
Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

author:Qualified turtle breeder

Raising a turtle is nurturing the heart, and this is a point I made a long time ago. We can learn a lot from turtles and use them to enrich ourselves. Later, I found that we can develop a lot of good habits in the process of raising turtles, and even many habits can affect our life trajectory. Today, let's take stock of the good habits developed through turtle breeding.

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

The first is to love to learn. When I say love to learn, I don't mean grades, but I mean being full of curiosity and curiosity. The quality of the grades is determined by the mainland's examination-oriented education model, and it does not represent everything. This is why there are always many "high scores and low ability" students. In the process of raising turtles, we are constantly learning new knowledge, reviewing original knowledge, and understanding knowledge that we have never been exposed to. For example, how do you raise egg turtles? Okay, then learn through the Internet and find the information; What should I do if I have a turtle with a white eye? Then look for a cure, buy medicine and try to cure the turtle. When you have nothing to do, you can browse the information about turtle raising intentionally or unintentionally, and even if you can't learn new knowledge, you can review what you have learned at the moment and won't forget it.

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

The second is to develop the habit of preparing in advance. There are many turtles that need to be prepared in advance, for example, you need to see what the temperature will be tomorrow before feeding; Before buying a turtle, you should also prepare the environment in advance; Before changing the water, we should also dry the water in advance, which not only allows us to develop the habit of preparing in advance, but also allows us to have a plan for doing things. This is also a very critical point for success in the future, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, if you are not prepared in advance, if you don't think about it in advance, how can you do it foolproof?

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

The third is to develop the habit of loving and protecting animals. I've always thought that people who are cruel to animals are not worth associating. Human beings are in an absolutely dominant position in the natural world, and it is inevitable that there will be a sense of superiority that "animals need to serve us", and in recent years, incidents of abusing cats and dogs have also emerged one after another, which has alerted us. Therefore, we must be a person with a good heart, a person who can get along with creatures who are slightly inferior to us in our eyes, and a person who is worthy of his heart.

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

The fourth is to develop a good habit of saving. Maybe many turtle friends are not convinced by what I said, and feel that the wallet is obviously not enough after raising turtles, and my family suspects that I am taking drugs! Wait, but I want to ask rhetorically, which turtle or equipment is not what we need? There's no way I'm going to buy a pair of Nike for my turtles, right? So, you can take a closer look and see that the things you buy are actually what we need and what the turtle needs. The so-called saving is reflected in other aspects, for example, because of the space of the wallet, I chose to pick up the drink bottles that others don't want, haha.

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

Fifth, it has exercised our hands-on ability. Think this filter is too expensive and ridiculous? That's okay, make one yourself, buy your own materials, watch other people's production methods, step by step, and become more and more proficient. Handicapped parties like me will use the isolation board to make the sundeck by themselves, not to mention, it is indeed very cost-effective, and the saving mentioned in the fourth point, and the love of learning mentioned in the first point complement each other. Now, I'm not satisfied with just making a simple sundeck and doing it by hand? Moving nature into the turtle tank is a problem worth studying, and the environment is used to "toss"!

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

The sixth point is to develop a good habit of exercising. Why, if you don't exercise, you can't even move the turtle tank, just like the text, this body is too weak, so it is very necessary to insist on fitness, after fitness, the state is better, the reaction speed is faster, and you are no longer afraid of being hit by the sudden attack of the turtle. I see that there are a lot of turtle friends in the group who are exercising, stick to it, and together with turtles, we have been advocating to increase the amount of exercise of turtles.

Take stock of the good habits you have developed in turtle farming!

Of course, there are many other excellent habits that turtle breeding can make us develop, such as reading paper books, contemplation, solitude, etc., what kind of habits have you developed through turtle raising?