
Food Partner Network: Summary of Public Opinion Information in the Food Industry in a Week(2024.06.24-06.30)

author:Food Partner Network

Core tips: From June 24, 2024 to June 30, 2024, the public opinion information of the food industry includes: Fat Donglai announced the investigation report of the "rolling dough" incident; was fined 800,000 yuan for illegal publicity during the sale; Fushou snails are sold as snails? Official Notifications; "Physical examination artifact" nitrogen pump attracts attention; A well-known tea brand store was fined 70,000 yuan for using expired raw materials; Moutai responded that "the fake Moutai was identified as real"; The well-known new tea drink was accused of rubbing the edge and changing its name to "Little White Gardenia"; The female customer shared utensils with the dog and was fined 2,000 yuan for the restaurant involved; The customer service of a well-known tea brand responded to the new product being complained about the smell of feet; The founder of the small pot of tea apologized.

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  Fat Donglai announced the investigation report of the "rolling dough" incident

  On June 25, some customers reported on the Douyin platform that the hygienic environment of the Xinxiang Fat Donglai joint venture catering dough rolling processing site was poor. After receiving feedback from customers, Fat Donglai immediately asked all the joint venture stalls of the catering department of the two restaurants in Xinxiang to be closed, and set up an investigation team to strictly investigate and implement the matter in combination with the head of the catering department.

  In the early morning of June 27, Fat Donglai released an investigation report on the "poor sanitation environment of the dough rolling processing site" of Fat Donglai catering merchants in Xinxiang on Weibo. For customers who help discover major food safety hazards, give the customer a cash reward of 100,000 yuan; From June 9, 2024 to June 19, 2024, all customers who purchased rolling dough and spicy noodles at the catering department of Xinxiang Fat Donglai two stores will be refunded and given a compensation of 1,000 yuan (a total of 8,833 copies); and dismissed, dismissed, and canceled year-end benefits for the relevant staff of Fat Donglai; Xinxiang Fat Donglai dough rolling merchants are required to stop business from now on, and terminate the contract to terminate the cooperation, and withdraw the cabinet within a time limit.

  He was fined 800,000 yuan for illegal publicity during the sale

  On June 26, ST Spring issued an announcement on the receipt of the "Administrative Penalty Decision" by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Tinghua Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tinghua Trading).

  In March 2024, the Beijing Chaoyang District Administration for Market Regulation found that Tinghua Trading had illegal publicity problems in the process of selling Tinghua wine. After investigation, the Chaoyang District Municipal Supervision Bureau believed that the salesman of Tinghua Trading had carried out misleading commercial publicity when selling Tinghua wine products, which violated relevant laws and regulations. As a liquor sales enterprise, Tinghua Trading should be aware of the matters that prohibit the promotion of therapeutic functions and efficacy in alcohol and food advertisements, and Tinghua Trading has provided a PDF file of "Routine Precautions for Compliance and Inspection of Experience Stores", which requires that the words used by the clerks of the experience store when receiving consumers cannot mention the efficacy, and that Tinghua Trading also requires or acquiesces to the employees to introduce the efficacy of the Tinghua series of liquor and "rejuvenation cases" to consumers when they know that the words used by Tinghua Trade cannot mention the relevant effects of Tinghua liquor when receiving consumersThe subjective intent is obvious, causing a certain degree of negative social impact, and should be punished heavily.

  In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Chaoyang District Municipal Supervision Bureau ordered Tinghua Trading to immediately stop the above-mentioned illegal acts and decided to fine 800,000 yuan.

  Previously, Chengdu Tinghua Shengshi Trading Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of ST Spring, received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" from the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu in May this year, and imposed an administrative penalty on it for violating relevant laws and regulations in the sales process of "Tinghua Wine", ordered to stop illegal publicity, and imposed a fine of 1.8 million yuan.

  Fushou snails are sold as snails? Official Bulletin

  According to reports, in early June, the media in Hunan, Chongqing and other places unannounced investigation found that the price of Fushou snails caught from the wild is extremely low, and the price difference between the price of snails and ring snails is several times. The person in charge of the factory said that in recent years, the number of snails has decreased, and there are more and more Fushou snails in wild waters, and the shelled Fushou snails are easy to see.

  In this regard, on June 29, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Hanshou County, Hunan Province issued a circular on investigating and punishing the use of Fushou snails by two enterprises to sell snail meat as snails in accordance with the law. According to the report, on June 28, some media reported that Hanshou County Xiangyuan Special Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. and Hongtai Food Factory used Fushou snails to pretend to be snail meat sales, Hanshou County attached great importance to it, acted quickly, and immediately set up a joint law enforcement team led by the County Market Supervision Bureau, county public security, environmental protection and other departments rushed to the scene, the joint law enforcement team has seized the enterprises involved, and sealed all finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials on the spot, and the public security organs have summoned the legal persons involved in the enterprise in place. Follow-up handling in accordance with laws and regulations will be promptly reported to the public.

  The "physical examination artifact" nitrogen pump attracts attention

  Recently, a product called "nitrogen pump" has been "deified" by merchants, claiming that this product can "break through the bottleneck period of physical fitness", known as "physical examination artifact", which has attracted widespread attention.

  On the e-commerce platform, you can search for a variety of related products with "nitrogen pump" as a keyword. On the homepage, you can clearly see the words "effective strength training supplements" and "energy storage sprint preparation".

  It is reported that at present, the main active ingredients in the nitrogen pump are caffeine, β-alanine, creatine, arginine, etc., and there will be differences in the composition of the formula and the dosage of raw materials for different brands.

  According to industry insiders, "nitrogen pump" is a nutritional supplement used by some athletes and fitness enthusiasts, which belongs to the food category, not health food, and is only suitable for people with specific needs.

  Nitrogen pump products belong to "sports nutrition food", and the implementation standard is the "National Food Safety Standard General Principles for Sports Nutrition Food" (GB24154-2015). Some media found that among the hot-selling products on the e-commerce platform, some nitrogen pumps (single) have a caffeine content of more than 100 mg, and according to the "National Food Safety Standard - General Principles of Sports Nutrition Food", such products may have exceeded the national standard.

  Some professionals believe that adding some functional ingredients to food can relieve fatigue and pain after exercise, and increase exercise excitability. If the food additives exceed this amount, it may cause some damage to the body. For example, excessive intake of taurine will increase the burden of renal excretion, increase the potential risk, and will also have a certain impact on the growth and development of children and adolescents.

  The store of a well-known tea brand was fined 70,000 yuan for using expired raw materials

  On June 21, Beijing Yixin Catering Service Co., Ltd. (Mo Yogurt Ito-Yokado Store) was fined 70,000 yuan by the Beijing Chaoyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for using food raw materials that exceeded the shelf life and failing to store food as required.

  According to the administrative penalty decision, after investigation, the party used the "steamed barley" with a production date of November 23, 2023 (shelf life of 4 months) in the process of making milkshakes on May 9, 2024 and May 11, 2024. "Steamed barley" has exceeded its shelf life for more than 40 days when it is used.

  In addition, on May 27, 2024, when the law enforcement officers of the bureau went to the residence of the party to conduct an on-site inspection, they measured the temperature in the refrigerator where the raw materials were stored, and the temperature did not meet the storage temperature requirements marked on the raw materials, and there were stains on the operating countertop. The parties agreed that the refrigerator for storing raw materials did not meet the temperature required to ensure food safety and that there were stains on the operating surface of the place. The law enforcement officers inspected the parties on the spot, and the labels of the various ingredient tanks were fully marked and identified, all of which were within the validity period, and the production dates and expiration dates of various raw materials were fully identified, and no expired raw materials were found on the scene.

  Moutai responds that "fake Moutai has been identified as real"

  Recently, #自制假茅台被打假办鉴定为真#冲上热搜.

  It is reported that on the evening of June 20, some media reported that "self-made fake Moutai was identified as genuine". The media reporter bought materials on the e-commerce platform and pieced together a bottle of Moutai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Rabbit, and went to an official Moutai anti-counterfeiting office in Wuhan as a consumer for identification, and the product was identified as genuine by the staff.

  In this regard, on June 22, the official website of Kweichow Moutai Group issued an explanation on the verification of relevant media reports. According to the company's internal investigation, in the appraisal process on May 11 and May 18, the appraisers Cai and Chen had the problem of not being meticulous and rigorous in the appraisal operation, reflecting the company's weak links in the management of the product appraisal process. The company will continue to be consumer-centric, continue to improve the professional ability and digital level of product appraisal, and strengthen the construction of product appraisal management system. In view of the pain points such as the use of recycled packaging materials to make counterfeit products, we continuously optimize the product anti-counterfeiting traceability system to effectively provide consumers with a better consumption experience.

  The new well-known tea drink was accused of rubbing the edge and changed its name to "Little White Gardenia"

  On the evening of June 25, the topic of "Heytea's new name Xiao Ni Gardenia was accused of rubbing the edges" rushed to the hot search.

  According to reports, some consumers said that the pronunciation of Heytea's new milk tea "Xiao Milk Gardenia" was suspected of rubbing the edges, causing discomfort. Some netizens also said that they were embarrassed when ordering offline.

  In this regard, the staff of Heytea store said that the name was set by the company, and they have not encountered this problem of consumer reaction.

  On June 28, Heytea's official order applet showed that the new milk tea "Little Milk Gardenia", which had previously caused controversy, had been renamed "Little White Gardenia".

  In this regard, Heytea customer service said: "Little White Gardenia" is indeed the latest name of this product, for the naming of this product, we have always been just to express the natural gardenia fragrance and milk fragrance of the product. According to your feedback, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, "Little White Gardenia" has become the latest name of this product, thank you for your attention.

  The female customer shared utensils with the dog and was fined 2,000 yuan for the restaurant involved

  On June 24, some netizens posted a video saying that a woman was seen sharing utensils with her pet when he was dining at a rice gentleman in Shanghai recently. In the video, the female customer takes a bite and feeds the pet dog with the same pair of chopsticks. Netizens said, "Although cats and dogs are cute, it is unacceptable for people and pets to share utensils in public", "It feels very unhygienic and even a little disgusting". Some netizens also believe that pets should not be allowed in restaurants.

  On the afternoon of June 26, the staff of the mall where the store is located said that the mall stipulates that pets do not land, otherwise they will be fined. After verification by the mall, the above situation was confirmed to be true, and Mr. Rice has now sanitized the tableware and restaurant. However, due to the poor supervision of Mr. Rice's store, which affected the dining experience of consumers, the mall fined him 2,000 yuan.

  The customer service of a well-known tea brand responded to the new product being complained about the smell of feet

  Recently, the taste of Mixue Bingcheng's new product "glutinous lemon tea" has attracted attention. Many netizens complained that they wanted to vomit when they drank it, and it smelled of their feet, which felt very much like rag water; But some netizens said that it was delicious and hoped that it would not be taken off the shelves.

  In this regard, the official customer service of Mixue Bingcheng said that all drinks in Mixue Bingcheng have a unified meal preparation standard, and the store needs to prepare meals in accordance with a unified meal preparation standard. Everyone's taste is different, it depends on the individual's taste. If the customer does not feel that it tastes good, it is recommended not to buy it.

  The founder of the small pot of tea apologized

  On June 26, it was reported that recently, at the 12th anniversary celebration of the much-talked-about tea brand Small Pot Tea, the founder of the brand, Du Guoying, apologized to the public for the controversy caused by the promotion of "Master Works".

  He said that the corporate advertising slogan "masterpiece" has brought misunderstandings to consumers. He stressed that although Xiaocan tea has always strived for excellent quality and unique taste, the promotion of "masterpiece" has indeed brought unnecessary trouble to consumers. For this, on behalf of the small pot tea team, he expressed his deep apologies to the majority of consumers.

  In order to correct this misunderstanding, Du Guoying announced that the small pot of tea will no longer emphasize the promotion of "masterpieces", but will devote more energy to the quality improvement and service optimization of the product itself. He revealed that the small pot of tea will increase investment in raw material procurement, production technology and quality control to ensure that each product can meet high quality standards. At the same time, small pots of tea will also strengthen after-sales service to provide consumers with a more convenient and efficient service experience. In addition to the quality improvement and service optimization of the product itself, Xiaocan Tea also announced a move: 135 tea-making patents will be published free of charge.

  This article is edited by the Food Information Center of Food Partner Network, unauthorized reproduction is prohibited, if you need to reprint, please contact to obtain authorization to reprint, please contact [email protected].

Food Partner Network: Summary of Public Opinion Information in the Food Industry in a Week(2024.06.24-06.30)

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