
Today, the inauguration is inaugurated!

author:Shaoxing release
Today, the inauguration is inaugurated!

On July 1, the "Research Center for the Reform and Development of Media Integration at the Prefecture and Municipal Levels" jointly built by the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal News and Media Center (Media Group) was inaugurated. Since then, a new model of "party school + party media" has been officially opened.

Today, the inauguration is inaugurated!

With the rapid development of the digital age, media convergence reform is surging in the media field. In recent years, the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee has paid great attention to this topic of the times, and strengthened the theoretical exploration, path analysis, and countermeasure research on the reform and development of media integration. Shaoxing Media has been listed by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee as a pilot unit for accelerating the development of deep integration of national prefectural and municipal media, and has been awarded the classic case of national media integration innovation and the typical case of national radio and television media integration. The party school and the party media have common ideals and beliefs, common value pursuit, and common cultural genes, and the two sides work together to build the "prefecture-level media integration reform and development research center", which is conducive to better playing the role of the party school as the main position of the party's theoretical research and the party's news and public opinion propaganda, and consolidating and strengthening the mainstream ideology and public opinion in the new era.

The "Prefecture-level Media Integration Reform and Development Research Center" mainly carries out theoretical research, model exploration, technology application, research and training and other aspects. Among them, in terms of theoretical research, the theoretical interpretation of the reform and development of media integration at the prefectural and municipal levels was deepened, and innovative theories to promote the reform and development of media integration were put forward from the aspects of production, communication, service, and management. In terms of model exploration, we actively explore the path, method, institutional and mechanism reform of the integrated development of media at the prefectural and municipal levels, and extract the reform and development model of media integration with promotion value from practice. In terms of technology application, we will study the transformation and application of new technologies in the reform and development of media integration at the prefectural and municipal levels, and enrich content production and product forms. In terms of research and training, relying on the respective advantages of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal News and Media Center, the prefectural and municipal media integration seminars are held all year round to provide a platform for exchanges and discussions on the reform and development of media integration for the national prefectural and municipal media, and to help the prefectural and municipal media better embrace the tide of media integration.

Today, the inauguration is inaugurated!

After the establishment of the center, the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal News and Media Center (Media Group) will strive to promote the joint construction of structure, organization, resource sharing, responsibility, expert and talent education, so as to enhance the attractiveness of theory with content advantages, improve theoretical appeal with discourse advantages, and expand theoretical influence with communication advantages.

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Xiaobu on duty: Ji Jianming's information: Yueniu News Shaoxing News Media Center compiled and distributed