
If there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, doing 3 things well is the winner

author:Lianzi said emotionally
If there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, doing 3 things well is the winner

Text/Lotus Seeds

Figure/Sourced from the network

In the long river of feelings, not all people who love each other can go through this life hand in hand. Many times, the two only intersect for a short time, and then each goes in a different direction and becomes each other's passers-by.

Zhang Xiaoxian once said: "I thought that love could fill the regrets of life, but what created more regrets was love." The clouds and sunny days are short, and they are constantly repeated in a love. If you change a person, it won't be evergreen. ”

Indeed, love is full of mystery and irresistible, but it is also full of unknowns and variables, like a wonderful and dizzying magic show.

Not all people who love each other can go to the end, there is always a time when they have no choice but to miss and leave regrets, just like the moon is cloudy and sunny, and they can't get a happy ending.

Love needs the right time, place and people to create miracles. If two people really love each other, but the timing is not right, it can only be to become each other's passers-by.

If you want love to be consummated, you can only meet the right person at the right time, otherwise it will only be in vain, or even your trouble. Believe it, this must not be what you want.

Therefore, if there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, do the following 3 things to be the winner

If there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, doing 3 things well is the winner

1. Face the reality and get along with each other with a different identity

Love is full of mystery and unknown, it is desirable, but all two people who love each other can become dependents.

It is possible to be forced by all kinds of helplessness and pressure in reality, and can only choose to be each other's passers-by, such regrets are very heart-wrenching, but they can only blame fate for playing tricks on people.

Since two people who love each other can't come together, then they have to face the reality and can fulfill the reluctance and regret in their hearts in a roundabout way.

In short, whether to be friends or strangers, get along with each other in a different identity, and don't continue to pester people who have no results.

is like classmate Wenwen and her ex-boyfriend, they have been together in college for 4 years, and they thought that they would be able to get married from campus after graduation, but they didn't want to, but because of their different pursuits, they chose to break up as soon as they graduated.

With the passage of time, both of them have a new lover, and every time they think of the sweetness they once had together, they can't let go.

In the end, the two sat down, chatted openly, blessed each other, and decided to be strangers again and not disturb each other, which gradually relieved.

It can be seen that when two people who love each other can't go hand in hand to the end, and they are doomed to ask for nothing, then it is better to accept the reality, get along with each other in a different identity, look at each other not far away, and then leave everything to time.

If there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, doing 3 things well is the winner

2. Treasure the good and keep the memories in your heart

Feelings do not mean that if you fall in love, you can be together, and you may have to choose to let go for various reasons.

So when you know that you can't be together, then you have to be calm, accept the doomed ending, and break up with dignity, although the past can never be erased, but it is a respect for this relationship.

After her best friend Xiaojie broke up with her ex-boyfriend, she said that if she knew that the breakup was so painful, she would not easily lose her lover if she said anything at the beginning.

But everything was like this, and she could only accept reality, so she decided to let it go.

So she put the train ticket for love, the shells and other items that she picked up at the beach together, and all the good memories in a box and sealed them forever.

Flowers are still no longer human, but the past has always become a part of life, whether it is regret or treasure, it has become the past.

If there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, doing 3 things well is the winner

3. Turn around in style and start a new life

There is a saying: "There are times in life when you have to have it, and there are times in life when you don't have to force it." ”

Indeed, it is yours, it is yours, it is not yours, and you can't force it. Feelings are reluctantly not coming, when they are broken, they will be broken, and they will eventually consume each other.

In real life, there are some people who are trapped by love, knowing that there is no result, but they are still reluctant to let go, and finally consume each other's feelings and become resentful couples.

Therefore, when the ending is doomed and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, it is better to choose to turn around in style and start a new life to draw a successful end to this relationship.

Xu Hong and her ex-boyfriend have been together for 5 years, and she thought that the two would eventually enter the palace of marriage, but they couldn't withstand the cruelty of reality.

The ex-boyfriend told her that the family arranged a rich girl for him to marry, but he still loved Xu Hong very much. Xu Hong was very sad when she heard this, but she understood that her ex-boyfriend had chosen the arrangement at home.

Although Xu Hong was very sad, she did not indulge in grief and broke up with her ex-boyfriend in a chic manner.

After that, she put all her energy into improving her self-worth, and soon transformed into a better version of herself, and started a relationship again.

Although it is painful to love without love, it is also the norm, and it is destined not to be together, so it is better to choose to turn around and start a new life, than to be entangled and hurt each other.

If there is true love between the opposite sex, and there is no chance to become a husband and wife, doing 3 things well is the winner

Emotional Message:

Cangyang Gyatso once said: "The world is safe and perfect, and it lives up to its promise." ”

Love is full of mystery and unknown, we all have to face it with a humorous and optimistic attitude, no matter how many regrets and losses the reality brings, we should face it calmly.

In the long river of feelings, it is not that you will only meet one person, but after meeting all kinds of different people, the one who will never leave you will always be by your side in the end, which belongs to you.


Author: Lianzi, focusing on the creation and sharing of the emotional field, I hope to bring you warmth and comfort in the soul with words that go to the heart. If you like it, please follow me, thank you!