
[Integrity Tuzuo Banner] Promote the establishment of social creditworthiness, and create a new business card of "integrity and soil".

author:Meltant soil left
[Integrity Tuzuo Banner] Promote the establishment of social creditworthiness, and create a new business card of "integrity and soil".

Stressing honesty and keeping promises is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and an important part of the core values of socialism. Since the beginning of this year, Tuzuo Banner has thoroughly implemented the creditworthiness construction project, continuing to exert efforts in improving work mechanisms, carrying forward the culture of creditworthiness, carrying out creditworthiness education, and cultivating models of creditworthiness, and striving to create a beautiful business card of "Creditworthiness Tuzuo".

[Integrity Tuzuo Banner] Promote the establishment of social creditworthiness, and create a new business card of "integrity and soil".

Complete working mechanisms to advance the establishment of creditworthiness. Tuzuo Banner attaches great importance to the creditworthiness construction project, and has issued the "Tumut Left Banner Work Plan for Carrying Out the Creditworthiness Construction Project" and the "Tumut Left Banner Creditworthiness Construction Project Publicity and Education Plan", and established the "Tumut Left Banner Social Creditworthiness Establishment Special Advancement Key Work Task List", establishing work ledgers, listing specific measures, clarifying the time limit for completion, and including the establishment of creditworthiness in the important content of the theoretical study center group of all levels of Party committee (Party group). Persist in including creditworthiness content in the creation of advanced models such as civilized units and civilized families, bringing about the normalization of the creation of creditworthiness elements. Give full play to the role of the "One Covenant and Four Meetings", include the content of honesty and trustworthiness in village rules and agreements, and discuss the addition or subtraction of credit points through the convening of ethics appraisal meetings, and make a public announcement. Guide the masses to learn from the role models around them, and form a strong atmosphere in which everyone strives to be a model and everyone strives to be on the list.

[Integrity Tuzuo Banner] Promote the establishment of social creditworthiness, and create a new business card of "integrity and soil".

Persist in taking multiple measures at the same time to promote a culture of creditworthiness. Tuzuoqi vigorously promotes the core socialist values, cultivates a civilized, healthy, upward and benevolent culture of creditworthiness, extensively carries out professional ethics education, cultivates professional ethics, and raises practitioners' awareness of creditworthiness. Tuzuo Banner continues to integrate the culture of creditworthiness into volunteer service activities, credit policies and regulations, credit knowledge and typical cases have become the content of the daily preaching of the flag-level "Light of Qingcheng" propaganda group and theoretical study light cavalry, and through the whole banner new era civilization practice service center, (institute, station) in a way that the masses like to see, the construction of creditworthiness culture will be continuously implemented in industries, enterprises, communities and families, and actively guide people to stress creditworthiness and credit in their daily lives, so that the concept of creditworthiness will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At present, more than 140 daily propaganda activities have been carried out. In addition, Tuzuoqi has incorporated creditworthiness education into the residents' education system, made creditworthiness education a moral education course for minors, and integrated creditworthiness content into the "Deyao Qingcheng. Role Model Power" -- Tumut Left Banner Moral Model and "Good Family Style Enters Ten Thousand Homes" grassroots lecture tour, in-depth promotion of creditworthiness education "six advances", and carry out objectified, focused, and interactive publicity. In 2024, 14 grassroots lectures have been carried out on the "Deyao Qingcheng Role Model and Role Model Power" of Tumut Left Banner and "Good Family Style into Ten Thousand Homes".

[Integrity Tuzuo Banner] Promote the establishment of social creditworthiness, and create a new business card of "integrity and soil".

Strengthen publicity and guidance to create an atmosphere of creditworthiness. Tuzuo Banner pays attention to the use of network resources, pushes credit knowledge through the media, websites, and WeChat public accounts, disseminates the concept of creditworthiness, builds a strong sense of creditworthiness, and promotes the culture of online creditworthiness. More than 1,500 public service advertisements and slogans for integrity construction were published and broadcast on various outdoor large screens and indoor electronic screens in the whole flag, more than 20 landscape sketches were created, 1 Optimus Prime was created, and 176 public service advertisements were set up; Actively advance efforts to establish creditworthiness in society, striving to create a positive social atmosphere in which creditworthiness is learned, stressed, and trustworthy. Tuzuoqi continued to promote the work of "Shini Approval" for government services, adhering to the principle of "simplifying materials, streamlining links, and speeding up services", launched the "credit commitment + tolerance acceptance" model, "credit commitment + remote inspection + rectification commitment" service model, and formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Administrative Examination and Approval "Credit Commitment + Remote Inspection + Rectification Commitment" model, which has covered the four major fields of market services, construction and transportation, culture, education, health and sports, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and water, involving food business licenses, fresh milk purchase licenses, A total of 15 examination and approval items such as pesticide business licenses, up to now, a total of 373 remote inspection and approval items have been handled, and 11 approval items have been completed through tolerance acceptance. Increase the force of punishment for untrustworthy conduct, carrying out media exposure of entities that repeatedly prohibit and refuse to change, and so far, a total of 18 people in the second phase of the 2024 Seriously Untrustworthy List have been released, achieving the effect of investigating and handling one case, warning a group, and educating one.

[Integrity Tuzuo Banner] Promote the establishment of social creditworthiness, and create a new business card of "integrity and soil".

Select the typical trees around you to gather the power of integrity. Tuzuo Banner deeply integrates the selection of typical trees with the construction of creditworthiness, relying on learning and publicity activities such as moral models, civilized families, and good teenagers in the new era, widely selecting and exemplar of integrity, and vividly showing the spiritual outlook of Tuzuo people in the new era of trustworthiness and fulfillment of promises and honesty. Up to now, 4 people have won the moral model (including nomination award) in the whole district, 26 moral models in Hohhot, 58 moral models in the whole banner, and 2 places in the "Inner Mongolia Good People List" and 60 places in the "Qingcheng Good People List". Wang Huafu, an honest and trustworthy model in Hohhot City, who has established an enterprise with integrity for 25 years; Wang Zhanbiao, an honest and trustworthy model in Hohhot City who adheres to integrity and produces high-quality food; Adhere to the integrity of management, to provide residents with convenient services for the Tuzuo Banner honest and trustworthy moral model Ma Lei; Generations of Tuzuo people have interpreted the preciousness of a promise and the respectability of perseverance in fulfilling their responsibilities with their actions, and sang the song of integrity full of the spirit of the times. They are the staunch guardians of the values of honesty and trustworthiness, and the exemplary practitioners of the core values of socialism.

Source: Civilization Tuzuo Banner

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