
Is it worth it to go back to the township?

author:Hongdong County official Su San

#宝藏兴趣攻略##你想考编回到乡镇吗?#在大学生求职参加考编的时候, there will always be some embarrassing things, such as it is difficult to find a suitable position to apply for the major you are studying, or the position that can be applied for is often in the township, which basically belongs to the three unlimited positions, so is it worth it to return to the township for the exam?

Is it worth it to go back to the township?

First of all, for local college graduates, it is still a good choice to return to the township for the exam. Most of the characteristics of the establishment work are clear, in terms of personal treatment, it is at the local middle to upper level, can solve the problem of personal livelihood well, and there is no risk of unemployment, from this aspect, the establishment of a career in the local area is at least a good pay and very stable job.

Is it worth it to go back to the township?

Secondly, in terms of social status, township and town undertakings still have a certain social status in the local area. Those who have worked in the township know that if the locals are admitted to the career establishment of the township, even if they are ordinary cadres, they have a relatively large influence in the locality, and in terms of weddings and funerals, these people have a natural advantage and can find very good spouses in all aspects.

Is it worth it to go back to the township?

Finally, from the perspective of employment, the township career editor is one of the only options for college students to return home. For most college students who have passed the examination to enter the bustling city, the best way to go home after graduation is to take the civil service examination or the career preparation examination to obtain the local career editor, and the local career preparation examination position setting is more concentrated in the township, therefore, from the perspective of employment, the choice of township career is a very good choice, of course, in addition to this, there will be other positions, the most common is the local state-owned enterprises, however, this kind of enterprise is not want to enter can enter, Academic qualifications are a must, but not the only one, for these companies to recruit.