
Lai Qingde stubbornly "fights" non-stop, and there are many auspicious ones!

author:Chinese graticule
Lai Qingde stubbornly "fights" non-stop, and there are many auspicious ones!

Instead of conforming to the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan that wants peace, exchanges, cooperation, and development, and easing cross-strait tensions, Lai Ching-te took office on 20 May, but instead issued a new "two-state theory" and made a "confession of Taiwan independence," thus adding fuel to the fire of tense cross-strait relations. This naked act of "Taiwan independence" is a declaration of "war" against the mainland, which has made the already complicated and severe cross-strait relations even worse and the situation in the Taiwan Strait tense.

On the cross-strait issue, the DPP authorities have always adhered to the idea of "Taiwan independence" and have constantly created incidents, causing treachery in the Taiwan Strait. From the "boat collision incident" in the waters of Xiamen and Jin in February this year, which caused the death of two fishermen on the mainland, which has not yet been resolved, to Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence confession" on 20 May, and the uninterrupted purchase of arms from the United States, to the announcement by the Lai authorities that they will upgrade their travel to the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao to an "orange" warning, malicious confrontation has caused misery to Taiwan's tourism industry. Ignoring the security of the Taiwan Strait, the DPP authorities have blindly pursued "Taiwan independence" and escalated the crisis in the Taiwan Strait, causing the Taiwan people to be worried.

While the Lai Ching-te authorities have stepped up their efforts to undermine cross-strait relations, they have also suppressed the opposition parties like a tiger, and their roles are completely misplaced and chaotic, as if they were "opposition parties." As the ruling party, instead of boosting the economy, improving people's livelihood, and giving the people a sense of happiness and security, it continues to use electoral political thinking to engage in political vicious fighting, and the people continue to suffer haha!

Before the election, Lai Qingde claimed that he could go to the legislative branch to make a report for deliberation, but now he turned his face and denied the account, and completely rejected the legislative reform bill; after the DPP's motion was vetoed, Lai Qingde personally went to the line of fire and initiated the interpretation of the so-called "constitutional provisions." This is complete treachery, destroying the program and disorderly government, and creating hatred and antagonism. The DPP is doing so hard to block the reform of the legislative branch, fearing that a large number of DPP malpractices will be investigated and made public, including high-end vaccines, imported eggs and other malpractices.

Next, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is preparing to stage a "recall" storm that will launch populism and tear apart society. In this way, Taiwan's political struggle will continue to deteriorate, Lai Qingde's "war" will not stop, and Taiwan's social rift will intensify.

As soon as Lai Qingde came to power, he did not fight for economy and politics, nor did he fight peacefully to "resist China", and he was named an "alien authority" by the Taiwan people, which is really outrageous. Why does Lai Qingde disregard public opinion, be stubborn and self-serving, act arbitrarily, and continue to "fight cocks"?

First, we will try our best to restore the influential political pattern of the "double minority". In 2024, although the DPP and Lai Qingde won the election, they did not achieve full governance and became a "double minority" (Lai Qingde only had 40% of the vote, and the DPP legislature did not have a majority). Under such circumstances, the DPP authorities have not been able to recognize the reality, and they still have the habitual thinking of "being completely in power," and have shown a domineering and suppressive posture toward the opposition parties. The DPP and Lai Ching-te obviously miscalculated and misdirected the DPP, and they were countered by the opposition parties and frequently taught the arrogant DPP a lesson, causing the DPP to lose face.

Second, it is related to Lai Qingde's stubborn and conceited personality. The reason why Lai Qingde, who claims to be a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker," spoiled cross-strait relations and engaged in vicious political fighting on the island as soon as he took office is not only the "Taiwan independence" proposition pursued by the DPP and the political ecology on the island, but also has a great deal to do with Lai Qingde's stubbornness, conceit, and strong personality. Lai Qingde calls himself a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker", and he wants to show his "Taiwan independence" nature and constantly provoke the mainland; His stubborn and stubborn personality is also manifested in other aspects, such as when he was the mayor of Tainan, he did not enter the parliament for 232 days, which can be described as illegal and disorderly government, and set a bad example in the history of local autonomy, known as "Lai Shen"; During the 2024 Taiwan leadership election, the illegal construction of Lai Qingde's hometown was exposed, even if it was attacked by public opinion and even affected his election, Lai Qingde just did not admit his mistakes and did not demolish it, and was called "Lai Piliao" by the people. All this shows that Lai Qingde's stubborn and stubborn personality will greatly increase the risk of cross-strait conflicts.

Third, there is a lack of the ability to govern, and there is only political struggle. The DPP authorities' insistence on the erroneous energy policy is like a shackle that binds their hands and feet, resulting in a fundamental solution to Taiwan's "five shortages." When the DPP is incompetent, the only way to do so is to divert the focus of its ineffective administration through political struggle. Conducting elections and engaging in political struggles is what the DPP is best at, so as soon as Lai Qingde came to power, he did not pay attention to Taiwan's economic development and pay attention to and solve the problems of people's livelihood, but only engaged in confrontation with the mainland and political vicious struggles with the opposition parties, and did not care whether the people lived or died!

Fourth, it has something to do with the United States' support for the DPP. Another important reason why the DPP and Lai Ching-te authorities are so arrogant is the support of the United States. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is willing to be a slave of the United States and has reached the pinnacle of achievement. The DPP accepts all and unconditionally what the United States wants from the DPP authorities, cooperates with the US strategy of "using Taiwan to contain China," and acts as a pawn of the United States. The United States, of course, is satisfied with the DPP authorities' flattery and servitude, and is at ease, so it "loves the DPP a little bit" and vigorously supports it.

With the support of the United States, the DPP has acted with arrogance, confronted the mainland, and wantonly suppressed the opposition parties. Even if the Lai Qingde authorities are a "double minority," they are still tyrannical and domineering, and they are "making trouble at home," which is unbelievable and shocking.

In the face of Lai Ching-te, a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker" with such a stubborn and stubborn personality, the mainland will certainly not get used to him and take strong deterrent measures against him to crack down on his arrogance of ignorance of the sky and the sky. The normalization of law enforcement patrols by mainland coast guard vessels in the waters of Xiajin, the suspension of tariff concessions on some ECFA products, and the launch of the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise around the island, etc., have effectively dealt a blow to and deterred "Taiwan independence" elements.

Recently, the mainland promulgated the "Opinions on Punishing 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards for Separatism and Inciting Separatism in Accordance with Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). It is a common practice in all countries in the world to use criminal justice to punish separatist criminals and safeguard the core interests of the country. The "Opinions," which have a total of 22 articles, are highly pertinent and operable, and have woven a dense network of laws to punish "independence," providing a more powerful legal weapon for cracking down on "Taiwan independence" diehards who commit crimes of splitting the country and inciting separatism in accordance with the law, and are a sharp sword for national reunification and cracking down on "Taiwan independence" crimes, and truly punish "Taiwan independence" diehards according to law.

If this continues, the situation of cross-strait confrontation will become more severe, Taiwan has no sense of security at all, and accelerating the relocation of enterprises from Taiwan will inevitably hollow out Taiwan's industries, increase the unemployment rate, trigger a wave of popular revolt, and shake the foundation of Lai Chingde's rule.

No matter how stubborn and stubborn Lai Qingde is, as long as he pursues "Taiwan independence" and deviates from the road of peaceful development between the two sides of the strait, he will certainly be dealt a fatal blow and will never recover. (Commentator Yan Weiyang)