
The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

author:Han Pang said decoration

As the saying goes: "The people take food as the sky", and eating is the topic that the people are most concerned about. Only when you have a full stomach is the most basic need.

The kitchen is a place for cooking and cooking, because our Chinese cooking habits are frying, frying, and stir-frying, and the oil smoke and oil stains produced will be more. In order to prevent the fumes from scattering, they attach to the walls and furniture, and become greasy everywhere. Therefore, many people will install range hoods in their homes.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

1. What is the "waste oil" of the range hood?

"Waste oil" is the oil smoke generated during cooking, which slowly gathers over time. Waste oil contains a lot of protein, just like engine oil, which has a lot of wonderful uses in life.

Most range hoods are designed with an oil box, and when the oil smoke accumulates to a certain extent, it will collect into "waste oil".

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Many people will directly pour out the "waste oil" in the range hood, but as everyone knows, these "waste oil" still have a lot of wonderful uses, don't pour it out. If used properly, it can save hundreds of dollars a year.

When we clean the range hood, we only need to take out the small box and then take a container to collect the waste oil.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Second, the magic of the "waste oil" of the range hood

1. Remove stubborn oil stains and oil stains

There is mutual miscibility between waste oil and grease, which means that waste oil can easily dissolve stubborn oil stains and oil stains.

If there are stubborn grease stains and grease stains on the kitchen stove, range hood, and kitchen utensils, it is difficult to clean them, even if various detergents are not very effective.

In the face of this problem, the waste oil in the range hood is simply a natural stain remover, which can easily solve the problem of kitchen oil stains and oil stains.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Specific operations:

We only need to apply the waste oil evenly to the surface of the range hood. Then rub it slightly and wipe it with water. At this time, you will be surprised to find that the stubborn oil stains and oil stains have disappeared and become clean and refreshing again.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

2. Serve as flower fertilizer

Many people will plant some potted plants in their homes, which can not only decorate the environment, but also purify the air, and even improve the feng shui fortune of the family.

If you want green plants to grow well, it is not enough to simply water and bask in the sun, you also need to fertilize regularly. Coincidentally, the waste oil in the range hood can be used as fertilizer for green plants.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Specific operations:

Pour an appropriate amount of waste oil into the pot of the green plant, and then cover the top of the waste oil with a layer of soil.

Waste oil contains protein, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are nutrients for raising flowers and plants. They allow plants to thrive and save money on fertilizer.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

3. Maintenance of wooden furniture

A lot of wooden furniture needs regular maintenance. This gives the furniture a shinier look and a longer lifespan.

If there are wooden furniture at home that need to be maintained, there is no need to buy special maintenance products at all, and the waste oil in the range hood can come in handy.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Specific operations:

Mix waste oil with a small amount of lemon juice, then dip some with a soft cloth and wipe evenly on the surface of the furniture.

Because the characteristics of waste oil are similar to those of industrial oil, it can form a protective film on the surface of wooden furniture, making the wood shiny and shiny, and preventing the furniture from drying out.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

4. Maintain scissors, pliers and other tools

Pliers, scissors, and other tools are prone to rust if they are not used for a long time. When you use it again, it will be rusty and not lubricated enough, which makes it very difficult to use.

We can usually use "waste oil" to maintain scissors, pliers and other tools to avoid rust.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Specific operations:

Use a cotton swab dipped in a little waste oil and directly connect the scissors and pliers. Then quickly pinch and grip a few times, and the waste oil can greatly improve the lubrication of scissors and pliers.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

5. Lubricate hinges, locks, and hinges

Hardware such as door locks, cabinet hinges, hinges, etc., if there is a lack of lubricating oil, the door will make a creaking sound every time it is opened and closed.

In the face of this situation, it is generally necessary to apply some lubricating oil to the hardware. If you have "waste oil" at home, you can directly mention the lubricating oil to use.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Specific operations:

Use a cotton swab dipped in some waste oil and apply it to the hardware. Not only does it have a lubricating effect, but it also prevents rust.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

6. Make oil lamps

Nowadays, it is rare to see "oil lamps", if you want to miss the oil lamps occasionally, you can directly use the waste oil in the range hood to make them.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Specific operations:

Prepare a suitable container and a cotton rope. Then pour waste oil into the container, and then put the cotton rope in to make sure that the cotton rope is completely soaked in the waste oil.

After the cotton rope fully absorbs the waste oil, pull out one end of it for a short section. Then use a lighter to light the cotton rope, and a simple oil lamp is completed.

If there is a power outage at home and there is no lighting equipment, you can use oil lamps to solve your urgent needs, which is practical and environmentally friendly.

The "waste oil" in the range hood, don't pour it out, it is very useful, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year

Summary at the end of the article

The waste oil in the range hood is not the concern of most people. However, as long as we use it properly, it can still play a lot of magical uses. After reading this article, don't dump the waste oil at home anymore and collect it in case you need it.

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