
The results of the 2024 college entrance examination were announced, proving to many parents that game addiction will abolish a child

author:Writer 荟

Author: Honghan

The results of the 2024 college entrance examination were announced, proving to many parents that game addiction will abolish a child

It's another year when the college entrance examination scores come out, and in the past few days, the results of the college entrance examination of Jia Chennian have come out one after another.

After ten years of hard work, some people are happy and some are worried. Just to wait for this moment, blooming like a flower.

Countless families are anxiously waiting in front of screens, hoping that their children's efforts will be rewarded.

Every time I think back to this kind of moment this year, I can always brush up on various videos of "college entrance examination score moments":

"A certain student scored more than 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the whole family burst into tears", "A certain student failed and squatted on the ground and cried loudly"......

The college entrance examination is an important node in life, but it is by no means the end. Don't deny your child's ideas and specialty development too much because of a temporary grade score.

A while ago, I had a friend Xiaoya who was not calm. She sent me the results of her child's college entrance examination, and the results were not very ideal, a score line of 516 (Shanxi), and my friend's son only scored 436 points, not even two books.

My friend was crying very sadly and came to talk to me. After listening to this, I asked the child in detail about his learning status. I was surprised to find that the reason why he fell to Sun Shan in this college entrance examination was because he was too lax and entertaining.

A year before the college entrance examination, I went out early and returned late all day, went to the nearby Internet café and bar to find someone to get together to play games, I was very obsessed, and all kinds of new games were played more slippery than the ancients riding horses and archery, and I didn't put my mind on studying at all, and it was two o'clock in the morning when I came back.

After listening to my friend's talk about his child's learning situation in the past three years and the great changes brought about by his obsession with games, after careful consideration, I told her not to worry, I will find a way to solve the child's problem.

I gave her three solutions to start implementing the child's current situation immediately tomorrow:

1. As a mother, you should recognize the harm of game addiction to your child's growth in a timely manner, and take the responsibility of educating and guiding your child. Communicate with him more and establish a good communication channel in a timely manner so that the child understands the concerns and expectations of his parents.

2. Accompany children to participate in other beneficial club activities, such as family trips to outdoor sports, initiation of reading camps, nature science experiment groups, etc., to enrich children's extracurricular life.

Set clear rules for his study time and outdoor activities to ensure that your child has enough time to study and rest.

3. Listen more to your child's needs and ideas, and respect your child's personality and choices.

Understand the reasons for your child's addiction to games through communication, so as to solve problems in a targeted manner. Discuss the pros and cons of games with your child, guide him to read and write, and help him establish a correct concept of learning.

The results of the 2024 college entrance examination were announced, proving to many parents that game addiction will abolish a child

I also admonished her, "Don't overestimate your child's self-control and underestimate the allure of low-level pleasures." ”

Everything starts from the right guidance and the child's actual situation, once the child is addicted to the game, it is difficult to turn attention to learning.

In his case, it is a precocious "game addiction". Gaming addiction can seriously affect a child's schoolwork. Indulging in games for a long time can make children lose interest and motivation in learning, leading to a decline in academic performance.

In play, children are often able to get instant gratification and a sense of accomplishment, whereas real-world learning requires long hours of effort and patience.

We can't simply blame the game itself for "gaming addiction". There's nothing inherently wrong with gaming as a form of entertainment.

The question is how children use play correctly and balance learning and entertainment. Parents and many teachers should guide children to put play in perspective, so that they understand that play is only a part of life, not the whole story. At the same time, parents should also pay attention to their children's physical and mental health, and identify and solve the problem of game addiction in time.

After the college entrance examination, many candidates will want to take the opportunity to indulge and entertain, instead of buying themselves a dozen books immediately.

In fact, not only students who take the college entrance examination, but also adults have this situation. But every child who can come out on top in the college entrance examination will take the initiative to stay away from these low-level happiness on weekdays.

They all know how terrible the consequences of being poisoned by mobile phones are. And that's the real reason why I told my friend to restrict her son from playing with his phone.

01 Addiction to infection, how junk pleasure steals your time

In the wave of the digital age, we are often attracted by various mobile apps and games, as if we are in a colorful labyrinth of happiness.

However, this seemingly innocuous happiness is actually like an elaborate trap from which it is difficult to extricate itself once you step into it.

Two days ago, a friend of mine from Yunnan, Meng Yun, shared with me the documentary she watched "Smart Trap", which is well explained, it says that all kinds of routines hidden behind mobile phones are quietly stealing our time and making us unwittingly become prisoners of the screen.

The girl in the film, who was originally well-behaved and sensible and excellent in school, received a mobile phone from her mother when she won the school certificate in the exam, and it was also on this day that her life changed dramatically.

Subsequently, she registered a social account, and was immersed in the praise and attention of strange netizens every day, and every dynamic made her excited, and she couldn't help but check her phone repeatedly.

Then, she was almost obsessed with a novice game, and in just a few games, she couldn't stop it, and staying up all night became commonplace.

In just a few months, her grades plummeted, her temper became irritable, and she lost patience with everything.

The mother tried to intervene, but she responded violently. This scene makes people sigh: What kind of magic does the happiness in the mobile phone have, which makes us difficult to let go of for a long time?

In fact, behind every mobile app or game, there is a large group of highly educated and highly intelligent R&D teams. They use advanced algorithmic technology to delve into human psychology and behavior patterns, and constantly optimize products to allow you to spend more time in front of the screen.

They work by stimulating your brain to make you secrete dopamine and feel short-lived pleasure. However, this pleasure is short-lived and superficial, and it will only plunge you into a deeper vortex of desire.

As the ancient Greek philosopher Plato said, "The pleasures of the flesh are like a passing cloud, fleeting in a blink of an eye; And spiritual happiness is an eternal treasure. ”

We should be wary of this junk pleasure, which, like a drug, is hard to quit once addicted. It will make you lose your perception of time and make you unconsciously consume precious youth time.

In this era of information explosion, we must learn self-discipline and choice. We should be clear about our goals and pursuits, and devote our time and energy to something meaningful.

When you pick up your phone, ask yourself: Do I really need to look at my phone right now? Do I have anything more important to do? Through such thinking and choices, we can avoid becoming slaves of mobile phones and take control of our own destiny.

At the same time, we also need to strengthen family education and social guidance. Parents should pay attention to the growth and development of their children and guide them to establish correct values and outlook on life.

Schools and society should also strengthen publicity and education to make children aware of the dangers of garbage happiness and the importance of self-discipline. Only by working together can we make their lives healthier and better.

In this era of temptation and challenge, parents should always keep a clear head and a strong will. Only in this way can we correctly guide children to love learning, develop their strengths, avoid being confused and devoured by junk happiness, and truly take control of their lives and futures.

02 One wrong step, one wrong step, how junk happiness can ruin your future

Do you remember the child you brought home? He is the same age as your son and also took the college entrance exam this year. However, his results are embarrassing.

This young man's parents have been running around all year round in order to make a living, and he has been dependent on his grandparents since he was a child. To facilitate contact, his parents bought him a smartphone. However, this became the starting point for his downfall.

The virtual world in his phone is like a bottomless abyss, devouring his time and energy.

He gradually became addicted to online games, short videos and other "junk happiness", unable to extricate himself.

His personality has changed dramatically as a result, from a sunny and outgoing boy to a taciturn boy who even appears indifferent to the return of his parents.

When night fell, he was supposed to sit at his desk and concentrate on his homework.

But his heart has never been able to calm down, and he is always stumped by all kinds of temptations in his mobile phone.

Even if you barely finish your homework, the handwriting is extremely sloppy, and mistakes and omissions can be seen everywhere. His state of study has reached a precarious point.

Now, the results of the college entrance examination have been announced. Faced with the dismal score, his heart was full of remorse and helplessness.

There is no regret medicine to take in life, he can only silently bear the consequences of all this.

In fact, such stories are not unique around us. There are also many children who are being ruined by electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, such as your nieces and nephews.

They indulge in short-term pleasures and neglect long-term future planning.

The typical characteristics of these children are that they cannot sit still, are impatient, cannot read quietly, and cannot tolerate long periods of thinking.

In the pursuit of "junk happiness", they gradually lose their concentration and self-discipline.

Liang Qichao, a master of Chinese culture, said: "Learning is like sailing against the current, and if you don't advance, you will retreat." ”

On the road to learning, only parents should first maintain a high degree of concentration and self-discipline. In order to effectively guide children to swim in the ocean of knowledge and make continuous progress. We are the power of their example.

If even we indulge in junk pleasures, these precious abilities will gradually disappear. Not to mention letting the kids do this and that.

The famous educator Ye Shengtao once said: "Education is to cultivate habits." ”

Concentration and self-discipline are among the most important habits. If we can't develop this micro-habit from an early age, then the road ahead will be full of bumps and setbacks.

Therefore, I would like to say to every parent who has a baby at home:

"Please cherish your youth and stay away from the temptation of 'junk happiness'. Let's put our time and energy into meaningful things, first cultivate our super concentration, efficient learning ability and minimalist self-discipline, and effectively guide our baby through the positive feedback we get. Only in this way can they walk more firmly and calmly on the road of life in the future. ”

Don't let one step be the beginning of the wrong step. Let's work together to resist the erosion of "junk happiness" and lay a solid foundation for their future.

03 Covet temporary pleasure and lose the happiness of the second half of your life

On the stage of life, we are often faced with a variety of choices. During the Warring States Period, Yasheng Mencius said: "I want the fish, and the bear's paw is also what I want. ”

However, in the current era of information explosion, how many people have lost the happiness of the second half of their lives because they are greedy for temporary pleasure?

Back in ancient times, chickens and eagles, dogs and wolves were the overlords of the sky and the wilderness. They have the ability to fly freely, hunt and forage for food.

Later, over time, chickens became a delicacy on the plate, and dogs became loyal companions to humans. This shift is not accidental. When humans gain insight into their habits and tempt them with food and a comfortable life, they gradually lose themselves and forget the wildness and freedom they once had.

This reminds us of today's society. Mobile phones, the Internet and other technological products, like the tempting food, continue to tempt us. Many people are addicted to it and can't help themselves. They watch videos, play games, and enjoy short-term pleasures, but they ignore the passage of time and the value of life.

If this goes on for a long time, they will gradually lose the courage and ability to pursue their dreams, and sooner or later they will become slaves of mobile phones.

As Zhao Gong mentioned in "The Traveling Mastiff": "The plaything is demoralized." "Isn't that what those who are addicted to mobile phones and the Internet? In pursuit of momentary pleasures, they gave up their pursuit and planning for the future.

When I woke up, I realized that I had lost so much. Isn't such a price worth pondering?

Take Li Bell, for example. He was admitted to Zhejiang University twice, which was a dream for many people. However, he was twice expelled from school because of his addiction to games and the Internet.

This can't help but make people sigh. His talents, talents, and opportunities were all vanished by a moment of indulgence. Isn't this the best warning for parents?

The results of the 2024 college entrance examination were announced, proving to many parents that game addiction will abolish a child

Zeng Guofan said: "Those who are self-disciplined are outstanding, and those who indulge are out." ”

Self-disciplined people are able to resist temptation and stick to their goals and dreams;

And the indulgent person will sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of desire, and eventually cannot extricate himself.

Therefore, as parents, we should lead by example, we should always keep a clear head, stick to our own bottom line and principles, to guide our children positively, we can set up a reward and constructive feedback mechanism, communicate with them in a timely manner, and ensure that our communication will not be disturbed by external factors.

After they have achieved good learning and fitness results every month and week, you can reward them with large and small powers, but please remember that not necessarily material rewards are the majority, and do not follow their wishes, let alone use electronics, watching TV and shopping as bait to stimulate them.

Give more moral rewards, such as your praise and evaluation, or initiating an intra-family meeting, with your children as the main speaker, and you will give them applause and encouragement every time you listen to their sharing.

Material rewards can also be used to encourage them to be positive and diligent and studious with fitness equipment, paper books, and green healthy food.

Cheating on momentary pleasures may cost our children the happiness of the rest of their lives. Therefore, parents should think multi-dimensionally, how to correctly guide children to always keep a clear mind and firm will, resist temptation, and pursue self-discipline.

Only in this way can he take charge of his own life, realize his dreams, and work hard together.

Write at the end:

Don't let your phone steal your boy's life dream.

Don't let the game rob your family of readers.

As parents, we understand the importance of education. And in this era of information explosion, mobile phones and the Internet are undoubtedly a double-edged sword. They bring both convenience and fun, as well as temptation and challenge. Therefore, we need to be more vigilant and self-disciplined to ensure that our children can grow up healthy.

I hope you can deeply understand the impact of mobile phones and the Internet on children. Establish a good communication mechanism with your child in a timely manner. Understand their needs and ideas, and give them adequate attention and support. At the same time, it positively guides them to realize the impact of mobile phones and the Internet on their learning and life, and makes them understand the importance of self-discipline.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, let us work together for the healthy growth of our children. Let mobile phones and the Internet be a help on the road to children's growth, not a stumbling block. Let's cheer for our children's future together!

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