
Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

author:New oxygen

I have to say that Sister Ju's American businessmen are indeed ahead of their time...

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

The sheep took a look at the latest picture and found that Ju Jingyi seemed to have moved her eyebrows, and ordinary female stars really can't think of this.

And according to rumors, this time Ju Jingyi made a Gillian with the same style.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Although it has not yet been confirmed, for the new face of Ju Jingyi who has "changed", it can almost be said that the discussion is completely polarized -

Some people think it is an excellent case of "changing from light to thick", and some people think it is not as good as before.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

I have to say that Ju Jingyi's sweet and lustful period before is indeed one of the ceilings of domestic entertainment girlishness, and it can be regarded as because of this unique girlishness, which has gained the controversial title of "once in a thousand years".

Bloggers who are similar to Ju Jingyi can also easily become popular once.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

"Barbie" picture source Xiaohongshu @小curly bear yes

Recently, South Korea has taken a girlish trend again.

Although now everyone is more and more disgusted with this aesthetic trend with white and thin as the keyword, but, perhaps, this time the aesthetics of girls has a new definition...

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Inventory of girlish beauty elements

On the other hand, looking at the aesthetics of girls in the traditional sense, it is found that it can basically be disassembled into two parts:

One is the gorgeous design, and the other is the characteristics of juvenile age.

Sheep starts with fashion identity and talks about gorgeous design elements:

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Mami flour

As for why pink is firmly bound to girlishness, the originator may have to be traced back to Barbie and Hello Kitty, and even the ancient ballad "Pink Memories".

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Movie "Barbie"

In modern times, we have to talk about Mrs. Mamie, the wife of Eisenhower, the 34th president of the United States, who loved pink and became famous for it.

Because it is often mentioned in reports, the term "Mami Flour" was even born.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

The main reason, of course, was that the war had just ended, and women of that period were used to wearing plain black and blue clothing.

The pink color worn by Mrs. Mamie is like a stimulant, injected into the fashion blood of European and American women, and since then everyone has tacitly believed that this is the color of a lady.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?


It is not so much that the bow is bound to the girl, but that the bow in history is bound to love.

In the 16th century, a fashion style called "Baroque" became popular in Europe, and more and more ladies and sons began to use handmade silk decorations to dress themselves, the most popular of which was the bow.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

If you pin the bow close to your heart, you're in love.

In 1983, Yves Saint Laurent made a splash in the fashion world when he launched an evening gown adorned with a huge bow.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

At the same time, the classic smoking outfit also appeared, which adorned the bow tie shirt over the stiff suit for a strong and subtle sensuality.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

This outfit makes the bow a unique symbol of femininity.

Of course, today's girly aesthetics not only point to the outside, but also to the inside, such as the heroine of romance novels with qualities such as cuteness, innocence, and youth.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Not only that, throughout the domestic film and television industry, actresses have never given up the pursuit of "girlishness".

In fact, aside from the guidance of female stars and the aesthetic hegemony of the patriarchal society, from a physiological point of view, the growth environment of East Asian women is relatively harsh, and the phenomenon of late marriage and late childbearing is not uncommon in recent years.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Movie "The Next So-hee"

The will to reproduce is suppressed, but the instinct is not.

Therefore, this kind of love and compassion for the infant state is transferred to adults with the characteristics of human cubs, and baby fat, girly face, and cat and dog face can stimulate a physiological maternal feeling.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Antipathy and retrospectiveness coexist

And over the years, what new views and new definitions have you had on girly aesthetics?

In the eyes of sheep, it can be summarized as the coexistence of disgust and pursuit.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

White and thin stereotypes

The essence of the word "white, young and thin" is a kind of examination of a patriarchal society.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Under the long-term and traditional objectification status, women silently accept the constraints of external norms and self-norms, and "white, young and thin" naturally becomes an image that is easy to control and meet the needs of male dominance.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

So in recent years, voices against Bai Youxiao have emerged in an endless stream to complete the aesthetic confrontation against patriarchal ideology.

The girlish style is back

On the other hand, Miu Miu and Versace are back in the big trend and redefining the aesthetics of girls.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Let's talk about Miu Miu, from the much-discussed waistless outfit, to the "Maillard style", to a pair of sequined briefs that has greatly increased its topic, and the collaboration with New Balance...

Now this brand has become a new synonym for "rich girl's wardrobe" and "daughter girl".

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Now Miu Miu is no longer the innocent little princess image of the past, but more like a personality and independent thinking of the socialite, she hopes to expand her horizons and abilities by exploring this colorful world.

Perhaps it is the more vivid and three-dimensional characteristics that make women gladly accept this kind of "crazy daughter" dressing.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

A new definition of girly aesthetics

In fact, in Yang's view, today's girly aesthetics is no longer the thin elements and characteristics mentioned above, and we might as well re-examine this style.

Like other aesthetics, the essence of girly aesthetics is a yearning for beauty, just like the yearning for the pink dress of a woman who is physically and mentally exhausted after experiencing war.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Photo source: Xiaohongshu @ Sanhan Hann

Yang feels that the most essential girlish aesthetic is not to erase wrinkles or pretend to be cute, but to pursue purity and innocence.

The reason why we yearn for girls is to yearn for the rebellious, stubborn, precocious, silent, well-behaved, and shy when we were young... All in all, there is no domestication of social women.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Even, the aesthetics of girls are not necessarily beautiful, after all, most girls' youth is cut off their long hair and ashamed to face their bodies.

Ju Jingyi, who has been stiff for half her life for the sake of a perfect image, why did she overturn devastatingly this time?

Maybe I saw a sentence a few days ago that can accurately summarize our new attitude:

The soul could not restore the girl, so she had to wrap her body into an undeveloped form. A girl can not be wise, a girl can not be beautiful, but a girl is unstoppable.

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