
7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!

author:Internet gossip

Yesterday, some netizens left a message for the author.

Blogger, a colleague in the Jingdong company circle complained that the company requires a personal account to send positive information about the company on Xiaohongshu, is it true or a rumor, do you know?

Regarding the "Unknown Sweet Potato - Share My Jingdong Moments" activity launched by, the author introduced it to you in the article on May 13 this year.

This activity is a non-mandatory content creation plan launched by the JD Culture Department for all employees, specifically:

Employees in various positions such as couriers, sales, customer service, and product managers are allowed to participate. As long as the employee enters the name, ERP, and JD account to publish the content that meets the requirements, they can get a reward of 1,000 Jingdou. There is no upper limit on the rewards for high-quality content, and the reward amount for each note can reach up to 1,000 yuan according to the number of likes and favorites.

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!

An all-staff publicity activity of the enterprise, there is no problem of rumors.

Okay, back to today's topic.


Today, according to a number of bloggers on Douyin, Baidu, Jiangsu, Changzhou, issued a notice. It was announced that the company will operate until June 30, 2024, and from May 18 to June 30, the company will send a special team to deal with the matters after the closure and dissolution.

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!

In response to this news, the relevant personnel of the company replied that Qingzhifeng is no longer acting as an agent for Baidu's bidding-related promotion business, and the company's other businesses are normal, but the employees responsible for this part of Baidu's business are disbanded.

According to the statement released by Taizhou Qingzhifeng on May 27, Taizhou Qingzhifeng Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company) decided to stop the agency cooperation with Baidu's bidding promotion business from July 1, 2024.


On June 30, 2023, Group announced that from July 1, 2023, it will launch a maternity subsidy policy for global employees - "Cheng Chang Gift Money".

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!

On the occasion of the first anniversary of Ctrip's maternity subsidy policy, Ctrip's HR department announced the results of the first anniversary of employee maternity subsidy.

As of today, a total of 541 employees are eligible for the maternity subsidy policy, and 550 have given birth to children, including 9 pairs of twins. The birth subsidy totals 27.5 million yuan, which will be distributed from this year until the child reaches the age of 5.

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!


On the evening of July 1, Kunlun Wanwei issued an announcement announcing that Zhou Yahui, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, and Yingrui Century, the person acting in concert, promised not to reduce their holdings of the company's shares in the next five years.

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!


Today, some netizens broke the news that the entry about Jiang Ping in the Baidu Encyclopedia entry has been deleted.

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!

According to the previous entry, after clicking on "Jiang Ping Entry", the page will show "The page you are visiting does not exist".

On the evening of July 1, after a number of self-media asked for verification from Baidu customer service, Baidu Encyclopedia customer service responded that Baidu entries were created by users themselves, and it was impossible to find out who deleted them, but it was not excluded that the other party might complain about the infringement of the privacy of the unit or individual, and the complaint would be deleted after the complaint was successful.

7.1|Today, the "melons" of the Internet are here!

However, the gossip on the Internet was found from 360 entries, and Jiang Ping Encyclopedia can also be viewed.