
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

author:Weifang high-tech financial media

In Wuping County, Fujian

After the floods

Multiple rescue forces

Complete rescue and disaster relief missions

Depart for the first time

Local villagers said goodbye

Show your appreciation

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

On the front line of flood control and disaster relief

The youth league members gave full play to their new force

and commando roles

With speed, strength, temperature

Build a "youth dam" for flood control and disaster relief

Anhui: Make every effort to block the pipe gushing mouth

Continued heavy rainfall

Scattered leaching appeared on the Yanghu polder embankment in Xingang Village

Youth volunteers from Xingang Village, Hongpu Town

After more than 1 hour of all-out fighting

In the end, the pipe gushing mouth was successfully blocked

The danger was effectively controlled

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

The Tuanpingshan Township Committee quickly organized young volunteers

Rush to the waters of the main stream of the Anhui River

Carry out intense and orderly flood prevention work

They can be found all over rivers and dams

Low-lying areas and other key protection areas

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

The Tuanjiang Town Committee organized youth league members to transfer the masses

Complete sanitization work in temporary settlements

Provide a clean and tidy environment for the masses

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Huangshan: Youth commandos braved the rain to deliver oil

The Youth League Committee of Huangshan Petroleum organized young commandos

Orderly travel to the hard-hit sites to carry out assistance

Help the site salvage supplies and move goods

Organize the shelves and clean up the site

Strive to help the affected stations resume business as soon as possible

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Youth volunteers for the first time

Carry out all-round hidden danger investigation in key areas of the jurisdiction

Go to the homes of people who have been severely affected

Help clean up the mud inside the house

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Anhui Provincial Armed Police Corps

The rescue team of Shaolian Township urgently needs a batch of diesel

Young employees of Huangshan Petroleum take the initiative to "ask for war"

1,800 liters of diesel fuel were transported in the rain

After more than 3 hours

Finally, the oil was delivered to the Shaolian Township rescue team

Save people's lives and property for it

Valuable time was gained

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......
Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Hefei: Writing youth in the wind and rain

Tuanfeixi County Party Committee

Actively mobilize the county's youth league organizations at all levels

The majority of youth league members and young volunteers

Formation of youth commandos

Participate in flood prevention and disaster relief in an orderly manner

In the investigation of dangerous situations, drainage and dredging

Helping the needy, fighting floods and rescuing people

and so on

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Youth volunteers

Investigate the low-lying road sections that are prone to water accumulation one by one

And take the setting of warning signs

Manual water pushing operations and other methods to speed up drainage

Clean the green belt and clean the water intake of the road in time

Timely transfer of domestic garbage along the road

Strengthen the management of various high-altitude facilities

Check the potential safety hazards of each place

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Youth volunteers in villages and communities

The two committees of the joint village visited the jurisdiction in an all-round way

Households with subsistence allowances and elderly people living alone

Vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities

Check for potential safety hazards in the house

Popularize flood control knowledge

Take precautions

Don't × 3, don't × 4, don't throw ×n......

Youth shines in the wind and rain

Contribute youth strength to flood prevention and rescue work

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League