
Don't go out unless you have to! A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

author:Today's Women's Newspaper

Pingjiang County, Yueyang, Hunan Province, suffered the longest-lasting, most intense and heaviest flood since meteorological records began. Many towns and villages in Pingjiang were seriously flooded, with landslides, road disruptions, house collapses, and flooding in many places.

On July 1, Pingjiang County successively issued the "Notice on Uniting to Fight the Severe Flood" and the "Letter to the Fathers and Villagers of the County".

The "Notice on Uniting to Fight the Severe Flood" requires: in order to effectively do a good job in the current flood control work, the people of the county are requested to obey and cooperate with the dispatch of the county and township flood control headquarters, and the residents of the central urban area should not go out or watch unless necessary, so as not to affect the flood control and rescue work; Residents in low-lying areas of the county should quickly move to safe areas, stay away from dangerous areas, and ensure their own safety; Move the vehicle to higher ground quickly; Neighbours should help each other and cooperate with each other to overcome difficulties together.

Don't go out unless you have to! A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

According to the "Letter to the Elders and Villagers of the County" released in the evening, from 8 o'clock on June 18 to 20 o'clock on July 1, the rainfall at Pingjiang Station was 762.4 mm. According to the latest meteorological forecast, the heavy rainfall will basically end on July 2, the water level will gradually drop, and the people can basically return to normal life. At this important juncture, I hope that the cadres and masses of the county will strengthen their confidence, understand and support, overcome the difficulties together, and win the battle of flood prevention and disaster relief.

Don't go out unless you have to! A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

Pingjiang County's flood control emergency response was upgraded to Level I

At 21 o'clock on July 1, the water level of Pingjiang Station of Miluo River rose to 77.63 meters, exceeding the warning water level by 7.13 meters and exceeding the guaranteed water level by 3.63 meters, the highest water level since 1954. The rapid rise in water levels has led to a severe flood control situation in Pingjiang County and Miluo City along the Miluo River, and many places have been seriously affected.

As of 23:00 on the 1st, Pingjiang County and Miluo City have upgraded the local flood control emergency response to the first level, opened the general mobilization mode of the whole society, and required all departments at all levels to fully devote themselves to flood fighting and rescue. At present, tens of thousands of party members and cadres are charging on the front line of flood control and flood control, and social rescue forces from many places have rushed to the disaster areas of Pingjiang and Miluo to resist this rare flood.

The rescue operation was carried out urgently

According to the relevant person in charge of the Pingjiang County Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the county has dispatched 166 professional rescue teams, 15,539 flood fighting and rescue personnel, and 1,695 sets of large-scale rescue equipment to deal with the danger of the embankment, transfer the people in the flooded areas, and gradually do a good job in the resettlement of the affected people.

On the evening of July 1, the Yueyang Detachment of the Armed Police, the Municipal Fire and Rescue Bureau, and the Blue Sky Rescue Team of Yuelu District, Yueyang West, Huarong County, Miluo City, and Xiangyin County of Changsha City rushed to Pingjiang County for rescue.

On June 30, Fang Weiping, the village party secretary of Donghu Village, Pingjiang County, drove a forklift to and fro in the torrent to transfer villagers back and forth several times. Mr. Wu, a local villager, described the situation of the rising water at that time: "This flood is very violent, usually the water rises slowly, this time it rises to knee deep, and then it rises to my doorstep, I immediately called him (Fang Weiping), and after more than ten minutes he came, the forklift is not his, it is borrowed from the factory." ”

The current round of heavy rainfall in Hunan tends to come to an end

The Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory predicts that on July 2, under the combined influence of the upper-air trough, shear line, and southwest warm and humid airflow, there will still be heavy rain in some areas of southern Hunan, with localized heavy rainfall, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather. On July 3, the precipitation weakened as the subtropical high extended westward and northward, and the precipitation process tended to end. From the 4th, Hunan will open the sunny and hot high temperature mode.

However, geological disasters have a lag nature, and after continuous heavy rainfall, special attention should be paid to preventing lag geological disasters in the central and northern regions of Hunan.

Don't go out unless you have to! A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood
Don't go out unless you have to! A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood
Don't go out unless you have to! A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

Source: China News Network Comprehensive CCTV News, Xinhuanet, Pingjiang Today, Yueyang Release, Hunan Daily, Sanxiang Metropolis Daily, Hunan Weather, etc

Edit: Yiyi

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