
The winding path leads to a secluded place, and one is not left

author:Dawukou District Forbidden Poison

Since the beginning of summer, all kinds of plants have entered the lush growth period, and in order to consolidate the achievements of banning planting and eradicating drugs, we have continuously increased the inspection of the original drug plants. Recently, the Dawukou District Narcotics Control Office, together with Chaoyang Street anti-drug specialists and anti-drug volunteers, has carried out anti-drug and anti-drug eradication activities in the area under its jurisdiction.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and one is not left

At present, it is the season when the original drug plants are flowering and fruiting, and it is the golden time to eradicate the original drug plants, and the anti-narcotics cadres go deep into the vegetable gardens, fields, front and back of houses and other key areas to carry out carpet inspections to ensure that the prohibition of planting and eradicating drugs does not leave hidden dangers, dead ends, and blind spots. At the same time, the staff distributed anti-drug propaganda leaflets to residents, explaining the forms of opium poppy and marijuana, the harm of illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and other knowledge of prohibiting the cultivation and eradication of narcotics and related laws and regulations, and mobilizing the masses to immediately report to the public security organs if they discover the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and one is not left

In this activity, no illegal cultivation of narcotic plants was found. Let the residents of the jurisdiction deeply understand the harmfulness of the original drug plant, effectively improve the people's awareness of prohibiting planting and eradicating drugs, make the concept of "planting drugs illegal, planting drugs must be eradicated, and planting drugs must be investigated" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, creating a strong atmosphere for the whole people to participate in drug control, and laying a solid foundation for the creation of a national anti-drug demonstration city.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and one is not left

Contributed by Feng Chengcheng