
China Food & Beverage Industry Market Research Report

author:Market analysis

In 2023, the size of China's food and beverage market will reach 100 million yuan (RMB), the global food and beverage market will reach 100 million yuan, and according to the forecast of Bergers Consulting, the global food and beverage market size is expected to reach 100 million yuan by 2029. The report also examines the China Food & Beverage market industry chain, regional development profile, strengths and weaknesses, and marketing models and market share of key players, as well as analyzes the most promising segments and regional markets for the domestic food & beverage market during the forecast period. By category, the food and beverage industry can be segmented into dairy products, others, beer and wine, fruits and vegetables, fats and oils, meat products, soft drinks, bread and cereals, and fish products. By end use, food and beverages can be applied in traditional markets, convenience stores, other, online, supermarkets and supermarkets, among others.

中国食物和饮料行业核心厂商包括Angostura, Cadbury Nigeria, Canco Ltd, Cervecería Nacional Dominicana, CHI Limited, Coca Cola, D&G/Red Stripe, Dangote Group, Guinness, Jamaica Broilers Group, Jamaica Producers Group, Nestle Nigeria, Nigerian Breweries, PZ Cussons, Salada Foods, Seprod, Supermercados Nacional, Synco Group, UAC Foods, Unilever Nigeria, Wal-Mart。 报告给出了2023年中国食物和饮料市场上排行前三品牌市占率与排行前五品牌市占率,并重点分析了各主要企业市场表现、市场份额及竞争策略。

The food and beverage industry research report focuses on the specific investigation and research of the food and beverage industry from the aspects of food and beverage market size, food and beverage production and sales, upstream and downstream industry chains, development environment (the impact of the "carbon neutrality" policy on the development of the industry), the share of major enterprises, regional distribution, potential problems or development cruxes of the industry, etc., and provides insight into the future development direction of the food and beverage industry and the evolution trend of the industry competition pattern in the context of "carbon neutrality" and "carbon emission reduction". The report scientifically evaluates the value of the industry and puts forward constructive suggestions, providing a reference for industry decision-makers/business operators.

Key players in the food and beverage industry:


Cadbury Nigeria

Canco Ltd

Dominican National Brewery

CHI Limited


D&G/Red Stripe

Dangote Group


Jamaica Broilers Group

Jamaica Producers Group

Nestle Nigeria

Nigerian Breweries

PZ Cussons

Salada Foods


National Supermarkets

Synco Group

UAC Foods

Unilever Nigeria


Product Type Segmentation:

dairy product


Beer and wine

Fruits and vegetables

Oils and fats


soft drink

bread and cereals

Fish products

Application field segmentation:

Traditional markets

Convenience stores



Supermarkets and supermarkets

From a regional point of view, the report conducted an in-depth investigation and analysis of the market status in North China, Central China, South China, East China and other regions, analyzed the market status and industrial status of the industry from the geographical distribution and consumption capacity of users, and conducted in-depth research on key regional markets with large consumption scale, including the interpretation of relevant policies in the region and the SWOT analysis of the food and beverage industry in the region.

Food & Beverage Market Research Report Guide (12 chapters):

Chapter 1: Food & Beverage Product Definition, Uses, Development History, and Analysis of China's Food & Beverage Market Size;

Chapter 2: Carbon Emission Background, Trends, Carbon Emission Reduction Status, Food and Beverage Industry Allocation, and Comparative Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Market Status;

Chapter 3: Analysis of the economic, policy and technological environment of the food and beverage industry in the context of carbon neutrality;

Chapter 4: Carbon Reduction Progress and Current Status of China's Food and Beverage Enterprises (Decarbonization/Net Zero Target Setting, Key Strategies, Current Status and Competition, and Corporate Outlook);

Chapter 5: Food and Beverage Industry Chain, Development Status and Forecast of Upstream and Downstream Industries, and Suggestions for Enterprise Transformation;

Chapter 6: Front-end company profiles in the food and beverage industry, including company profiles, latest developments, market performance, product and service introductions, and analysis of the impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on the company's business;

Chapter 7: Analysis of the appropriate path for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in China's food and beverage industry, as well as key technologies and potentials for carbon neutrality;

Chapters 8 & 9: Market Size, Share Changes, and Price Trend Analysis of Major Segments; Analysis of market size and share changes in major application fields;

Chapter 10: Food and Beverage Market Status and Industry Status in North China, Central China, South China, and East China, Interpretation of Relevant Policies in Different Regions, and Industry SWOT Analysis;

Chapter 11: SWOT Analysis of China's Food and Beverage Industry;

Chapter 12: Overall Market Size and Forecast of China's Food and Beverage Industry by Segment.

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd


Chapter 1 Overview of China's Food and Beverage Industry from 2019 to 2030

1.1 Food and Beverage Product Definitions

1.2 Analysis of food and beverage product characteristics and product uses

1.3 The development of China's food and beverage industry

1.4 Market size of China's food and beverage industry, 2019-2030

1.4.1 Analysis of sales volume of China's food and beverage industry, 2019-2030

1.4.2 China Food & Beverage Industry Sales Analysis, 2019-2030

Chapter 2 Interpretation of the whole process of the development trend of the global food and beverage industry based on "carbon neutrality".

2.1 Carbon Emission Background

2.2 Trends in global carbon emissions

2.3 Global carbon emission reduction progress and development status

2.4 Analysis of the change pattern of global food and beverage industry allocation

2.5 Comparative analysis of the current situation of domestic and foreign food and beverage markets in 2024

Chapter 3 Analysis of the development environment of China's food and beverage industry in the context of "carbon neutrality".

3.1 Analysis of the economic environment of the food and beverage industry

3.1.1 Analysis of the current situation of economic development in the food and beverage industry

3.1.2 Major issues in the economic development of the food and beverage industry

3.1.3 Analysis of future economic policies in the food and beverage sector

3.2 Analysis of the policy environment in the food and beverage industry

3.2.1 Regional policy analysis of China's food and beverage industry in the context of "carbon neutrality".

3.2.2 Relevant policies and standards for China's food and beverage industry in the context of "carbon neutrality".

3.3 Analysis of the technical environment in the food and beverage industry

3.3.1 Key technologies in the food and beverage industry

3.3.2 Research progress on the latest technologies

Chapter 4 Progress and Status of Carbon Emission Reduction: An Analysis of the Development of China's Food and Beverage Enterprises

4.1 Decarbonization/net-zero target setting for food and beverage companies in China

4.2 Promote the implementation of carbon emission reduction measures, and analyze the main strategies of food and beverage enterprises

4.3 Current Situation and Competitive Analysis of Enterprises in China's Food and Beverage Market in 2024

4.4 Company outlook and competitive analysis of China's food and beverage market in 2030

Chapter 5 "Carbon Neutrality" Impacts on the Food and Beverage Industry Chain

5.1 Food and beverage industry chain

5.2 Food and Beverage Upstream Industry Analysis

5.2.1 Development status of upstream industries

5.2.2 Upstream industry development forecast

5.3 Food and Beverage Downstream Industry Analysis

5.3.1 Development status of downstream industries

5.3.2 Forecast for the development of downstream industries

5.4 Efforts to achieve carbon neutrality goals, and suggestions for the path of transformation of food and beverage enterprises

Chapter 6 Major Manufacturers in China's Food and Beverage Industry

6.1 Angostura

6.1.1 Angostura Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.1.2 Introduction of Angostura products and services

6.1.3 Angostura Market Data Analysis

6.1.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on Angostura's business

6.2 Cadbury Nigeria

6.2.1 Cadbury Nigeria Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.2.2 Introduction of Cadbury Nigeria products and services

6.2.3 Cadbury Nigeria Market Data Analysis

6.2.4 The impact of the 2060 Carbon Neutrality target on Cadbury Nigeria's business

6.3 Canco Ltd

6.3.1 Company Profile and Recent Developments of Canco Ltd

6.3.2 Introduction to Canco Ltd's products and services

6.3.3 Analysis of Canco Ltd market data

6.3.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on Canco Ltd's business

6.4 Dominican National Brewery

6.4.1 Dominican National Brewery公司简介和最新发展

6.4.2 Dominican National Brewery产品和服务介绍

6.4.3 Dominican National Brewery市场数据分析

6.4.4 2060年"碳中和"目标对Cervecería Nacional Dominicana业务的影响

6.5 CHI Limited

6.5.1 CHI Limited Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.5.2 Introduction of CHI Limited products and services

6.5.3 CHI Limited市场数据分析

6.5.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on CHI Limited's business

6.6 Coca Cola

6.6.1 Coca Cola Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.6.2 Introduction of Coca Cola products and services

6.6.3 Coca Cola市场数据分析

6.6.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on Coca Cola's business

6.7 D&G/Red Stripe

6.7.1 D&G/Red Stripe公司简介和最新发展

6.7.2 D&G/Red Stripe Products and Services

6.7.3 D&G/Red Stripe市场数据分析

6.7.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on D&G/Red Stripe's business

6.8 Dangote Group

6.8.1 Dangote Group Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.8.2 Introduction to Dangote Group products and services

6.8.3 Dangote Group市场数据分析

6.8.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on Dangote Group's business

6.9 Guinness

6.9.1 Guinness Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.9.2 Introduction to Guinness products and services

6.9.3 Analysis of Guinness market data

6.9.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutral" target on Guinness' business

6.10 Jamaica Broilers Group

6.10.1 Jamaica Broilers Group公司简介和最新发展

6.10.2 Introduction to Jamaica Broilers Group products and services

6.10.3 Jamaica Broilers Group市场数据分析

6.10.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on the Jamaica Broilers Group's business

6.11 Jamaica Producers Group

6.11.1 Jamaica Producers Group公司简介和最新发展

6.11.2 Jamaica Producers Group产品和服务介绍

6.11.3 Jamaica Producers Group市场数据分析

6.11.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on the Jamaica Producers Group's business

6.12 Nestle Nigeria

6.12.1 Nestle Nigeria公司简介和最新发展

6.12.2 Introduction of Nestle Nigeria products and services

6.12.3 Nestle Nigeria市场数据分析

6.12.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on Nestle Nigeria's business

6.13 Nigerian Breweries

6.13.1 Nigerian Breweries公司简介和最新发展

6.13.2 Nigerian Breweries产品和服务介绍

6.13.3 Nigerian Breweries市场数据分析

6.13.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on Nigerian Breweries' business

6.14 PZ Cussons

6.14.1 PZ Cussons Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.14.2 PZ Cussons Products and Services Introduction

6.14.3 PZ Cussons Market Data Analysis

6.14.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on PZ Cussons' business

6.15 Salada Foods

6.15.1 Salada Foods Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.15.2 Introduction of Salada Foods products and services

6.15.3 Analysis of Salada Foods market data

6.15.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on Salada Foods' business

6.16 Seprod

6.16.1 Seprod Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.16.2 Introduction of Seprod products and services

6.16.3 Seprod market data analysis

6.16.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on Seprod's business

6.17 National Supermarkets

6.17.1 National Supermarkets公司简介和最新发展

6.17.2 National Supermarkets产品和服务介绍

6.17.3 National Supermarkets市场数据分析

6.17.4 2060年"碳中和"目标对National Supermarkets业务的影响

6.18 Synco Group

6.18.1 Synco Group Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.18.2 Introduction to Synco Group's products and services

6.18.3 Synco Group Market Data Analysis

6.18.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on Synco Group's business

6.19 UAC Foods

6.19.1 UAC Foods Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.19.2 Introduction of UAC Foods products and services

6.19.3 UAC Foods Market Data Analysis

6.19.4 The impact of the 2060 "carbon neutrality" target on UAC Foods' business

6.20 Unilever Nigeria

6.20.1 Unilever Nigeria Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.20.2 Introduction of Unilever Nigeria products and services

6.20.3 Analysis of Unilever Nigeria Market Data

6.20.4 The impact of the 2060 Carbon Neutrality target on Unilever Nigeria's business

6.21 Wal-Mart

6.21.1 Wal-Mart Company Profile and Recent Developments

6.21.2 Introduction to Wal-Mart Products and Services

6.21.3 Wal-Mart Market Data Analysis

6.21.4 The impact of the 2060 carbon neutrality target on Wal-Mart's business

Chapter 7 China's Food and Beverage Market, Carbon Neutrality Technology Roadmap Analysis

7.1 A suitable path for carbon peak and carbon neutrality in China's food and beverage industry

7.1.1 Reducing carbon emissions

7.1.2 Increase carbon uptake

7.2 Analysis of key technologies and potential for carbon neutrality

7.2.1 Clean alternative technologies

7.2.2 Alternative technologies for electrical energy

7.2.3 Energy interconnection technology

7.2.4 Carbon capture, utilization and storage and negative emission technologies

Chapter 8 Food and Beverage Segment Market

8.1 Introduction to the main subdivisions of the food and beverage industry

8.2 Food & Beverage Industry Market Analysis by Key Segment Type

8.3 Analysis of sales volume and market share of major segments in the food and beverage industry

8.3.1 Dairy sales volume and growth rate, 2019-2024

8.3.2 Other sales volume and growth rate, 2019-2024

8.3.3 Beer and wine sales volume and growth rate, 2019-2024

8.3.4 Sales volume and growth rate of fruits and vegetables, 2019-2024

8.3.5 Sales volume and growth rate of fats and oils, 2019-2024

8.3.6 Sales volume and growth rate of meat products, 2019-2024

8.3.7 Soft drinks sales volume and growth rate, 2019-2024

8.3.8 Sales volume and growth rate of bread and cereals, 2019-2024

8.3.9 Sales volume and growth rate of fish products, 2019–2024

8.4 Analysis of sales and market share by major segments of the food and beverage industry

8.4.1 Changes in the share of sales of major segments of the food and beverage industry from 2019 to 2024

8.5 Price Trends by Major Segments of the Food and Beverage Industry

Chapter 9 Key End-Use Application Segments of China's Food and Beverage Industry

9.1 Introduction to the main end-use applications in the food and beverage industry

9.2 Segment Analysis of Food and Beverage End-use Applications

9.3 Sales volume and market share analysis of food and beverages by major application segments

9.3.1 Sales volume and growth rate of food and beverages in traditional market segments, 2019-2024

9.3.2 Sales volume and growth rate of food and beverages in the convenience store segment, 2019-2024

9.3.3 Sales volume and growth rate of food and beverages in other sectors 2019-2024

9.3.4 Sales volume and growth rate of food and beverages in the online sector, 2019-2024

9.3.5 Sales volume and growth rate of food and beverages in supermarkets and supermarkets segment, 2019-2024

9.4 Food & Beverage Sales and Market Share Analysis by Major Application Segments

9.4.1 Change in Food & Beverages Sales Share by Major Application Segments, 2019-2024

Chapter 10 Analysis of the current situation of the food and beverage market in major regions of China

10.1 Analysis of the current situation of the food and beverage market in North China

10.1.1 Current status of the food and beverage industry in North China

10.1.2 Interpretation of policies related to the food and beverage industry in North China

10.1.3 SWOT analysis of food and beverage industry in North China

10.2 Analysis of the current situation of the food and beverage market in Central China

10.2.1 Current status of the food and beverage industry in Central China

10.2.2 Interpretation of policies related to the food and beverage industry in Central China

10.2.3 SWOT analysis of food and beverage industry in Central China

10.3 Analysis of the current situation of the food and beverage market in South China

10.3.1 Current status of the food and beverage industry in South China

10.3.2 Interpretation of policies related to the food and beverage industry in South China

10.3.3 SWOT analysis of food and beverage industry in South China

10.4 Analysis of the current situation of the food and beverage market in East China

10.4.1 Current status of the food and beverage industry in East China

10.4.2 Interpretation of relevant policies for the food and beverage industry in East China

10.4.3 SWOT analysis of food and beverage industry in East China

Chapter 11 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of achieving the "carbon neutrality" goal in the food and beverage industry

11.1 SWOT analysis of the development of China's food and beverage industry

11.1.1 Advantageous elements of industry development

11.1.2 Industry development disadvantages

11.1.3 Threats to industry development

11.1.4 Prospects for industry development opportunities

11.2 Impact of the pandemic on carbon reduction efforts in the food and beverage sector

Chapter 12 China Food & Beverage Industry Market Capacity Forecast for the Next Few Years

12.1 Overall size forecast of China's food and beverage industry

12.1.1 China Food & Beverage Industry Sales Volume Forecast 2024-2030

12.1.2 China Food & Beverage Industry Sales Forecast 2024-2030

12.2 Food & Beverage Industry Market Size Forecast by Segment Type

12.2.1 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Industry Sales Volume and Market Share Forecast by Segment

12.2.2 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Industry Segment Sales and Market Share Forecast China's dairy product sales and share forecast from 2024 to 2030 China Other Sales and Share Forecast for 2024-2030 China Beer & Wine Sales and Share Forecast 2024-2030 China fruit and vegetable sales and share forecast 2024-2030 2024-2030 China Fats and Oils Sales and Share Forecast 2024-2030 China Meat Products Sales and Share Forecast China soft drink sales and share forecast from 2024 to 2030 China bread and cereal sales and share forecast, 2024-2030 Forecast of sales and share of fish products in China, 2024-2030

12.2.3 Price trends of food and beverage industry segments in China, 2024-2030

12.3 Food & Beverage Market Size Forecast by Application Segment

12.3.1 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Sales Volume and Market Share Forecast by Application Segment

12.3.2 China Food & Beverage Sales and Market Share Forecast by Application Segment 2024-2030 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Sales and Market Share Forecast in Traditional Market Segments 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Sales and Market Share Forecast in the Convenience Store Segment 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Sales and Market Share Forecast in Other Segments China Food & Beverage Online Sales and Market Share Forecast 2024-2030 2024-2030 China Food & Beverage Sales and Market Share Forecast in Supermarkets and Supermarkets

Based on the carbon neutrality goal proposed at the global and national levels, which is currently hotly discussed by the international community, the food and beverage market analysis report predicts the market development trend after the introduction of the policy by studying the development of China's food and beverage industry in the past few years. The report covers the market distribution of food and beverage in key regions, and also focuses on the competitive landscape, sales volume, price, revenue and market share of key manufacturers (brands) in the food and beverage industry.

The report takes the form of charts (bar charts, line charts, pie charts, etc.) and text, and adopts time series, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, etc., which is scientific and intuitive. The report covers not only historical data, but also the market panorama and growth potential in the next few years, and helps all target users accurately understand the current market situation and the future environment of the industry through visual analysis. The report is an effective tool for enterprises, research institutes and individuals to understand the market dynamics of the industry, grasp the market competitiveness and development trends, avoid risks and formulate correct development strategies.

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