
Crouching Tiger Mountain will not forget - the past of the fathers and "Aunt Shao" (29)

author:Chic Jinan

Crouching Tiger Mountain will not forget

——The past of the fathers and "Aunt Shao" (29)

Wang Guangtian and the three of them went out of Sulizhuang, and Shang Shihao sighed: "This person lives in the world, and his body is sick and his heart is difficult to treat!" ”

Talking about the Huangjiayu tragedy and the situation of social war, Shang Shihao said that Zhangqiu is the same now, with bandits everywhere and the people struggling to make a living.

He said that during the Spring Festival, Li Mancun, Song Yixiang, and Fang Zicheng organized more than 60 people to set up the Zhangqiu People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army in the "Shiyu Temple" in Puji Sanshanyu Village, which was supported by Ma Yaonan's three detachments.

Crouching Tiger Mountain will not forget - the past of the fathers and "Aunt Shao" (29)

The first to raise the anti-Japanese contingent in Zhangqiu was Gao Songpo. Cheng Xuetong and Wang Lianzhong had anti-Japanese forces who entered Li Man Village first, and Zhai Yuwei did the same, first partnering with Li Man Village, and then setting up another mountain by himself. There are also bandits Chen Chongshan and others, each dominating one side. Although they all claim to be armed to resist Japan, each has its own evil intentions, its forces are small, and each person has its own small hills, which makes it difficult to form a climate, and now it is the appearance of military separation. Recently, I heard that Cheng Xuetong and Wang Lianzhong have joined Gao Songpo's team, and they have won several battles with devils, which has a lot of influence and is expanding the number of people.

After half a year, they were reluctant to give up, so they found a secluded place to sit down. Wang Guangming talked about the process of the two teams of Culai Mountain and Heitie Mountain in the "horse shed", and asked Shang Shihao to give a detailed introduction to the anti-Japanese war situation in Zhangqiu.

"Let's start with Zhai Yuwei," Shang Shihao said after brushing his thoughts:

Zhai Yuwei was born in 1915 and lost his mother at the age of four. The Zhai family has a partnership pharmacy with others in Jinan, and his family is wealthy, and he and the brothers Zhai Yuhui (who died in the battle against the Japanese invaders) are all college graduates.

At the time of the Lugou Bridge Incident, Zhai Yuwei was a sophomore at Beijing Normal University, and his classmates put forward the slogan "Don't be a slave to the country, go back to your hometown to organize armed resistance against Japan", so he got up and returned to his hometown. At this time, the road from Beijing to Jinan had been closed during the war, and he diverted to Tianjin to take a boat to Yantai before returning to Zhangqiu.

At this time, although the Japanese were still north of the Yellow River, there was already a rumor in Zhangqiu City. The war was tense, and Han Fuyu was recruiting people to build fortifications on the banks of the Yellow River, and set the rule of "every family is out of people, and people are out of the embankment". At first, the Zhai family sent a long-term worker to support him, but for some reason, the long-term worker escaped from the embankment. Seeing that Zhai had returned home, he said, you are a literate and knowledgeable person, so you can come to work in the district office to do the position of a clerk (similar to a secretary).

On December 23, 1937, after the devil crossed the Yellow River, the county magistrate fled, and the people were afraid of Huang.

Zhai knew that Li had a gun when he returned home from the police station, and he also had a gun at home, so he had the intention of forming an armed anti-Japanese army. He instructed Li to return to his hometown to convene the old ministry and propagate the truth that "instead of being a slave of the country, it is better to fight a bloody battle with the Japanese to protect the family and defend the country".

On the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, three people from Li Man Village raised an armed anti-Japanese banner in Sanshanyu, and Zhai Yuwei also brought twenty or thirty people to participate in the anti-Japanese resistance. The unit was named the "Zhangqiu People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army" and elected Li Mancun as commander, Song Yixiang as political instructor, and Fang Zicheng and Zhai Yuwei as staff officers.

A few days later, Cheng Xuetong, who was in the Hushan area, also brought twenty or thirty people, a machine gun, and more than 20 long and short guns. The troops formed three platoons and participated together in the battle to capture the guns in the attack on 19 Langzhuang, and lost the battle to capture the guns. Some people seized the opportunity to spread rumors, saying that the Communist Party was "a communist wife, killing people and setting fires," "taking the guns of the common people in the village to become bandits," and so on.

The local power of the Kuomintang in Zhangqiu was strong, and it was difficult for the local armed forces to gain a foothold, so Li Man Village accepted the suggestion of Ma Yaonan, commander of the anti-Japanese rebel army in Heitieshan, and the troops went to Changbai Mountain in Zouping, and invited Zhai Yuwei to go with him.

Zhai Yuwei saw that the subordinates of Li Man Village were all homeless and homeless and wandering poor. In addition to the landlords and wealthy households, his subordinates are policemen, tolerance and other middle- and upper-class people in society, and after weighing, they still pulled their men and horses to leave the army and stand on their own feet. Seeing this, Cheng Xuetong also led some people back to the Hushan area and broke away from the National Salvation Army.

When Zhai Yuwei occupied Zhangqiu City, in order to get a gun, he went to Yujiazhuang to ask for it, but the owner of the gun did not give it, so he arrested more than ten people surnamed Yu and imprisoned them in Zhangqiu City. Yujiazhuang sent someone to intercede, when the lover returned, he met Zhai's subordinate Li Weihan above the city, the two waved to each other, not long after, the Japanese invaders came from the Puji railway station to attack Xianggongzhuang, and Li Weihan was killed in the battle. Li Weihan is Zhai's henchman, Zhai is suspected of being a native of Yujiazhuang who told the Japanese invaders, and he was extremely angry, and more than ten people surnamed Yu who were detained in the city were killed.

Later, Zhai Yuwei accepted the reorganization of the Kuomintang 69th Army Meng Zhaojin (Zouping), and Major General Ren fought together to resist the Japanese, causing resentment because of repeated attacks on Japanese invaders. In 1938, the Japanese invaders encircled and burned down Zhai Yuwei's mulberry garden hometown, and on May 12, 1939, the eldest brother Zhai Yu would fight and die against the Japanese invaders near Dingjiazhuang in Changbai Mountain, and the Zhai family was chased and fled everywhere.

Zhai Yuwei, the word Pi Ye. Zhangqiu County, Xianggongzhuang Town, Sangyuan Village. Major General of the Kuomintang. Zhai Yuwei's troops fought not only the Japanese but also the Communists.

At 15 o'clock on August 22, 1945, Zhai Yuwei dispatched more than 4,000 people, with more than 30 light and heavy machine guns and more than 10 mortars, to shoot at the garrison of our Bohai troops in Diao Town. Our Bohai troops fought bloody battles, repelled many enemy attacks, captured more than 600 enemy officers and men, and captured more than 1,000 weapons.

On August 31, the Fourth Division of the Shandong Provincial Military Region and three regiments of the Third Service Division of the Bohai Military Region captured Zhangjialin, an important stronghold of Zhai Runqing, deputy brigade commander of Zhai Yuwei's department, and annihilated more than 4,000 enemies.

On September 5, the traitors, recalcitrants, and wanderers entrenched in the old Zhangqiu City were intimidated by the powerful offensive of the anti-Japanese forces and abandoned the city and fled. The old Zhangqiu City was restored. In November, under the powerful offensive of the troops of the Shandong Provincial Military Region, Zhai Yuwei abandoned the old nest of Changbai Mountain, which had been operating for many years, and fled to the north bank of the Yellow River with the remnants.

In addition to forming an armed force, Zhai Yuwei also established a middle school in Zhangqiu, and sent most of the students to Fuyang, Anhui Province, the rear of Shandong University, to continue their studies and cultivate talents.

Zhai's ex-wife is an ordinary peasant woman and has a daughter. At the height of his rule in the northern part of Zhangqiu, he married Tian Yuzhi for the second time. After getting married, Tian Yuzhi entered Peking Union Medical College Hospital and studied under Lin Qiaozhi, a famous gynecological expert in the mainland.

Crouching Tiger Mountain will not forget - the past of the fathers and "Aunt Shao" (29)


In 1948, Zhai Yuwei moved his family to Dongcheng District, Beiping, and took his brother and sister-in-law to Beijing. On the eve of the defeat of the Kuomintang, Zhai wanted to go to Taiwan, but his sister-in-law begged him to stay on the mainland.

Zhai and He Siyuan, chairman of the Shandong Provincial Government, have a teacher-student friendship, He Siyuan is a native of Heze, Shandong, and the two have a close relationship during his tenure as provincial chairman. On the eve of the liberation of Beiping in 1949, He Siyuan was the chief representative of the peace negotiations of Beiping City, and actively campaigned for the peaceful liberation of Beiping. Later, he successively served as a member of the Second to Fifth National Committee of the Chinese Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a member of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang. Because he was on the mainland, Zhai did not go to Taiwan.

In May 1950, Zhai Yuwei was captured by the people's government during the rebellion, his home was raided, and he was shot. On September 20, he was shot outside the south gate of Mingshui Town, Zhangqiu County. When he was shot, he was reported in the People's Daily as a typical example.