
As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

author:Sannong Gangzi
As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

Ganoderma lucidum

Reading guide: As the rural saying goes, "The grave is a vision, and the future generations are prosperous", what is the vision? What do you say?

In rural areas, the deceased old people in the family will use the form of burial to bury the deceased elderly, and after burying the deceased elderly, a grave bag will be formed, and the formation of the grave bag is to make a mark, and when the deceased old man is graved in the future, a place can be found.

On the grave of the deceased, you will see the appearance of visions, and the appearance of these visions will bring wealth and family prosperity to future generations, and will also bring good signs to the family.

It will also take care of the grave of the deceased elderly, and will not be harmed by small animals, so that the grave of the deceased old man will not fall, or there will be more beautiful meanings, people will work harder to honor their deceased parents with this beautiful meaning, so that they will be healthy forever underground.

And what visions will appear in the grave? Listen to my explanation.

As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

1. Ganoderma lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum is a kind of fungus, and Ganoderma lucidum has certain medicinal value, according to ancient legends, Ganoderma lucidum grass is the elixir of immortality.

On the grave of the deceased old man, a large number of Ganoderma lucidum appeared, which indicates that it will bring wealth to future generations, because Ganoderma lucidum has medicinal value, and the Ganoderma lucidum grown from the grave belongs to the wild Ganoderma lucidum, and the wild Ganoderma lucidum can be sold at a good price.

The longevity of Ganoderma lucidum on the grave can bring wealth and good meaning, indicating that future generations can have good luck and wealth, and will also bring longevity and prosperity to future generations, and will also win the respect and remembrance of the deceased old man by future generations.

As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

2. Pine trees

Pine is a pine family, evergreen trees, most of the pine trees belong to tall shrubs, generally grow to 20m~25m, and pine wood can be used for construction, such as telephone poles, sleepers, pillars, bridges, farm tools, appliances, furniture, etc.

The pine tree is a longevity tree, if properly cared for, the pine tree can survive for thousands of years, and pine trees will be seen in ancient Chinese buildings.

Pine trees have an appreciation value, they can be planted on the road, or in the park, and pine trees will be planted in the cemetery, and the meaning of these pine trees will live forever with the undead in the cemetery.

And the grave of the deceased old man at home, a pine tree grows naturally, which is the deceased old man to find a partner for himself, so that the pine tree is a companion to accompany the deceased old man for millions of years.

The pine tree is a tall tree with lush branches and leaves, which can shield the grave of the deceased from the wind and rain, and can also shield the deceased from the sun, so that the deceased old man living underground will feel very cool.

The meaning of the pine tree is upright and unyielding, not afraid of the cold and heat, which is also a warning to future generations, to have an indomitable character like a pine tree, bravely face all the ups and downs in a person's life, and keep moving forward.

As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

3. Mulberry trees

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, mulberry, silkworm, and the meaning of sericulture is to use the leaves of the mulberry tree to raise silkworms, which is also a means for farmers to make a fortune by engaging in sideline business.

Silkworms can turn into silkworm pupae in the aging period, and the shell of the silkworm chrysalis is made of silk, and this silk can be made into silk quilts.

And if the mulberry tree appears on the grave, it just belongs to the funeral, because the mulberry word of the mulberry tree is the same as the funeral burial, which means the feelings of the earth, and the earth has not forgotten the old farmers who have died, and they sent a mulberry tree to shelter the old man from the wind and rain, so that the grave of the deceased old man will not be washed flat by the rain.

Then people see this mulberry tree, or outsiders see this mulberry tree, they will talk about this mulberry tree in their mouths, there will be a sense of mourning, and it will also let future generations always remember their deceased old people, and visit and care for them in various festivals every year, so as to fulfill the filial piety of future generations.

As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

Fourth, the fox

Foxes are carnivorous small animals, and foxes have a wide range of food, insects and mice, rabbits and snakes, and foxes will also have many ancient legends, foxes can dress up as beautiful women, and tempt some scholars.

If the fox appears on the grave, it will play a role in protecting the grave, because the grave will attract some snakes and rats, and the rats have the function of stealing holes, and they will make the grave of the deceased old man full of holes.

Foxes often appear in the graves of the deceased elderly, so that the dead old man's rats and snakes will run away, or they will all be eaten by foxes, so that the graves without caves will not collapse, or disappear and be razed to the ground.

As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

V. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is a precious flower that has been artificially cultivated for a long time, and chrysanthemum has a certain medicinal value, and the color of chrysanthemum is tens of millions, common white chrysanthemum, red chrysanthemum, yellow chrysanthemum on the market.

If a white chrysanthemum appears on the grave, it symbolizes the flower of mourning for the deceased elderly, and it is also a nostalgia for the deceased, or a sense of missing.

This also gives a comfort to the deceased old man, because the good deeds of the deceased old man before his death moved God to give white chrysanthemums, so that the whole world mourns the deceased old man, so that the deceased old man is at peace underground.

As the rural saying goes, "The grave has a vision, and the descendants will prosper", what is the vision? What's the saying?

To sum up, this rural proverb "The grave has a vision, the future generations will prosper", although it is a bit exaggerated, but the appearance of these five visions on the grave means that the grave of the deceased old man plays a role in care, and it will also mean to bring a better future to future generations, do you think I am right?