
From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!

author:Henan traffic police
From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!

On June 13, 2024, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference to announce 8 new measures for the reform of public security traffic management to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises, further deepen the promotion and application of electronic licenses, further reduce licenses to facilitate the people, further optimize the organization of non-motorized vehicle traffic at urban intersections, and further innovate the "Internet + traffic management" service, so as to better serve the overall situation of expanding domestic demand, promoting consumption, and stabilizing growth.

The 8 new measures are:

Pilot the electronicization of motor vehicle driving licenses. On the basis of the full realization of the electronic motor vehicle inspection mark and driver's license, the electronic motor vehicle driving license will be piloted in 60 cities such as Beijing and Tianjin, which will make it more convenient for the masses and enterprises to use the traffic management electronic license to handle vehicle registration, illegal handling, accident handling and other public security traffic management window business, and actively expand the application scenarios such as passenger and freight transportation licenses, insurance claims, vehicle mortgages, and second-hand car transactions, and provide online "bright certificate" and "bright code" services for motor vehicle owners and relevant industries and management departments. It is more convenient for mass enterprises to do things.

From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!

Implement the "one-pass service" for motorcycle registration. On the basis of the implementation of the "one-pass office" for motorcycle registration in the province, for cross-provincial and non-local motorcycle registration, transfer registration, residence relocation and other businesses, the applicant can use the resident ID card "one card" without submitting the temporary residence certificate, which is convenient for the masses to purchase cars in other places and more convenient for the masses to live, work and study in other places. If the local government implements a separate management policy for motorcycles, it shall be implemented in accordance with local regulations.

Facilitate the masses to go through the procedures for car cancellation online. After the owner of the motor vehicle sells the old car to the scrapped motor vehicle recycling enterprise and applies for cancellation of registration, he can download the electronic version of the motor vehicle cancellation certificate through the "traffic management 12123" APP, and does not need to go to the window of the vehicle management office to receive the paper cancellation certificate, so as to facilitate the masses to apply for car trade-in subsidies and other procedures, reduce the burden of the masses to and from the window, and better promote the consumption of automobile echelons and updates.

Implement express door-to-door service to facilitate the masses. Further promote police-enterprise cooperation, better play the advantages of door-to-door service of express delivery enterprises, the masses can independently choose the door-to-door delivery service mode when handling traffic management business such as replacement of license plates, and the courier will come to collect the application materials, and the public security traffic management department will express the motor vehicle license plate to the applicant after review and confirmation, so as to make it more convenient for the masses to handle the traffic management business without leaving home, further improve the traffic management urban and rural service network, and provide more inclusive and efficient traffic management services for the urban and rural people.

Optimisation of test subjects for re-application of driving licences. For small car driver's license that has been cancelled due to overdue for three years, and the applicant reapplies for the original quasi-driving driver's license, the original need to take all subjects will be adjusted to subject 1 and subject 3 road driving skills test, and there is no need to take subject 2 and subject 3 safety and civilization common sense test, simplify and optimize the test subjects, more highlight the pertinence and effectiveness of the re-application test, and facilitate the masses to re-apply for a driver's license.

Optimize the organization of non-motorized traffic at urban intersections. Promote the integrated design of slow traffic at urban intersections, expand the waiting space for non-motorized vehicles, scientifically set up non-isolation facilities, guide non-motorized vehicles to wait in an orderly manner, pass smoothly, and reduce traffic interference. At qualified intersections, promote the measure of non-motorized vehicles turning left once to cross the street, facilitate the safe and fast passage of non-motorized vehicles, and improve the continuity, comfort and safety of non-motorized vehicles.

Implement online precise guidance services for traffic management business. Relying on the "traffic management 12123" APP to provide business notification and guidance services, when the masses log in to the "traffic management 12123" APP to handle business, take the initiative to remind the approaching vehicle inspection, renewal and waiting for business, accurately inform the business handling outlets, processes, materials and other service guidelines, provide online business guidance, offline network navigation services, and realize the masses "one login, all prompts, one to-do, full guidance", and provide the masses with more intimate, high-quality, and accurate public security traffic management guidance services.

Launched the "Traffic Management 12123" APP unit user version. After opening an account with the local public security traffic management department, organs, enterprises and institutions can manage the vehicles under their name and the information of the driver for the record of the vehicle online through the "Traffic Management 12123" APP, query the vehicle status, traffic violation records and other information, and handle the vehicle number selection, replacement of license plates, application for vehicle inspection exemption signs, change of contact information and other services online, so as to realize the handheld license and license, the handheld bright code, reduce the cost of service, and help optimize the business environment.

Eight new measures will be implemented today, among which the electronic driving license and express delivery service will be piloted on July 1. In order to ensure the smooth implementation and accurate implementation of the new measures, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security has formulated supporting systems and specifications, organized the upgrading of the information system, and carefully organized and promoted it to ensure that the measures for the convenience of the people and enterprises are effective.

Source: Traffic Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Security

From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!

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From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!

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From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!
From today, it will be officially implemented! It's about your driving license!