
【Party Discipline Learning and Education, Daily Lesson】What words and deeds with political problems should be avoided in foreign-related activities?

author:Hohhot Market Supervision Bureau
【Party Discipline Learning and Education, Daily Lesson】What words and deeds with political problems should be avoided in foreign-related activities?
【Party Discipline Learning and Education, Daily Lesson】What words and deeds with political problems should be avoided in foreign-related activities?
【Party Discipline Learning and Education, Daily Lesson】What words and deeds with political problems should be avoided in foreign-related activities?

Foreign-related activities have a bearing on the dignity and honor of the party and the state, and are of a strong political nature. Articles 72 and 73 of the Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China stipulate sanctions for words and deeds that have political problems in foreign-related activities, mainly in the following categories:

1. Those who apply for political asylum outside the country (territory) or foreign embassies (consulates) in China, or who flee to foreign embassies (consulates) outside the country (territory) or foreign embassies (consulates) in China after violating discipline, are to be expelled from the Party. The so-called "application for political asylum" generally refers to Party members who flee to a foreign country (territory) or a foreign embassy (consulate) in China under the pretext of so-called "political reasons", apply for the right of abode and reside outside the country (territory) or a foreign embassy (consulate) in China. "Fleeing to foreign embassies (consulates) in China after violating discipline" generally refers to Party members who violate discipline fleeing to foreign embassies (consulates) in China in order to avoid disciplinary sanctions. Whether it is an application for political asylum in a foreign country or a flight to a foreign country (territory) after violating discipline, it shows that the party member has completely betrayed the party's cause and has lost the requirements for being a party member, and should be expelled from the party.

2. Those who publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, and so forth opposing parties or governments outside the country (territory) are to be expelled from the Party. If a Party member openly opposes the Party and the government outside the country, it also shows that he has completely betrayed the Party's cause, lost his belief in communism and the conditions that a Communist Party member should have, and should be punished with the most severe disciplinary punishment.

3. Where facilitation conditions are intentionally provided for the preceding two types of conduct, sanctions of Party probation or expulsion from the Party are to be given. "Providing convenient conditions" mainly refers to providing various favorable conditions for applying for political asylum, fleeing abroad, or publicly expressing reactionary remarks outside the country (territory), such as issuing certificates, applying for passports and visas, helping to purchase air tickets for vehicles and ships, providing economic assistance, providing a foothold, providing a platform for expressing reactionary speech, and so on.

4. Where in activities involving foreign interests, their words or deeds cause a vile political impact and harm the dignity and interests of the Party and the State, they are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. This type of disciplinary violation includes two conditions: first, the act occurs in foreign-related activities; Second, it has caused a bad political impact and harmed the dignity and interests of the party and the state. At all times, party members and cadres must earnestly enhance their political acumen, safeguard the image of the party and the state with good mental outlook, manners, words and deeds in foreign-related activities, and resolutely guard against words and deeds with political problems.

Content source: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Comprehensive editor: Hohhot Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

【Party Discipline Learning and Education, Daily Lesson】What words and deeds with political problems should be avoided in foreign-related activities?
【Party Discipline Learning and Education, Daily Lesson】What words and deeds with political problems should be avoided in foreign-related activities?

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