
Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Defense Times

Remembering the party's grace and casting the soul of loyalty; Train elite soldiers and be pioneers. In order to enhance the sense of responsibility, mission and honor of the backbone of party members, and stimulate the enthusiasm for training and preparing for war, the 82nd Group Army of the Central Theater recently presented gifts to the party with various themed party day activities.

Do not slack off on the original intention, and work hard to start again. A certain brigade further called on the majority of party members and officers to always maintain the original intention of joining the party, strengthen ideals and beliefs, keep in mind their duties and missions, and actively take on their responsibilities and missions by reviewing the oath of joining the party, studying the history of the party and the military, visiting the honorary company, explaining the battle story, and singing the party song and military song.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Review the oath of joining the party

The iron army and the iron heart follow the party, and the battle flag will always float with the party flag. The officers and soldiers of the Iron Army Brigade were in the Brigade History Museum, and everyone stopped to communicate from time to time in front of the old photos and the shield of the "Iron Army", revisited the road of wind and rain together, and felt the spirit of the Iron Army that the predecessors of the Iron Army were loyal to the party and dared to win. The party committee of the brigade sent political birthday cards to the party members, encouraging all party members not to forget their original intentions, keep their mission in mind, strive to be the successors of the iron army, and contribute their own strength to the cause of strengthening the military. Through a series of activities, it not only guided the officers and men to understand the tradition of the Iron Army and inherit the spirit of the Iron Army, but also stimulated the training enthusiasm of the officers and men in training and preparing for war.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Feel the spirit of the Iron Army

Remembering the party's grace and casting the soul of loyalty; Train elite soldiers and be pioneers. On the Saibei Plateau, party members of a certain brigade clenched their right fists and solemnly swore an oath, and the sound of the oath resounded throughout the training ground, celebrating the party's birthday on the battle position, and letting the party flag fly high on the front line of training and preparing for war.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of training and preparing for war

A certain brigade made good use of the "living teaching materials" of the station, flexibly organized the vast number of officers and soldiers to visit and study at the Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall, reviewed the oath of joining the party at the memorial hall, solemnly swore an oath, and accepted spiritual baptism. In addition, the "Seven Ones" theme party day activities carried out by the brigade also organized party members to carry out volunteer service and party class counseling, leading the majority of officers and soldiers to strengthen their belief in joining the party, actively work hard, and constantly cultivate the spiritual core of officers and soldiers to cast loyalty, strong responsibility, and inspiring fighting spirit, and stimulate new impetus for strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Make good use of the "living teaching materials" of the station

A brigade used the red resources of the station to carry out visits and studies, organized a review of the oath of joining the party, and invited representatives of outstanding party members to give a disciplinary party lesson, encouraging the majority of party members to absorb the power of faith, establish firm ideals and beliefs, firm forward pace, loyally perform their duties, interpret the original intention with responsibility, practice the mission with hard work, and constantly gather the majestic strength of forging ahead, adding glory to the party emblem and adding color to the party flag.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Establish ideals and beliefs

In the desert Gobi, a certain brigade guided the vast number of officers and soldiers to forge loyalty and faith, keep in mind their mission and responsibilities, and constantly dedicate their youth to the fiery practice of strengthening the army by reviewing the oath of joining the party and inviting members of the "veteran propaganda group" to give party classes to the officers and soldiers of the brigade.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Review the oath of joining the party

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

Members of the "veterans' propaganda group" in the garrison were invited to give party classes to the officers and men of the whole brigade

Yin and Yin Xia Mu see loyalty, and the shining party emblem reflects the original intention. A certain brigade solemnly organized a party day activity with the theme of "deepening political rectification and training, and tempering responsibility" to encourage officers and soldiers not to forget their original aspirations, keep their mission firmly in mind, and forge ahead to achieve the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army as scheduled.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

The scene of the theme party day activity

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

The scene of the theme party day activity

Review the oath of joining the party, organize speech contests, and carry out discussions and exchanges...... A certain brigade extensively organized and carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities, and through a series of activities, all party members celebrated political birthdays, so as to stimulate the officers and soldiers to not forget their original intentions and keep their mission firmly in mind.

Don't forget the original intention to follow the party, forge ahead to celebrate "July 1st"

The scene of the theme party day activity

(Wang Xinlong, Yao Xintong, Wei Wei, Chen Tianjin, Zhang Zongpan, Zhai Mengyu, Yao Jiahao, Liu Yiyi, Li Tianwen, Tao Lei, Liu Kui, Lai Kenuo, Yuan Weihong, Zhang Wenhui, Wang Shiya, Qian Hao, Luo Kun, Hu Tangliang)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Cui Hongli

Editor: Wang Shuhan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]