
To create a "new engine", Xiongzhou's business and trade service industry is booming!

author:Purple Cow News

the total retail sales of consumer goods were 4.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.5%; the sales of limited goods were 1.856 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40.7%; There are 4 new trading enterprises on the warehousing limit. When commerce and trade prosper, the city prospers. Since the beginning of this year, Xiongzhou Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing City, has been focusing on consumption nodes, carefully planning, strengthening measures, actively guiding commercial and trade enterprises to seize consumption opportunities, carrying out various forms and rich content of consumption promotion activities, stimulating market vitality, and contributing to economic and social development.

The quality of brand consumption has been upgraded

To create a "new engine", Xiongzhou's business and trade service industry is booming!

The quality of brand consumption has been upgraded

At the beginning of June, Liuhe Wanda Plaza located in Xiongzhou Street was officially unveiled - Happy Harbor will become the first phase of Nanjing Liuhe Wanda Plaza project, which will be operated by Wanda Commercial Management Group. In addition, Nanjing Liuhe Wanda Plaza, which was originally under construction, will be the second phase of the project, which is scheduled to open in 2025, when Liuhe Wanda Plaza will become the largest Wanda commercial complex in Nanjing Jiangbei and even in the city.

As one of the high-profile commercial complexes in the region, Happy Harbor has become the first choice for Liuhe people to shop at home, parent-child entertainment, and family and friends dinner by virtue of its full-format functional positioning and the location advantages of the core business district of Xiongzhou Metro Station since it was put into operation, and from January to May this year, it achieved sales of up to 300 million yuan and attracted 5 million passengers, a year-on-year increase of 12%.

The official unveiling of Wanda Plaza, the operation of the commercial complex will be followed by Wanda Commercial Management Group, which will not only attract a number of brands such as Tan Sanniang, Bo Xiaoxian, Mousse Home Furnishing Museum, New Oriental, Yiyangtang, Hongdou Men's Wear to enter Wanda, but also promote the quality and upgrading of brand consumption in our district to further enhance the vitality of market development.

Stimulate new momentum for consumption

To create a "new engine", Xiongzhou's business and trade service industry is booming!

Stimulate new momentum for consumption

The average daily passenger flow reached 22,000, an increase of 23% year-on-year; The cumulative sales were 170 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7%. A few days ago, Longfor Liuhe Tianjie announced its sales performance from January to May, and with its unique commercial charm, sales and passenger flow achieved "double growth".

Behind the "double growth" is a steady stream of consumption momentum. Since the beginning of this year, commercial and trade enterprises, including Longfor Liuhe Tianjie, have made bold innovations in the layout of business formats. In addition to the traditional retail, catering, entertainment and other formats, it has also introduced many formats such as culture and art, health preservation, education and training, etc., as of May, the introduction of Tan Sanniang, Niu Zhonghuang, Boiling Uncle Bibimbap, Kashima and other 6 first stores in the Liuhe area, continue to release the vitality of development.

At the same time, Xiongzhou Street also joined hands with commercial and trade enterprises to keep an eye on consumption nodes, carefully planned, wild fun life festival, 66 days street shopping festival and other theme promotions to drive continuous growth in consumption, trunk night market glows with endless vitality of the night economy, Dragon Boat Festival beauty market is full of brilliance, and the debut of the June 1st animation meeting is ...... Continue to stimulate consumption momentum, release consumption vitality, and promote the steady growth of consumption.

A number of data are leading the region

"Thanks to the coordination of the relevant departments of Xiongzhou Street, we were able to obtain this credit loan of 10 million yuan, which solved the urgent need of our enterprise." A few days ago, the person in charge of a steel sales enterprise in Xiongzhou said after obtaining a credit loan, "With this loan, we can expand the company's products as soon as possible to facilitate market sales." ”

Since the beginning of this year, Xiongzhou Street has adhered to active service and front-line service, and organized personnel to go deep into Zhongnan Zhigu, Wanyang Industrial Park, Wenhua Plaza, Xianlin Auto Parts City and other parks and carriers, visited a total of 32 enterprises, coordinated and solved 10 difficulties and problems, and continuously solved the difficulties and blockages of enterprise development, helping enterprises to achieve high-quality development in Xiongzhou Street.

Under the efficient, high-quality and considerate enterprise service system, the service enterprises above the designated level in Xiongzhou Street have also ushered in rapid development, and up to now, the revenue of the service industry above the designated size participating in GDP accounting of the whole street is 888 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 100.63%; There are 3 new service enterprises in the warehousing regulations, all of which rank first in the region.

To create a "new engine", Xiongzhou's business and trade service industry is booming!

Continuously optimize enterprise service work

In the next step, Xiongzhou Street will continue to focus on cultivating market players, improving consumption carriers, innovating consumption formats, enriching consumption scenarios, optimizing the consumption environment, and strengthening the comprehensive services of commercial and trade enterprises, promoting the healthy development of commercial and trade enterprises, and contributing to the sound and rapid economic and social development of Liuhe District.

Proofreading by Sheng Yuanyuan

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