
Quma Town, Yunyang County: Focus on the "Three Ones" to celebrate "July 1st"

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, and keep the party's secret ......" In Quma Town, Yunyang County, a unique celebration of July 1 is being held here.

In order to welcome the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of Quma Town carefully organized and prepared the theme activities of the July 1st Party Building. Under the guidance of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, Quma Town guided party members and cadres to revisit their original intentions and not forget their original mission by organizing a red research and education, holding a celebration of the founding of the party, and sending a sincere care and condolences.

A red research education. On the eve of July 1st, the town party committee organized all party members and cadres in the town to visit Liming Ancient Village, Fengming Town. With its long history and profound cultural heritage, Liming Ancient Village has become an important place to inherit red culture. Party members and cadres walked into Liming Ancient Village to feel the cultural heritage and honest family style here. In the family style museum of Liming Ancient Village, party members and cadres deeply appreciate the family motto of many sages and understand the excellent family style. By revisiting the story of Hongyan heroes and martyrs, and accepting the influence of red culture on the spot, we have established the vanguard consciousness of party members and cadres to continue the red blood, carry forward the great spirit of party building, absorb the strength of endeavor, and set an example.

Quma Town, Yunyang County: Focus on the "Three Ones" to celebrate "July 1st"

A celebration of the founding of the party. On July 1st, the event kicked off with the chorus of party members "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the sonorous and powerful lyrics sang the gratitude and praise of the party members to the party. At the event site, the party members reviewed the oath of joining the party together, awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of 6 old party members, presented "political birthday" greeting cards to the party members who joined the party in June and July, and organized the oath of new party members and the speeches of party member representatives. Peng Zhiping, the main person in charge of the party committee, also gave a vivid special party lesson to the party members and cadres in the towns and villages to further encourage the party members in the town. Party members have expressed that they will take a sense of responsibility and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a strong county in the mountainous reservoir area and a modern demonstration county for enriching the people.

Quma Town, Yunyang County: Focus on the "Three Ones" to celebrate "July 1st"

A sincere care and condolences. In order to express respect and care for the old party members, the Quma Town Party Committee organized a visit and condolence activity of "July 1st Condolences to the Old Party Members and Inheritance of the Party's Warm Hearts" to send the party's care to the old party members. The principal person in charge of the town party committee led a team to the home of Deng Qinggao, a veteran party member in Qufu Village, carefully inquired about the life and physical condition of the veteran party member, and instructed him to report difficulties and problems to the town and village in a timely manner. "I am grateful for the care of the party organization, I will always keep in mind the identity of a party member, never leave the party when I leave my post, never fade after retirement, and continue to contribute my residual heat." Deng Qinggao said gratefully. It is reported that since the beginning of the year, Quma Town has organized visits to more than 30 party members, sent care and care to party members in a timely manner, understood what party members think and expect, and gathered a strong joint force of "feeling the party's kindness and following the party".

Quma Town, Yunyang County: Focus on the "Three Ones" to celebrate "July 1st"
Quma Town, Yunyang County: Focus on the "Three Ones" to celebrate "July 1st"