
Chess meets the opponent's ninth part of the vicissitudes of the sea (73) opportunities and pies

author:Writer 荟


Text/Han Xueli

Chess meets the opponent's ninth part of the vicissitudes of the sea (73) opportunities and pies

The sea is not deep - everything is a wild dream before you can have a chance

Tang Tao was surprised at the time, there was really a play, I thought he was a little surprised.

Qiao Ting said, why do you think, everything is a wild fantasy before you can have a chance, you want to wait for everything to be ready-made, what is the chance, that is not the opportunity that is pie, anyway, the meaning of setting up a site in Qingxi Courtyard is completely different from the original arrangement of the ten-mile green corridor, I just knew, that the junction of the three villages, what kind of agricultural product trading center, the original third ring road in the urban area is about to move out, that has been negotiated, put the site there, it is a support, however, Minister Lu took a lot of subway setting principles in other cities, That kind of wholesale market, a few people are traveling by the subway, that to consider the logistics and transportation convenience is inconvenient, that is all freight cars, you get a subway is not meaningful, what really wants to travel is our kind of large residential area, anyway, his words, influential, he got a bunch of information, a short time can not be prepared too detailed, he said he went back to sort it out, and another appointment two days later.

Tang Taoxin's words, is it really possible, he is happy, that's great, if that's the case, it's too beneficial to our real estate, in this way, what kind of cooperation do you need, you say directly.

Qiao Ting wanted to say no, but suddenly had an idea, I don't know how to get you to cooperate now, you are right, real estate is the biggest benefit, why are you okay, you think about what you have to do, how can you have money to contribute, okay, I won't talk to you, I'm in the group.

Tang Tao wondered, are you driving by yourself, this speed is not like you.

Qiao Ting said of course not, Brother Jiang asked the cyclamen to come to the office of the hotel to arrange someone to send me, don't they have a special car class, and some VIP customers are transported to the airport by car.

Tang Tao is not stupid, Qiao Ting, it is not the biggest benefit of real estate, it is the group, it is the group, your strategy is higher, the position is the group, you think, so the group has moved, that is not.

Qiao Ting immediately understood, I understood, so there is a complete reason not to arrange a shuttle, and now it is a subsidy, in that case, through the subway, you can save it, and people in the urban area will not feel that the transportation cost is too high. Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, okay, I know, but you also have to think about it, this thing has been promoted, it can be beneficial to the Qingxi business district, you must know that the pedestrian street, the real estate is self-operated, at that time, the customer was afraid of losses, and was unwilling to buy, now it's okay, they want to buy, we don't sell it.

Tang Tao smiled, okay, I know, I'm here in the uncle, I asked him, in fact, where is this station, the county has the right to suggest, after all, it involves the demolition of this piece, if we are here, just use the land of the ring line, not demolished, if we use the ten-mile green corridor, we must consider demolition, how complicated, I want to think about it, I understand the relevant situation, this, at that time, it should be promised as a preferential policy for the agricultural product trading market, of course, they may not have much demand for this, but, The market must be willing, take a look at it now, when the big deal is announced, this station is vague first, you don't have to worry, to start construction, at least the preparation work will take more than a year, not in a hurry.

He was embarrassed to say, in fact, whether it was Hualv or Yuanhuang, its influence may not be as good as that of Liyuan Group, and it is estimated that people's attitude is so good, it is because the project manager of Liyuan Qingxi Shopping Mall has passed. This Shen Yunjing's face is too much, of course, this face is not real estate, it is the group, so they don't need to think about it.

Jiang Chenyangle, our manager Qiao is so cute, this station, it is actually a transportation subsidy, why didn't I expect it, he is very happy, he is here, his mood is more peaceful and his mind is more relaxed.

Nodding to Aunt Xiang, yes, yes, yes, how pragmatic this is, the transportation subsidy, it's also a lot, you should also work hard, saving money is making money, isn't that what you said.

Jiang Chenyang nodded, yes, I have to think about it, how can I make Manager Qiao's money-saving strategy come true.

Tang Tao smiled, he was also funny, he didn't actually mean that, but he couldn't say it in too much detail on the phone, people just understood it, it is estimated that Peng Dong will definitely laugh at it, and it can't be said that it is unreasonable, this is the most straightforward benefit, which one can't deny it, this benefit is too direct, and it's not easy for everyone to mention it if it's not direct. Needless to say. Peng Dong arranged for Qiao Ting to contact Shen Yunjing at that time, and he clearly understood that the significance of this site was not to save money at all.

Chess meets the opponent's ninth part of the vicissitudes of the sea (73) opportunities and pies

Sometimes it's not that you're in a hurry to fight for it, it's about thinking about what is in the other person's interest to do it

Peng Dong looked at Qiao Ting in front of him, it was really strange, why was she still so excited, this was also convincing, give the tea to Qiao Ting, don't worry, you have a cup of tea, calm down, think about it, this matter, if you stand in the other party's perspective, under what circumstances, they are willing to push, sometimes it is not that you are in a hurry to fight, you have to think of the other party doing this, what is in their interests. You've been talking for a long time now, and it's all in your interest.

This, Qiao Ting drinks tea, and he has no taste at all, so he still drinks it as water.

Peng Dong shook his head, can't you slow down, the taste of tea and Zen, how much artistic conception, let you drink it, if you are not too young, you should be allowed to read more religious books, forget it, in a few years, you will be less young people flamboyant and lively.

Qiao Ting put down the tea, boss, you still have the heart to study this, can you take this matter seriously, don't you feel, if it really happens, how good will it be to Qingxi Courtyard, otherwise, why is Lu Haibei so concerned, in fact, their first phase is a pure villa project, no way, he can't adjust the floor area ratio, now it's not as good as when we built a commercial street, it was too desolate at that time, now Qingxi Road is open, and the cultural park is up, and now the county needs products that can improve quality. Therefore, he can only make villas, and even garden house products cannot be considered in the first phase, and his customer groups are all villa groups.

This kind of person, in fact, doesn't care about the subway or not, that's not their means of transportation, but people are still so active, just for a subway concept, he wants a high-end project on the transportation line, self-occupation is life, investment is the future, we have to be more active, we have a small high product in the third phase, our owner group really needs a subway line, so that the county can live, people who work in the urban area are attracted, the price is higher than the county, lower than the urban area, what a good opportunity.

She was full of energy, her face was excited, Peng Dong's eyes were withdrawn from the orchid on the windowsill, why didn't I care, Do you think, why did Mr. Shen arrange the project manager of Liyuan Qingxi Shopping Mall, it would be good to give you a secretary, do you think the project manager has anything to do with this matter, people just run to be a set board, for more than a year, the project manager has been running to the relevant departments in the county all day long, and everyone still doesn't know which one he is.

Qiao Ting suddenly, you and Mr. Shen have been in contact.

Peng Dong nodded, I originally wanted to see your co-ordination ability, but as soon as you encounter the project, you are only excited, and a point will make you dizzy, where is there still time to think about lines and surfaces.

A little ashamed, Qiao Ting admitted, I don't have the effort, originally Director Jiang also sent me a bunch of work, she immediately shouted, I asked him to calculate again, he really succeeded, let me get what kind of collaboration process, the result finally became to write the department's half-year summary, inside and out, I went to him to shake around, I had to write a summary, but the semi-annual summary, it was really okay, this was originally his business, he now all this kind of submission to the board of directors, have pushed it to me, he said he can't do PPT, what, I can change it to PPT, really, Slick.

Peng Dong nodded, people are showing favor to me, he came to take the initiative to communicate last time, I know, you played a role, I don't know how you fooled him, he came over, but talking about children's education, said that Peng Gang gave his son a lot of help, and he invited Peng Gang to dinner, I could only push, saying that they are alumni, their friendship, let them please themselves, Peng Gang will participate in their school celebration activities next month, some of them met, he was excited when he heard it, I had to ask Peng Gang to bring something, I had to agree, He co-authored an hour of his time, just talking about children, I don't mean I can't, but it was an hour of work for the group financial director and the chairman, just talking about this, can I change the time outside of work.

Chess meets the opponent's ninth part of the vicissitudes of the sea (73) opportunities and pies

The vicissitudes of the sea are not deep - but does anyone not love money, even if it is not straightforward and unobtrusive love, but can it be separated?

Qiao Ting smiled, our director is a gesture, the gesture is done, he can't talk about anything else, he can't talk, he doesn't know your intentions at all, a bunch of people want him to promote the group's move, but he was positive, can see the rent, and then he is not energetic, saying that he only looks at money, too short-sighted, as a shareholder, to have a strategic perspective that is more important than money, what else can I say, boss, you are not right, come and not be rude, you should pay a return visit, only others can come to you, not you can go to others, It's no wonder that he always feels lost, back then, Zheng Dong, one day I didn't go around him, even if I didn't enter the chairman's office, I went to him, what about you, your sense of distance is too straightforward, if I were him, I would feel helpless.

Peng Dong deliberately talked about other things, so that Qiao Ting's thoughts, not only on the subway line, he nodded, okay, I'll pay a return visit, what do you say I talk about, I also talk about education, okay, do I have so much time, I'm not better than him, the work that can be pushed, all pushed down, okay, just take care of a system formulation work inspection, you see him stuck all day long, that punctuality.

Qiao Ting immediately said, this is efficient management, you also admit it, you have to have your subordinates busier than your superiors, otherwise let them have nothing to do every day, you, it's just too hard for yourself, some things, you have to push it out, is it a big deal to do more supervision, Director Shen, what are you afraid of.

Now everyone says that because of Director Shen, everyone has developed a particularly good work habit, even when they get off work, they have to clean up the office desktop and clean up the office, because Shen Fan has done a big spot check, looking for an hour after getting off work, in addition to the finance department and the archives, they are all accompanied by the human resources director and administrative director of the branch to check it, of course, there are problems, the computer monitor is not turned off, the windows are not closed, the office floor is not clean, anyway, Director Shen took a photo, sent an intranet and forum, By the way, half of the quarterly bonus for the department head in question will be deducted.

He said that he was particularly gentle, did not report criticism, did not deduct the bonus, this is already particularly mild, if there is a next time, it can only be done officially, this trick is too powerful, all of a sudden let the heads of various departments have a sense of responsibility, they check the subordinate offices every day, completely against the group's office management regulations.

Jiang Hanxing sighed, Shen Yanzi is a 360-degree inspector with no dead ends, and he completely treats work as a hot object, that considerate and meticulous.

If it was before, mention the decentralization, Peng Dong will frown, this time he said, go back and talk to Lao Xiang, see how to authorize this, how can it be safer, I admit that I manage more, however, he sighed, there are some things, strategic level, and, the Chen family, I can't completely push it out, forget it, less transactional work, some data audit, to properly delegate power, I am strange, how Lao Xiang tossed, he has a lot of things, and he also puts a state of retirement, and it is Tang Architecture, and Song Tang Real Estate, It's going to the county again, and he has to take care of the real estate, how does he divide the labor.

Qiao Tingle, he, is only doing what only he can do, as long as this thing, others can do it, not at the strategic level, they are all assigned, anyway, I think, others are busier than him, and he really wants to have a meeting, he has to ask them first, do you have time, what are you tossing, can you have a meeting as soon as possible. Once Accountant Wu had something to do, so he changed the time. Manager Cao also said that there is only the matter of Accountant Wu, so that Xiang always has to make concessions, no way, Accountant Wu said that if his work is interrupted, pick it up again, it will especially affect the efficiency, and his train of thought cannot be interrupted.

Peng Dong looked at the watch, and then turned back to the subway line, okay, there are some things, planning things in the people, things are in the sky, what about you, the heart is done, you don't have to be too deliberate, you can summarize the information, however, you are all auxiliary, not decision-making, you think differently, change the subway station, where is the benefit, this benefit, will it affect their decision, and there is the ten-mile green corridor, if there is a site, there are no interference factors, you have to use your brain, but you are not longer than this, you can think about it, I'll let Han Xing do it, he is better at these things than you, and you can do it at the professional level, if you think about it again, your thinking has too many limitations, and sometimes you can't jump out of it.

Qiao Ting nodded, I know, I just can't think of it, for example, I just just thought, what is the benefit of the site in Qingxi Courtyard, I haven't thought about putting it in the Ten Mile Green Corridor, what are the unreasonable factors, boss, you are wise, this matter, let Brother Jiang make it very suitable, he has any idea, anyway, he can make friends with anyone, the news channel is much more powerful than me, but you have to criticize, he should tell me not to tell, delay my business more.

No, I have to bribe Su Hongbo, and real estate-related information in the future, tell me first, I want first-hand information, if I know for a long time, my information will definitely be complete, now I am only submitting the information of the commercial street, however, I am rare to be smart, I put the second phase of the commercial street and the first phase together, with the current flow of people estimated, plus Qingxi Cultural Park, anyway, there is a little exaggeration, but there is data support, can not be completely exaggerated, I sent it to the county magistrate Li, didn't I add his WeChat and email, One copy of each was issued.

Peng Dong was startled, you can really do it, okay, count you smart, anyway, you can toss it casually, at most you will get into trouble, I will clean it up.

However, he was a little confused, Qingxi Cultural Park.

Qiao Ting nodded, or Jingshang's Zhang Sutan's suggestion, let the landscape of the lotus garden and Qingxi Cultural Park be packaged, which was originally a little thin, but now it is not a pincrest fishing garden, it can be packaged with Qingxi Cultural Tourism World into a linkage attraction, in this way, it will definitely be beneficial to our commercial street, and we plan to take the route of folk customs in the second phase of investment. Make a folk customs street, and now in the format, pay special attention, by the way, we have a program in the green home, specifically talking about nearby folk customs and specialties.

This idea is good, it has to be distinctive, and if you don't seize the opportunity now, others will enter the market first, so you will be passive, Peng Dong nodded, yes, creative, and that Rongyu Qingxi Fenghua live broadcast, also bring it, his traffic, is it still not successful, it hasn't broken through the five figures.

Chess meets the opponent's ninth part of the vicissitudes of the sea (73) opportunities and pies

The sea is not deep - first think wild before you can have a chance, if you want to wait for everything ready-made, then what is the chance, that's not the opportunity, that's the pie

Qiao Ting nodded, yes, I want to cooperate with Director Shen for a period, our topic selection, he didn't pass, his topic, we feel a little mismatched, I want to drain, but I don't want to change the original strategy, that is the drainage, it's not that we want a group, now it's to consider whether we can find a theme that can be accommodated.

Peng Dong smiled, he, a little upright, he must have a point, I'll go back and beat him, but, according to the famous thing, he has enthusiasm, this time, why is his attitude so subtle.

Qiao Ting thought about it, I listened to what Brother Jiang said, saying that Director Shen may be a little taboo about Rong Yu now, but not to the point where he is interested, Chairman He took Rong Yu to several activities of the Chamber of Commerce, and nothing else, the last time I had dinner with Cheng Nan of Nancheng Group, I also brought Rong Yu, Director Shen may not understand.

Peng Dong was a little surprised, he didn't know this, no one mentioned it when he thought about it, Qiao Ting was the first to mention it, he originally thought that with Shen Fan's current status and the brilliant results in the live broadcast, the targets he wanted to pay attention to were Jiang Hanxing and Tang Tao at most, in this, Tang Tao is a convenient thing, the focus is not on Tang Tao, Tang Tao and Shen Fan have nothing to compete with, Tang Tao's real estate, in fact, Shen Fan can't manage it, even if he doesn't quite admit it, the high-IQ Shen Fan always thinks that there is nothing he can't do in the world, who is better than him, however, he somewhat admits that Tang Tao in the construction circle seems to have some ability.

He has been to a lot of construction sites in recent years, not afraid of not knowing the goods, afraid of comparing goods, he admitted that the site management of Tang's construction is a little stronger than other construction companies, the layman looks at the cleanliness of the construction site and the work of the workers is not orderly, he feels, this floor, Tang's construction is better, at least their workers are unified tooling, and the tooling is relatively clean, and they are wearing hard hats, and the building materials are neatly placed, the construction site is relatively clean, he has compared the relevant construction requirements, Tang's construction basically, If there are regulations, follow the rules.

What really makes Director Shen focus on Jiang Hanxing, Jiang Hanxing is the person Peng Dong really accommodates and cultivates, in terms of personal feelings with Peng Dong, no one can compare, Peng Dong's family affairs, basically Jiang Hanxing intervenes more, in fact, Xiao Gu runs a lot, but in Shen Fan's eyes, Xiao Gu is a driver who runs errands, and Jiang Hanxing is the one who does the errands.