
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

author:Meltant soil left

Tumut Left Banner

It was the core area of the Tumut Red Revolution region

It is known as the birthplace of the Inner Mongolia Revolution

It is Glory Xian, Duo Songnian, Ulanfu, and Jia Ligen

and other hometowns of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries

The majestic Daqing Mountain has left the heroic footprints of the revolutionary ancestors

The site of the Anti-Japanese War of Japanese Food, Food, and Grass

It is a witness to the red history of the Tumut Left Banner

It is also the unity of the people of all ethnic groups in Tumut

Under the leadership of the party, we will create a new historical memory

On the occasion of the founding day of the party

Let us review the glorious course of the party

Pursue the land of northern Xinjiang

Those eternal red imprints

The following follows the footage of the reporter of the Tuzuo Qirong Media Center

Let's start a red journey of Tuzuoqi

Glory to the former residence of the martyrs

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

The first stop reporter came to the former residence of the martyrs of Inner Mongolia, who was the pioneer of the revolutionary movement in Inner Mongolia, one of the first Mongolian youths to join the Communist Party of China in Inner Mongolia, the guide of a group of early proletarian revolutionaries in Inner Mongolia, such as Duo Songnian, Wulanfu, Kuibi, Ji Yatai, and Li Yuzhi, and one of the earliest revolutionary martyrs in Inner Mongolia.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

In 1926, Glory first participated in the Northern Expedition. In February 1927, he served as the commander of the Assault Regiment of the Sixth Army of the Northern Expeditionary Army and the commander of the Seventh Regiment of the Third Division of the First Army. In April, Glory first died in the battle of Maocun in Xuzhou at the age of 31.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

A visitor said with emotion: "This visit to the former residence of the martyrs is very touched, come here to really feel the greatness of the martyrs, as a member of the Communist Party, we must learn from our predecessors, deeply practice the oath of joining the party, and serve the people." ”

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

In the former residence of the glorious martyrs, the docent is introducing the deeds of the glorious martyrs to the visitors.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

The visitors collectively mourned and expressed their reverence and remembrance for the martyrs.

On the occasion of the founding of the party, the reporter saw in the former residence of the revolutionary martyrs that the visitors were full of admiration, and listened to the touching deeds of the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives and sacrificed everything for the motherland and the people.

Ulanf's House

At the second stop, the reporter came to the former residence of Ulanfu, which is located in Tabusai Village, Tumut Left Banner, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is a farmhouse house building with strong folk characteristics in northern China, covering a total area of 24 acres.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

The former residence of Ulanfu is the place where Comrade Ulanfu was born, grew up and engaged in revolutionary activities in his early days. The former residence includes the original appearance of the former residence, the exhibition room, the audio-visual hall, the stele gallery, the Huaize Pavilion, the scene of Lanfu's house grinding and drying grain, and the Zhijitan where Wulanfu played in his childhood. The former residence exhibits a total of 84 documents and objects, 63 photos, 19 oil paintings, 5 paper-cuts, 2 calligraphy and painting works, 5 video playback terminals, 2 sets of intelligent explanation systems, and 35 pieces of Tumut folk articles are also on display.

The Ulanfu House recreates the environment in which Ulanfu, a great communist fighter, fought and lived as a teenager. The precious cultural relics and photographs displayed in the exhibition room vividly record the glorious course of Comrade Ulanfu's firm pursuit of the lofty ideals of communism. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the red gene, and continue the red blood, the reporter saw that on the occasion of the founding of the party, a number of departments and units went to the former residence of Ulanfu to hold the July 1st theme party day activities.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

The visitors said that they would take the revolutionary ancestors as a model, implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, seek truth from facts, anchor the goal, strive to be the first, never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, do every job with due diligence, take the lead in consciously abiding by the party's discipline and rules, and always maintain the political nature of honesty and integrity.

Jia Li Geng Martyrs Memorial Hall

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

Jia Ligen was born in 1907 in a Mongolian peasant family in Jiangshi Village, Tumute Banner, Inner Mongolia, joined the Communist Party of China in 1925, became a proletarian revolutionary fighter, and was the vanguard of the Inner Mongolia national autonomy movement and national liberation movement.

On March 19, 1941, Jia Li went to Yan'an to participate in the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and at the same time escorted a group of patriotic young people to Yan'an to study, but was attacked by the Japanese puppet army on the way, and died bravely at the age of 34 in order to cover the young people from danger.

The Jia Ligen Martyrs Memorial Hall was established on May 20, 2013 and is located in Jiangshi Village, Chasuqi Town, Tuzuo Banner. It is composed of six parts: the former residence, the memorial hall, the Tumut Revolution Memorial Hall, the Tumut Revolution Memorial Park, the memorial square, and the parking lot. The total area is 53,500 square meters, with a construction area of 2,989 square meters.

The Jia Ligen Martyrs Memorial Hall tells the heroic deeds of different periods in the sections of juvenile study, youth knowledge, devoting himself to the revolution, further study in Mongolia, returning to China to resist Japan, launching arms, cultivating fire, and blood-stained green mountains, so that visitors can have a deeper understanding of heroic stories.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

The reporter saw in the former residence of the martyr Jia Ligen that many party members and cadres came to the former residence of the martyr Jia Ligen to carry out the July 1st theme party day activities. At the same time, in order to celebrate the great achievements of the party and carry forward the spirit of the party, the Tuzuo Banner Ulan herdsman carried out a literary and artistic performance in Jia Ligen's former residence with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention to praise the party's kindness and welcoming the party to the party". A wonderful show for the visitors.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi
On the "July 1st" Party Day, come and follow the reporter to start a red journey in Tuzuoqi

"On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we have carefully choreographed many wonderful programs. These programs show the glorious history and great achievements of our party, and hope to provide precise cultural services for tourists who come to visit Jia Ligen's former residence through this art show, so that tourists can understand the local red culture of our Tuzuo Banner, and at the same time guide tourists to firmly "feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party" The belief continues to create a strong atmosphere to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. The relevant person in charge of the Tuzuo Banner Ulan Herdsman said.