
Calm down and listen to your truest voice

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life
Alibaba's founder, Jack Ma, once said, "The world is not determined by your ability, but by your responsibility." ”

We should delve into our heart's desires and identify our true needs, which are the ultimate dreams and goals we are pursuing.

However, when it comes to goals and needs, many people often feel lost, unable to accurately capture the heart's desires, and do not know what to do.

Some people may question, isn't it all about wealth, fame and a good job? But on closer reflection, are these really your heart's desires, and have you always adhered to such goals?

In fact, this kind of confusion in life is common and worthy of our deep thought.

Calm down and listen to your truest voice


What really matters is to listen to your inner voice

After 25 years, Harvard University has conducted an in-depth survey of students who are about to leave campus, revealing a thought-provoking phenomenon:

Twenty-seven per cent of graduates have no goals in life, 60 per cent have vague goals, 10 per cent have short-term ambitions, and only 3 per cent have clear and long-term plans and goals.

In stark contrast to the 3% of elites who know what they want and are able to pursue their ideals with unswerving determination, most of them are staggering forward in confusion and hesitation, or even deviate from their original life trajectory.

In fact, many graduates are new to the workforce and eager to earn a good income through hard work.

However, as time passed, they gradually realized that perhaps they had chosen a career that they were not good at or loved, and they fell into the dilemma of changing jobs and sticking to it.

Behind this, it is often because of the lack of clear career planning and goals at the beginning of the workplace, and the blind choice based on the level of income is only ignored, but the inner interests and value pursuit are neglected.

This blindness ultimately leads them to make irrational career choices.

In life, we often make choices due to impulsiveness or confusion, and we are easily lost in the face of many temptations and choices.

However, what really matters is to listen to our inner voice and find the option that best aligns with our goals and ideals.

Although there are many good loves, jobs and opportunities, there is always one that is destined and should be grasped tightly.

No matter how tortuous the road ahead may be, no matter what the outcome is, we should be firm in our faith and courageously pursue that deepest choice.

Calm down and listen to your truest voice


Listen to the call of your heart, stick to your original intention, and be unmoved

In every corner of life, we should listen to our inner call and always remember those things that are worth pursuing.

This goal must be made clear and reaffirmed from time to time until it becomes the faith in which we live.

No matter how noisy the outside world is, how our preferences change, we should stick to our original intention and remain unmoved.

Just like those who work for their dreams, they know that the road to self-realization and ideals is full of challenges, but it is this perseverance that allows them to settle in loneliness, persevere in the face of difficulties, and maintain the determination to move forward when they fail.

Because they understand that only by sticking to the goal can they finally reach the other side of success.

Bill Gates, a brilliant student at Harvard, ended up taking a different path – dropping out of school.

This decision may seem crazy to the average person, after all, Harvard University is a dream temple for countless students.

However, Gates' departure was not due to a lack of ability, but to a greater ambition in his heart.

Looking back on his achievements today, we can't help but sigh at how wise and far-sighted the choice was.

Bill Gates showed a talent for learning from an early age, but his passion was not limited to books.

He is obsessed with computers and has been exploring the mysteries of the computer world since childhood with his best friend Paul Allen.

These two teenagers work tirelessly in the field of computing, like hungry travelers searching for water.

Amazingly, at just 13 years old, Gates has become proficient in computer programming and has shown extraordinary talent.

Fascinated by the allure of computers, Bill Gates gradually clarified his pursuit and ambition to achieve excellence in the field of computing.

Therefore, he has always adhered to the path of computer design and research, and even when he stepped into the hall of Harvard, he often discussed the mysteries of the Basic language with Allen.

In order to pursue a more pure path of research and design, he did not hesitate to make the choice of dropping out.

It is this inner dedication and clear goal that has allowed him to successfully create a glorious legend of Microsoft.

Although Bill Gates-like extraordinary success is difficult to replicate, each of us can choose to face life with a more rational attitude.

Calm down and listen to your truest voice


Stick to your heart's wishes in order to precipitate yourself

In the midst of the complex choices, we should hold on to our inner voices and bravely pursue our most sincere desires.

Perhaps the road ahead is not all smooth sailing, and perhaps the temptations from the outside world are endless, but only by sticking to our hearts can we understand the deepest pursuit of our hearts and strive for it unremittingly.

It is true that we all need to settle our minds at the right time to find inner peace. In this moment of tranquility, we should go deep into ourselves, examine our inner needs, and understand what we should pursue and act on.

A clear goal is the premise of achieving everything, and if you don't think it through, you can easily get lost in the chaos of life, resulting in disorganized actions and often giving up halfway.

Therefore, let's find ourselves in silence and let our purpose lead us.

Defining goals is the cornerstone of overcoming challenges and perseverance.

Those who have no goal are often disoriented and do not know where to start; Those who have vague goals are distracted by external interference and act impulsively.

Only by sticking to what you want can you precipitate yourself and move towards the road to success. #记录今日心情#

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (fishing and farming to read and see life), welcome to follow