
How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

author:Amusement park ing

#头条创作挑战赛#眼缘和运气是娱乐圈明星能否走得长远的一个重要因素, it is even more important than whether this star has strength or not. It is for this reason that many celebrities have developed in the entertainment industry.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

For example, Yang Chaoyue, in the eyes of many people, a large part of her success stems from her luck. Otherwise, those who have no singing and dancing skills will not stand out directly among so many strong singing and dancing players.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Isn't this to some extent because she is more in line with the eyes of netizens and her boss? Otherwise, it would have been eliminated by the entertainment industry a long time ago.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

And aren't there many powerful stars in the entertainment industry? There are undoubtedly many. But how many powerful stars can really get ahead?

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

For example, Mu Tingting in the early days wanted to have good looks and acting skills, but didn't she quit the circle early?

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

and Yang Rong and Shu Chang, who have very good acting skills, although they debuted early, aren't they still struggling in the entertainment industry?

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

It can be seen how much good eyes and good luck play a role in a star, and then look at the comparison between Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, we can see how important likability is to the development of a star?

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

After all, both of them have the same "mother" - Song Dandan, although they are not biological, but the treatment of these two people is really not small, and their relationship is also passive and active.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Speaking of which, Song Dandan and Yang Zi got married much earlier than Jiang Yan, after all, "Family with Children" was popular all over the streets and alleys, and Yang Zi became famous at a young age, laying a good foundation for her future acting career.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

It stands to reason that Yang Zi and Song Dandan have known each other so early, and they have acted together as mother and daughter for two seasons, and the relationship should be very good. But the edge of the eye is a mysterious thing for us, and sometimes there is no question of knowing the time sooner or later.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

So although Yang Zi is so cheerful and talkative, she rarely mentions Song Dandan since she became famous, but has more contact with Zhang Yishan.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Maybe her relative "estrangement" from Song Dandan is because she heard Song Dandan's evaluation of her and thinks that her appearance is not suitable for the actor industry.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

So at that time, Yang Zi had some resistance to Song Dandan from the bottom of her heart, after all, no one wanted to hear other people's bad comments about him.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Don't look at Yang Zi playing so many heroines, but in Song Dandan's heart, she may not be as good as Jiang Yan's supporting role.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Although Jiang Yan's popularity and popularity are far inferior to Yang Zi, she is very suitable for Song Dandan's eyes. Compared with being "forced" to become Yang Zi's mother (Liu Mei), Song Dandan took the initiative to ask Jiang Yan to be her goddaughter.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

You must know that Song Dandan has always been known for being serious and serious, and she has a certain status and connections in the entertainment industry, so she rarely expresses too much recognition and love for a star.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Not to mention offering to let a star be his goddaughter and son.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Of course, Jiang Yan is also very grateful for Song Dandan's love, and has expressed Song Dandan's love and "cultivation" for herself in many interviews.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

So this time, Jiang Yan was able to win the "Best Supporting Actress" award at the Magnolia Awards with the drama "South to North", not only because of his own efforts, but also because of Song Dandan's contributions.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Let's not talk about whether she can star in the second female lead of "South to North" has Song Dandan's contribution, at least Magnolia may have taken into account the factors of godmother Song Dandan when screening the winners.

How important is it to be likable? Look at Jiang Yan and Yang Zi, multiple heroines are not as good as one female partner

Otherwise, there are many female stars who are better than him, why did he choose her?

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