
Food Partner Network: June 2024 Food Industry Public Opinion Inventory

author:Food Partner Network

Core tip: The public opinion information of the food industry in June 2024 is as follows: well-known hot pot restaurants give customers "second-hand drinks" suspected of containing pills? multiple responses; It was revealed on the Internet that employees of well-known tea brands washed their feet in the pool, and the company responded and the Municipal Supervision Bureau reported; The reporter went undercover to expose the chaos in the production of duck intestines and goose intestines factories, and the city supervisors of the two places responded; Internet celebrity hot pot restaurant turns black after eating? Response from the brand; Elementary school students complain about cafeteria meals being educated? School responses, official notifications; Fat Donglai announced the investigation report of the "rolling dough" incident; was fined 800,000 yuan for illegal publicity during the sale; The well-known brand denied the rumors that the peroxide value of turkey noodles exceeded the standard; Relying on pot gas to distinguish pre-made dishes is no longer useful, and "pot gas flavor" has caused controversy; Consumer fraud is frequent.

Food Partner Network (

 Food Partner Network News The public opinion information of the food industry in June 2024 is as follows:

 1. A well-known hot pot restaurant gives customers a "second-hand drink" that is suspected of containing pills? Multiple responses

  On June 6, the news that "well-known hot pot restaurants give customers second-hand drinks" rushed to the hot search on Weibo.

  According to reports, in May, a consumer drank a foreign body suspected to be a pill in a drink while dining at a store of a well-known hot pot brand in Guangzhou, which was tested to contain acetaminophen. This drink is a "second-hand drink", a drink that other customers have not finished drinking, but is served to the table of other customers by the waiter.

  On June 5, the relevant person in charge of the headquarters of the company involved responded that the foreign body was a cold medicine. The operation of the store attendant involved seriously violated the service process specifications, and the company has seriously dealt with the relevant responsible persons in accordance with the system process, and instructed the regional person in charge to conduct special verification and guidance on the store's operation specifications to ensure that the service process is accurate and smooth.

  It was learned from the Haizhu District Market Supervision Bureau that the bureau carried out on-site inspections of the business premises involved, made records, and filed a case for investigation according to the clues reported by the citizens. At present, the case is being investigated and handled in accordance with legal procedures, and will be handled in accordance with laws and regulations based on the results of the investigation.

  2. It was revealed on the Internet that employees of well-known tea brands washed their feet in the pool, and the company responded and the Municipal Supervision Bureau reported

  On June 11, the topic of "Mixue Bingcheng customer service responds to employees washing their feet in the pool" appeared on Weibo hot search.

  According to reports, on June 10, it was reported on the Internet that employees of Mixue Bingcheng took off their shoes and washed their feet in the pool, which attracted attention. On June 11, Mixue Bingcheng responded: After verification, the clerk in the video is the father of the store owner, who was burned on his feet at work and treated with cold water for emergency treatment. At present, the store involved has been ordered to close, the store has been disinfected, and all store staff have been trained and rectified.

  In this regard, on June 12, the Market Supervision Bureau of Chaoyang District, Beijing issued a notice on the inspection of Mixue Bingcheng (Panjiayuan store), saying that during the investigation, the person in charge of the store admitted that the employee's behavior of washing his feet in the pool reflected in the video did exist, and said that the employee was due to accidental burns to his feet during the operation and then rinsed for emergency treatment. The law enforcement officers retrieved the surveillance video of the store at the scene, and the video showed that the above situation did occur. Because the employee's behavior of washing his feet in the pool in the operation area violated food safety practices, the law enforcement officers ordered the store to immediately carry out comprehensive cleaning and sanitizing to eliminate potential food safety hazards. At present, the store is closed, and the bureau will continue to follow up on its sanitation, sanitization and rectification work. Subsequently, the law enforcement officers interviewed the headquarters of Mixue Bingcheng and reminded it to strengthen training for each store, strengthen the safety awareness of employees, increase inspections, and standardize production and operation behaviors. During the interview, the company provided surveillance video recordings of the day, photos of the employee's foot burns, and a diagnosis certificate from the Jinsong No. 2 Community Health Service Center in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

  3. The reporter went undercover to expose the chaos in the production of duck intestines and goose intestines factories, and the city supervisors of the two places responded

  On June 17, some media exposed the serious problem of dirty mess in two poultry slaughtering and processing factories in Binzhou, Shandong and Qingfeng, Henan, which attracted attention.

  It is reported that in late April 2024, media reporters successively entered Henan Qingfeng County Yongguan Food Co., Ltd. and Shandong Yashixiang Meat Food Co., Ltd., and found that the duck intestines were stacked on the ground at will, and the dirty water from the cleaning ground was mixed in the duck intestines.

  In this regard, on June 17, it was learned from the market supervision and management departments of the two companies that a joint working group had been established in both places, and the production workshops involved in the two companies had been sealed, and they would be further dealt with according to the investigation.

  On June 17, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Qingfeng County, Henan Province issued a notice stating that the local government had organized the Municipal Supervision Bureau and other departments to form a joint investigation team and ordered the enterprises involved to immediately stop production for rectification in accordance with the law. All products have been sealed and those responsible have been controlled. The next step will be to investigate and deal with the relevant issues of the enterprises involved in accordance with laws and regulations.

  On June 17, a joint working group was set up in Zhanhua District, Binzhou, Shandong Province to investigate the chaos in the Yashixiang duck intestine production workshop. Wang Zhetang, director of the Fuyuan Market Supervision Institute of the Zhanhua District Market Supervision Bureau, said in an interview with the media that the production of duck intestines belongs to the processing of primary agricultural products of livestock and poultry. At present, they have sealed the duck intestine workshop, and made a record of the inquiry of the relevant responsible person, and will be further processed according to the situation found, and if suspected of violating laws and regulations, it will be punished in time.

  In addition, on the afternoon of June 17, the general manager of Shandong Yashixiang Meat Food Co., Ltd. said in an interview that the duck intestine workshop was contracted to a third party, and the third party was operating from production, operation and sales. The duck intestine workshop is dirty and messy, the company has regulatory responsibilities as the main body of production, and has shut down all the duck intestine workshops for the first time, and will cooperate with various departments to investigate and make corresponding rectifications.

  4. The tongue turns black after eating in the Internet celebrity hot pot restaurant? The brand responded

  Recently, the fact that consumers have black tongues after eating Nan hot pot has sparked heated discussions on social platforms.

  It is reported that on June 13, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The girl posted a video saying that her tongue turned black after eating with her mother in Nan hot pot. According to reports, the person said that he ordered a spicy soup and a mushroom soup, and did not order food that could make his tongue black, but after eating, his tongue became very black, as if it had been stained. The person in charge of the restaurant explained that it may be because of the iron pot, the chili peppers of the spicy pot are boiled together with the iron pot, and this problem occurs after a long time.

  In this regard, on June 15, Nan Hot Pot apologized to the party in the comment area: Due to the false reply made by the staff without investigation, I would like to express my sincere apologies to you, sorry. In addition, it also replied to the questions in the video of the party: 1. After the incident, the staff has been arranged to contact the blogger and actively communicate the matter; 2. We will arrange for the staff to accompany the blogger for a physical examination after obtaining the consent of the blogger and his companions. The loss of work expenses and other related expenses incurred in this regard will be borne by the Nan hot pot brand; 3. The samples of the bottom of the pot in the stores involved will be sent for testing, and all customers are also welcome to keep samples for testing, so that we can find out the truth together and give an explanation to all customers who support Nan hot pot.

  Subsequently, on June 17, Nan Hot Pot issued a relevant statement on the official Weibo, saying that in response to the online rumors that some customers had black tongues after dining at the Nan Hot Pot Hangzhou Olympic Sports Impression City Store, the company immediately closed the stores involved, sealed all the dishes, base materials, tableware, etc. in the same batch of dishes in the store, and sent them for inspection for the second time to investigate the cause of the problem. At the same time, the company has contacted the customer who reported the problem, and has arranged a special person to follow up on the matter. Nan hot pot also said that the ingredients used in Nan hot pot, including salt, all meet national standards, and there are no food safety problems such as "nitrite" spread on the Internet. The cause of the customer's black tongue problem after the meal has not yet been identified, and it is necessary to wait for the test results of professional institutions, and the test report will be published in the future. In response to speculations raised by netizens such as "recycling soup base", Nan Hot Pot said in the explanation, "We promise that such a situation will never happen, all the soup bases used in stores are one-time consumption, food safety is our bottom line, and we welcome every consumer to inspect any Nan Hot Pot." ”

  In the early morning of June 19, Nan Hot Pot issued a statement again: After testing by Zhejiang Guozheng Testing Technology Co., Ltd., the same batch of products in the stores involved reported by consumers met the national standards, and there was no problem of excessive nitrite. The customer's black tongue was caused by the improper maintenance of the iron pot in the store involved. The supervision of pot maintenance in stores across the country has been launched to ensure that there is no longer a problem of bad experience for customers due to poor maintenance of iron pots. Nan Hot Pot said that it apologized for the bad experience caused to customers and the confusion caused to the majority of netizens due to the maintenance of the iron pot in the store involved.

  5. Elementary school students complain about canteen meals being educated? The school responded, and the official report was announced

  Recently, a primary school student in Jiangsu posted a video saying that "he was ideologically educated for shouting about school meals", which attracted attention.

  The pupil was dissatisfied with the quality of the meals in the school cafeteria, believing that the meals provided in the school cafeteria had problems such as sprouted radish, flies, and underripe potatoes, and publicly criticized them. However, the little boy did not give in, and went home to shoot a video to continue to speak out, criticizing the school's attitude, questioning the quality of the canteen, and saying that if the school considered such meals to be the fruits of labor, he would rather give up his studies and go to make "garbage dishes" with the canteen staff. After the video was released, it attracted a lot of attention and discussion on the Internet.

  In this regard, Mr. Ni, the person in charge of the school office, said that the video was posted by Han, a sixth-grade student at the school. When the school found out about the video he posted, it immediately conducted an investigation and communication. Both Han and his parents were satisfied. Among them, regarding the problem of the canteen, Mr. Ni explained that Han mentioned the problem of flies in the canteen, but did not provide substantial evidence, so there was no way to verify it. "He also said sprouted turnips, but it's normal to have whiskers on turnips." Regarding the problem of undercooked potatoes, Mr. Ni explained: "The uncooked potatoes he mentioned may just have a hard piece in the middle. If it is really not cooked, other students should also have adverse reactions. Regarding the stalk of tomatoes, Mr. Ni said: "It is normal to have a hard part after cutting the tomato, but he thinks it is a stalk. ”

  In addition, on the evening of June 13, the Education Bureau of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou issued a briefing: Recently, there were reports that students reported that there were problems with the meals in the school canteen. The Education Bureau attaches great importance to it and has set up an investigation team and hired a third-party authoritative testing agency to conduct an in-depth investigation into the problems reported on the Internet to ensure the food safety and healthy growth of students.

  6. Fat Donglai announced the investigation report of the "rolling dough" incident

  In the early morning of June 27, Fat Donglai released an investigation report on the "poor sanitation environment of the dough rolling processing site" of Fat Donglai catering merchants in Xinxiang on Weibo. For customers who help discover major food safety hazards, give the customer a cash reward of 100,000 yuan; From June 9, 2024 to June 19, 2024, all customers who purchased rolling dough and spicy noodles at the catering department of Xinxiang Fat Donglai two stores will be refunded and given a compensation of 1,000 yuan (a total of 8,833 copies); and dismissed, dismissed, and canceled year-end benefits for the relevant staff of Fat Donglai; Xinxiang Fat Donglai dough rolling merchants are required to stop business from now on, and terminate the contract to terminate the cooperation, and withdraw the cabinet within a time limit.

  It is reported that on June 25, some customers reported on the Douyin platform that the sanitary environment of the Xinxiang Fat Donglai Joint Venture Catering Dough Processing Site was poor. After receiving feedback from customers, Fat Donglai immediately asked all the joint venture stalls of the catering department of the two restaurants in Xinxiang to be closed, and set up an investigation team to strictly investigate and implement the matter in combination with the head of the catering department.

  7. He was fined 800,000 yuan for illegal publicity during sales

  On June 26, ST Spring issued an announcement on the receipt of the "Administrative Penalty Decision" by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Tinghua Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tinghua Trading).

  In March 2024, the Beijing Chaoyang District Administration for Market Regulation found that Tinghua Trading had illegal publicity problems in the process of selling Tinghua wine. After investigation, the Chaoyang District Municipal Supervision Bureau believed that the salesman of Tinghua Trading had carried out misleading commercial publicity when selling Tinghua wine products, which violated relevant laws and regulations. As a liquor sales enterprise, Tinghua Trading should be aware of the matters that prohibit the promotion of therapeutic functions and efficacy in alcohol and food advertisements, and Tinghua Trading has provided a PDF file of "Routine Precautions for Compliance and Inspection of Experience Stores", which requires that the words used by the clerks of the experience store when receiving consumers cannot mention the efficacy, and that Tinghua Trading also requires or acquiesces to the employees to introduce the efficacy of the Tinghua series of liquor and "rejuvenation cases" to consumers when they know that the words used by Tinghua Trade cannot mention the relevant effects of Tinghua liquor when receiving consumersThe subjective intent is obvious, causing a certain degree of negative social impact, and should be punished heavily.

  In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Chaoyang District Municipal Supervision Bureau ordered Tinghua Trading to immediately stop the above-mentioned illegal acts and decided to fine 800,000 yuan.

  Previously, Chengdu Tinghua Shengshi Trading Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of ST Spring, received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" from the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu in May this year, and imposed an administrative penalty on it for violating relevant laws and regulations in the sales process of "Tinghua Wine", ordered to stop illegal publicity, and imposed a fine of 1.8 million yuan.

  8. The well-known brand denied the rumors that the peroxide value of turkey noodles exceeded the standard

  On June 17, the topic of "turkey noodles" appeared on Weibo hot search, and it is reported that some netizens questioned that the shelf life of turkey noodles sold by Samyang Foods in China is 12 months, and the peroxide value exceeds the standard, while the shelf life of turkey noodles sold locally in South Korea is only 6 months.

  In response, on the evening of June 17, Samyang Foods responded on its official Weibo account that there had been untrue rumors that the "peroxide value" of Samyang turkey noodles had exceeded the standard, and that the products sold by Samyang Foods were in line with the national standards. At the same time, a video of the official test report of SGS, a professional testing organization, is attached. Samyang Food said that in particular, the national standard for fried noodles in China requires a limited value of the "peroxide value" of fried noodles, so the Samyang turkeys sold through regular channels are all compliant products.

  9. Relying on pot gas to distinguish prefabricated dishes is no longer useful, and "pot gas flavor" is controversial

  Pyrotechnics has always been considered the biggest difference between freshly stir-fried vegetables and pre-made dishes. Consumers generally believe that pre-made dishes lack smoke and no pot gas. However, it is reported that recently, some businesses have begun to make a fuss about pot gas. By adding "pot gas flavor" and heating in a casserole, you can "beautify" the pre-made dishes so that the food is the same as the freshly fried food.

  So, can pot gas flavor be used? Is it safe? A media reporter placed an order for a 10ml bottle of pot gas flavor from the Internet. The ingredient list of this product only says "food spice excipients", but the specific substances are synthesized are not shown. Are food flavoring excipients natural or chemically synthetic? According to the product customer service, food flavor is a flavor with natural flavor with natural flavor by referring to the flavor of natural food, using natural and natural equivalent flavors, synthetic flavors and carefully blended flavors. When you open the cap, you can immediately smell a strong aroma, like the smell of cooled oil in the kitchen. The scope of application shown on the bottle is for use in a variety of processed foods in accordance with the principle of GB30616. The recommended dosage is 0.1-0.2%, and you need to add it as needed. The customer service told reporters that when the stir-fry is about to be fried, it can be added according to the ratio of 1 ml of flavor added to one kilogram of raw materials.

  In this regard, the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau of Yuhuatai District, Nanjing City, said: It is not recommended for personal consumption, nor is it recommended to eat it directly.

  10. Consumer fraud incidents are frequent

  In June, a number of consumer fraud incidents attracted public attention.

  Event 1: "Durian ghost scale" weighed 18 catties out of 8 catties, and the official released a circular

  On June 7, some netizens posted a video or article on the online platform "Guangxi Roadside Stalls Present Durian Ghost Scales, 8 Pounds Weigh 18 Pounds". It is reported that on the evening of June 6, near Beihu Road, Xixiangtang District, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a tourist said that he bought an 18-kilogram durian at a street stall, and found that the durian was only 8 kilograms and 2 taels. Just as the tourists were about to call the police, the vendor suddenly shouted, "Come and hit me."

  On June 8, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Xixiangtang District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, issued two consecutive circulars, stating that the bureau immediately organized law enforcement personnel to investigate the incident and questioned the stall owner concerned, and the stall owner had admitted that he had two acts of shortage. After filing a case for investigation, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Metrology Law, our bureau imposed an administrative penalty of confiscation of 1 unqualified electronic pricing scale, confiscation of 290 yuan of illegal income and a fine of 2,000 yuan on the mobile durian vendor stall owner who used unqualified measuring instruments.

  Incident 2: The official response to the anti-counterfeiting of Mrs. B Changsha Night Market

  On June 4, the Internet celebrity "Mrs. B" posted a video saying that the merchants in the Changsha Night Market had "yin and yang scales" and "low standards and high knots".

  In the video, the owner of a fruit fishing vendor claimed that "18 yuan a catty", and at the time of settlement, the fruit fishing weighing 740g should have been charged 26.64 yuan, but the boss had to charge 32 yuan. When the weight was weighed again, the boss revised the unit price to 36 yuan per kilogram. After that, a girl bought durian and met the "dead bag" to find the boss theory, and the fruit car showed a price of 19.8 yuan a catty, but the girl said that it was not a brand of this price when she bought it before. Later, when I left and met the boss again, I found that the price on his car had changed to "40 yuan a piece, 100 yuan for 3".

  In response to the above situation, a staff member of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Tianxin District, Changsha City, said that he had paid attention to the video, and the relevant departments were currently verifying it, and if there were violations, they would definitely be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations. On June 5, it was learned from the relevant units of Tianxin District, Changsha City, that the vendor of the "Night Market Fruit Fishing Ghost Scale" in the video had been found, and the market supervision department had notified him to accept investigation.

  Subsequently, the Changsha market supervision department began to rectify the Red Star Fruit Market, confiscated and destroyed measuring instruments, found 153 cases of dishonest business behavior, and filed 11 cases for investigation and punishment.

  Incident 3: Hangzhou West Lake Municipal Supervisor reported that the blogger bought a fake "Shifeng Longjing"

  On June 17, the well-known blogger @superB Tai posted a video exposing the market chaos in the Longjing tea production area of West Lake in Hangzhou, which attracted attention.

  The blogger said in the video that he said that he did not know the authenticity of the West Lake Longjing he bought for 3,880 yuan a catty, and learned from the business account that the driver would receive a 50% commission for soliciting tea to buy tea.

  In this regard, on June 17, the West Lake Scenic Area Branch of the Hangzhou Municipal Administration for Market Supervision and Administration in Zhejiang Province issued a notice on the blogger's report of "buying Longjing tea in a tea shop in Longjing Village, West Lake Scenic Area", saying that after preliminary investigation, the salesman of the store (Longjing No. 189) sold Longjing tea produced in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City as "West Lake (Shifeng) Longjing" to the parties three times in a row, with a total sales amount of 1,800 yuan, which was suspected of false publicity. At present, the case is under further investigation.

  Incident 4: The man complained about buying chicken feet and was assassinated 2 27.4 yuan The scenic spot responded

  On June 20, #男子吐槽买鸡爪遇刺客两个27.4 yuan# was on the hot search.

  It is reported that on June 18, a customer posted a video complaining that he bought two chicken feet for 27.4 yuan on Hefang Street in Hangzhou. The client, Mr. Zhou, said that he spent 27.4 yuan, which he felt was a bit expensive, and finally paid for it.

  In this regard, the staff of Hefang Street Scenic Area said that most of the stalls in the scenic area will be clearly marked with prices and price signs, which generally does not occur, but it is not excluded that there are individuals. Consumers also need to have some eyes before buying, ask the price before buying, and make some predictions. Tourists can immediately complain to the scenic spot when they encounter this situation, and the scenic spot will deal with feedback.

  On June 21, the person in charge of Hangzhou Qingbo Market Supervision and Management Institute said that after the incident, he had gone to the scene to investigate and verify, and there was no unspecified price. It is understood that the staff of the Qingbo Market Supervision Office found that the price tag of the store was not eye-catching, and suggested that the store involved should be replaced on the spot. According to the person in charge of the institute, since the May Day incident of "there are no chickens in the chickens" on Hefang Street, they have strengthened the management of shops, hoping to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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Food Partner Network: June 2024 Food Industry Public Opinion Inventory

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