
A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

author:Shaoguan Minsheng Network


Mr. Luo, a citizen, reflected to the "People's Livelihood Concern" column,

A road near his home

There is often a phenomenon of random parking,

For nearby residents to travel

Brings a lot of trouble.

The path reflected by Mr. Luo

Located opposite Bicheng Square in Wujiang District,

Just a few hundred meters away,

rush hour,

But it is often blocked and impassable,

It usually takes more than 20 minutes to pass,

In addition, there is water on some roads.

A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

The informant provides the picture

The reporter saw at the scene,

There is indeed a phenomenon of random parking,

Long "car lines" occupy both sides of the road.

A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

Informant: Mr. Luo

From the delivery of this road to the present, there have been such problems for more than a year. Every day is like an open-air parking lot, especially during the rush hour of commuting, at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, there are full cars parked on both sides, and it is difficult for vehicles to pass, even battery cars and pedestrians can't pass. There's a parking lot right next to it, and they don't stop going in.

A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year
A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

The picture below is provided by the informant

Recently, the property is on the side of the road

Isolated columns were installed,

The situation of random parking of vehicles is slightly better.

A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

And not far from the road,

There is an open-air parking lot on the commercial street,

No charge for three hours,

Temporary parking can be met.

A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

The informant provides the picture

Mr. Luo has called the 12345 complaint hotline many times,

The problem of random parking was reflected, but it was never solved.

Informant: Mr. Luo

The 12345 complaint number may have been called six or seven times, and the police number was called two or three times. The traffic police replied that they had no way to file here, and they could not enforce the law against illegally parked vehicles. The chengguan replied that they had no law enforcement powers, and I could only communicate with the traffic police.

A few hundred meters long road in the urban area has become a "parking lot", making it difficult for vehicles to pass, and residents: The situation has lasted for more than a year

The informant provides the picture

The original intention of building the road,

It is to facilitate the passage of vehicles,

Nowadays, because of the lack of effective management

and reduced to an open-air parking lot.

It is hoped that the relevant departments will pay attention to this issue,

Solve the phenomenon of chaotic parking on this road section as soon as possible.

Source: Shaoguan Minsheng Network