath resounded in the sky, and everyone expressed the most sincere feelings to the party in the most simple language.

Follow the red footprints and carry forward the revolutionary spirit

Wear party membership badges for new party comrades

In front of the statue of Li Dazhao, the leaders of the brigade wore party member badges for the new comrades who joined the party, and then two representatives of the party members who became regular members after the expiration of the preparatory period and the new development party members spoke. They have expressed that they must remember history, never forget their original aspirations, keep their mission firmly in mind, and practice the revolutionary spirit of martyr Li Dazhao with practical actions.

After the ceremony, the officers and men marched slowly and orderly to the tomb of Li Dazhao and stopped to pay their respects at close range. During the visit, everyone listened carefully to the narrator's introduction to the life and deeds of Li Dazhao, a revolutionary pioneer, and watched the relics of martyrs and precious historical photos. The vivid pictures and touching stories deeply touched every party member present. Everyone deeply felt the firm faith, fearless courage and lofty qualities of martyr Li Dazhao, and also deeply realized the responsibility and mission shouldered by a Communist Party member.

Through the visit and study, everyone has gained a lot, and "shouldering morality with iron shoulders and writing articles with clever hands" is a portrayal of Comrade Li Dazhao's life. Li Dazhao used his short life to write a magnificent chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution and set an example for the Chinese Communists.

(Liu Yixin, Li Xiong)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Xu Xiaojuan

Editor: Wang Shuhan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]