
China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

author:Da Liu said
China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

Today is July 1, the founding day of the Communist Party of China, and on this great day, let's talk about the historical achievements of the Communist Party of China.

First of all, I think there are two kinds of narrow senses and broad senses, the narrow sense is for China, the Communist Party of China has struggled for 100 years, and finally transformed a poor and weak old China into a prosperous, rich and strong world power with comprehensive strength.

No one can deny this, although we have encountered some difficulties for the time being today in 2024, no one wants to go back to 30 years ago, let alone live in the dark old society. This is an ironclad fact that proves that our country is always improving.

It is normal for there to be twists and turns in the process of progress, and we should look at it correctly.

"Don't rest on your laurels because of luck, don't be slumped by bad luck. A truly strong person is good at finding the shadow from the good times, finding the light from the adversity, and always calibrating his own goals. This is a famous quote by the Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen, and I think this sentence is really appropriate in the 103-year history of the Communist Party of China.

Then we will turn to historical exploits in a broad sense.

China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

In March 2021, Gennady Zyuganov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, wrote in Pravda: "The experience of the Chinese Communist Party proves that the defeat of socialism at the end of the 20th century was not the failure of the 'utopian socialist project' as various anti-communists like to say...... Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have the ability to cope with all the challenges of the times and advance along the correct path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era."

The collapse of the former Soviet Union was a devastating blow to the belief in communist ideals around the world.

In 1989, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of history was already there. Japanese-American scholar Francis Fukuyama's The End of History? It marks the official release of the "Final Conclusion of History" as a complete theoretical system.

Fukuyama believed that the evolution of human society would end in the capitalist social form, and that liberal democracy was "the end of the development of human ideology" and "the last form of human rule".

China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

The collapse of the former Soviet Union further confirmed the correctness of the final conclusion of history, and from then on, the west wind pressed the east wind, and communism was on the verge of extinction.

However, after another 30 years, China has declared with ironclad facts: history has not ended and will not end, and socialism is full of vitality and unlimited future! The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only right and successful, but also will lead to a brighter future!

When we look back at China at the time of the collapse of the former Soviet Union, no one would believe that China, which seemed to be huge but was actually weak, could bear the burden of reviving communism. At that time in China, it was a luxury for the common people to eat meat every day, and the navy and air force were not as good as a rebellious province, not to mention the United States, and even Japan's 88th Fleet was an unattainable treasure for China.

More than 30 years later, no one in the world believes that it is a developing country, except for China, which believes that it is a developing country. While everyone is looking up to this oriental dragon, many countries have begun to consciously learn and imitate China's development model.

Marx turned socialism from a utopian dream into a science, and Lenin turned a theoretical science into practice.

China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

However, in practice, there were all kinds of deviations, and in 1991, the largest laboratory collapsed, and the failure of practice made the vast majority of people begin to doubt whether the original theory was correct.

It is also the Communist Party of China that not only continues to practice, but also raises practice to the level of theory once again, proving that Marxism is still correct, and the key lies in how to understand Marxism and how to apply and transform Marxism. In China, Marxism is shining brightly in the form of scientific socialism.

This is the historical achievement of the Communist Party of China in a broad sense, which has single-handedly saved Marxism and given new hope to mankind all over the world, and this is the greatest significance of the existence and development of the Communist Party of China.

A community with a shared future for mankind is not a temporary idea, but is rooted in Marxism and the existential meaning of the Communist Party of China.

From a far, far time ago, mankind has been imagining the world of great harmony, Plato fantasized about the "ideal state", More wrote "Utopia", Campanella wrote "Sun City", and the French utopian Morelli wrote "The Law of Nature......

China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

This is all utopian, reflecting the desire of the human elite for an ideal society since ancient times, although it is a utopian, but it has played an important enlightening role in the emergence of communist ideals in later generations.

Then there is the idea to action, the British sociologist Owen established a communist new village in the United States in 1823, France established the Paris Commune, and the world's first socialist country, the Soviet Union......

In the long course of history, mankind's pursuit of socialism has been like a journey full of flowers and thorns, which has lasted for 500 years.

When we focus on the past 100 years, China's exploration on this road is even more magnificent, which not only carries the glory of glory and dreams, but also records countless moments of struggle and sacrifice.

China - lived up to socialism! Speech on the founding of the party on July 1

The great Communist Party of China and the heroic Chinese people have never flinched or wavered in the slightest in the face of many difficulties and challenges.

History, the most just witness, proclaimed to the world with its eloquent voice: China has lived up to the expectations and trust of socialism!

大刘说说有感于Jul 1, 2024

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