
Be a man of proportion: don't be overbearing, leave room for gaffes, and stay away from the harm of gaffes

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

As the saying goes, "Mosquitoes are fanned only because they have no mouth." ”

Many people are reckless in their words, but they rarely consider the feelings and potential consequences of others.

Some people are frank and honest, and they confide their hearts easily, although they appear sincere, but they never think that not everyone can keep their mouths shut.

When that private matter becomes the handle in the hands of others, it is too late to regret it.

Others are good at arguing, and they will want to win over others and then be quick, and although they have the upper hand in words, they deeply stab the dignity of the other party.

This could sow the seeds of hatred, with unpredictable consequences.

The style of ostentation prevails, and people are intoxicated by the envious gaze of others.

However, excessive complacency often makes us lose hearts.

Therefore, to be a person in the world, you need to be proficient in the art of words.

If you don't have enough to eat, you can't talk too much, you have room for others in your words, and you need to pave the way for yourself.

Don't be too categorical, after all, the future is full of uncertainties, and the purpose is to avoid embarrassment in the future.

Therefore, it is important to leave room between words and advance and retreat freely. Make room for yourself in the conversation and pay attention to the following:

Be a man of proportion: don't be overbearing, leave room for gaffes, and stay away from the harm of gaffes


Don't be too categorical

There are no absolutes in the world, and words should be cautious.

Especially in the face of the unknown, it is important to avoid using overly categorical language.

Because it is too categorical, it is often distorted and easy to attract the disgust of others.

Looking closely at the surroundings, there is no shortage of overconfident people, even if they are not completely sure, they dare to speak out, how can such people not be disgusted?

Lao Zhang and Li Zhuang met for the first time, and they had a very pleasant conversation, and the topic gradually turned to the delicate relationship between reason and law.

Lao Zhang thought of a wise man, saying that this is a question where the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wise, and there is no fixed answer.

However, Li Zhuang firmly believes that in this ever-changing society, it is necessary to adhere to the law and not tolerate the ambiguous zone of reason.

His rhetoric was fiery and pointed to the unprecedentedness of the people's hearts, emphasizing that only the law could be used as a criterion for resolving disputes.

As soon as this remark came out, Lao Zhang was disgusted and retorted: "If society lacks morality, it will fall into chaos ......"

The two had opposing views, and a heated debate ensued.

When communicating with others, even if you are convinced of something, you should be cautious in your words and avoid being too arbitrary.

When it comes to doubts, we should be humble and open-minded.

Overly absolute expressions are often easy to attract doubts and disgust from others, and once someone wants to find a mistake, even if it is an impeccable thing, it can find flaws.

Therefore, instead of providing the other party with an opportunity to question, it is better to be tactful and leave room for manoeuvre in the exchange.

Be a man of proportion: don't be overbearing, leave room for gaffes, and stay away from the harm of gaffes


The words should be mellow

The beauty of words lies in their mellow rhyme.

When words are as mellow as jade, they can naturally make people feel comfortable.

Especially in social situations or when asking for help from others, it is important to pay more attention to the mellow of words.

Straightforward words may be harsh, unpleasant, and ultimately unhelpful.

And mellow words can not only leave us room to maneuver, but also win the favor of others.

At noon, the hotel's service team faced a delicate challenge.

Miss Gao, who had paid the bill the day before yesterday, was still staying in the guest room, and it was presumptuous to ask about departure, but she was afraid of misunderstanding if she didn't ask.

After some consideration, everyone decided to hand over the matter to Da Li, who is good at communication.

Da Li quickly arrived at Miss Gao's door and knocked a few times.

When the door opened, he greeted with a smile: "Miss Gao, hello!" I'm Da Li in the PR department. I heard that you have been in poor health recently, but I wonder if you have recovered now? ”

Miss Gao's expression was soothed by this sudden concern: "Thank you for your concern, I am much better now." ”

Da Li took the opportunity to continue: "I heard that you settled the bill yesterday, but you still haven't left the store today. Due to bad weather, could it be that the flight has changed? If you need it, we're here to help. ”

Miss Gao responded with relief: "Thank you very much! Last night's checkout, just because a friend came to visit today, I don't want to have too many accounts, so I settled first. The doctor said I still needed to be observed for a while. ”

Da Li nodded in understanding: "Miss Gao, you don't have to be polite. Please feel free to let us know if you have any needs. ”

With that, he politely took his leave.

"Thank you very much! If anything, I'll ask for help. Ms. Gao then went to the front desk to complete the rest of the accounts.

Da Li's ingenious communication not only skillfully detected Miss Gao's intentions, but also won the trust of the other party with his wit and thoughtfulness.

His success stems from his superb art of speaking, which not only achieves the goal, but also avoids embarrassment, and truly reflects the professionalism of public relations personnel.

Be a man of proportion: don't be overbearing, leave room for gaffes, and stay away from the harm of gaffes


Don't talk about it

Two salesmen enthusiastically display their socks on the train.

One of them grasped the ends of the socks and stretched them, but the socks were still as tough as ever, and he confidently declared, "Look, this toughness! ”

Then, he swung his long needle and slid it effortlessly across the tight socks, and said with a smile: "Look at this texture, how can it be easily cut?" ”

He then gently teased his socks with the lighter, the flames jumped over, but the socks were unscathed, and he said proudly: "Look at this fireproof performance!" ”

The display aroused the curiosity of the passengers and they wanted to give it a try.

However, one of the passengers, trying to imitate, easily cut a small hole in the sock, and it turned out that the sock only looked so tough by following the texture.

Another passenger tried to use fire, but the salesman hurriedly explained: "It's not that it can't be burned, but it's very breathable." ”

Only then did the passengers realize the truth, the quality of the socks was indeed superior, but the salesman's exaggeration was questionable.

In the end, despite the excellent quality of the socks, there were very few buyers due to the excessive boasting of the salesmen.

The second salesman skillfully used his wit.

He also explained while demonstrating, but skillfully used the art of "leaving three points in words".

He tugged at his socks, and as the lighter passed through, he said leisurely: "Science is everywhere, how can socks be easily ignited?" My move only proves that it is breathable. Of course, nothing in the world is indestructible, but when it comes to toughness, these socks are undoubtedly exceptional. ”

The remarks cleverly circumvent potential skepticism and are unassailable.

He then passed the socks one by one, while detailing the promotional offers.

People were impressed by his sincerity and real-spiritedness, and were more willing to choose his products than the previous salesman.

It can be seen that the rhetoric does not have to be too absolute, it is necessary to go all out and leave room for it.

In life, whether it is a conversation or a joke, it should be done in moderation.

Be a man of proportion: don't be overbearing, leave room for gaffes, and stay away from the harm of gaffes

Half of the flower blooms, it shows its beauty; Leave three points for words, and show more wisdom.

Excessive publicity tends to limit one's choices, and excessive exaggeration can easily lead to resentment.

Therefore, we must always bear in mind the principle of "too much", maintain humility and prudence, and avoid the scourge of "gaffes". #记录我的2024#

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (fishing and farming to read and see life), welcome to follow