
The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

author:Chuxiong released
The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

"Seventy-one" eve

Content-rich themed activities have been carried out throughout the state

Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


Dayao County

On the evening of June 27, Dayao County held a celebration to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

At the celebration, the Dayao County Party Committee awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members

At the event site, the atmosphere was warm and the singing was loud. Cadres and workers from 21 departments, including the Office of the Dayao County Party Committee, the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, and the United Front Work Department of the County Party Committee, presented songs such as "Don't Forget the Original Heart", "My Motherland and Me", and dance programs such as "Five-Star Red Flag Floating" and "One Family of the Chinese Nation" on the stage. In order to solemnly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the great spirit of party building, the party committees of 12 townships (towns) and more than 80 county-level units and departments in Dayao County organized party members, cadres and workers to carry out "immersive" warning education in the county New Era Integrity Culture Center and county detention center. The "Communist Party Member Household" listing and identity activity was carried out, so that Party members could show their identity, build their image, and set an example. Party organizations at all levels in the county have also developed a group of new party members according to plans and procedures, and identified a group of party activists; named and praised a group of "dragonfly good branch secretary", "mass intimate people" and "village work pacesetter"; The first recommendation and selection of model workers and advanced workers in Dayao County was carried out, and the activities of visiting and condolences to old party members and party members in difficulty were carried out. (Correspondent Zhang Conghua, Jiang Yunhui, photo report)

Majie Town, Nanhua County

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

The picture shows Majie Town, Nanhua County, organizing party members and cadres to pay tribute to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs. (Photo by correspondent Yan Yan)

Muding County

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

All schools in Muding County carry out various forms of theme party day activities, review the great achievements of the party, carry forward the party's fine traditions and style, further stimulate the sense of mission and responsibility of teachers and students, lead the growth of teachers and students with the glorious history of the party, inherit the red gene, and write a new chapter of youth struggle. (Photo by correspondent Zhang Qinhong)

Shuangbai County

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

Shuangbai County organized retired cadres to carry out a series of theme activities of "Praise Brilliant Achievements and Gather Silver Power" to gather the silver power of the old and happy. The picture shows that retired cadres are visiting Shuangbai County Huajia Digital Agriculture Co., Ltd. and putting forward valuable suggestions for the construction of the digital flower park project. (Photo by correspondent Su Wen and Wang Xiaohua)

Wuding County

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party organizations at all levels in Wuding County carried out activities such as lecturing party classes, reviewing the oath of joining the party, remembering the revolutionary martyrs, visiting and consoling old party members, and carrying out volunteer services, and presented the party's birthday. Some units organized party members to review the oath of joining the party in front of the "Monument to the Wuding County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China" and "Monument to the Liberation Committee of the Communist Party of China" in Jidian Town, to cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs, and to hold a party day activity with the theme of "keeping in mind the party's historical experience, carrying out in-depth party discipline study and education, and striving to promote the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Wuding" in Jidian Town, and held a commemorative medal awarding activity of "50 years of glory in the party", and visited and condoled the old party members in difficulty. (Correspondents: Li Shaode, Zhang Yineng)

Xinhua Township, Yuanmou County

Xinhua Township, Yuanmou County, organized more than 300 cadres and workers, party members of the general party branch of the four villages, village cadres, village team leaders, branch secretaries, and forest rangers to carry out the voluntary tree planting activity of civilized practice in the new era with the theme of "adding greenery to the green mountains and presenting gifts for the founding of the party", and added green color to rural revitalization with practical actions. In the activity, party members and volunteers picked up hoes and saplings into the tree planting point, everyone worked together, cooperated with each other, waved hoes to dig holes, move trees to straighten, put seedlings to fill the soil, patted the soil and stepped on the ground, the whole tree planting site was a busy scene. With everyone's hard work, 3,500 acacia trees and Yunnan olives have settled on both sides of the road and on small hills, and newly planted saplings stand proudly, decorating the village environment with vitality. (Correspondent Wen Yaping)

Yongren County, Zhonghe Town

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great spirit of party building, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the people of the town to love the party and the country, Zhonghe Town, Yongren County, carried out a series of theme activities of "Nine Ones".

A number of commemorative medals were awarded. Zhonghe Town awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to 13 party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party, encouraging and guiding the majority of old party members to continue to carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, always maintain their political nature, and actively give full play to their residual heat.

Carry out a theme party day activity. With the theme of party discipline learning and education, the general party branches (branches) of the town conscientiously organized and carried out 10 themed party day activities (times), leading the majority of party members to study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" in depth, etc., to further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint and improve "immunity".

Teach a discipline party class. The main leaders of the Party Committee of Zhonghe Town took the study and education of party discipline as the theme, and taught a profound discipline party class, and the participants watched the warning education film to strengthen the understanding of party members and cadres to strictly abide by discipline and rules, and effectively be vigilant, awe-inspired, and fearful.

Develop a group of new party members. The general party branches (branches) of the town develop 6 new party members according to the plan and procedures, determine a group of party activists, and carry out education and training for new party members, party activists and development targets.

Revisit the oath of joining the party. Zheng Zheng's oath demonstrated the ideals and beliefs of the communists to firmly fight for communism for life, strongly shocked every party member present, and enhanced everyone's sense of belonging and responsibility to the party organization.

Carry out a visit and condolences. Organize members of the party and government teams to carry out "July 1st" visits and condolences activities, send the party's care and warmth to 4 party members in difficulty, understand their life and production difficulties, and solve problems for them.

Do a good job in a number of practical matters for people's livelihood. The general party branches (branches) and the majority of party members and cadres have further strengthened the communication between the party and the masses and brought the relationship between the party and the masses closer to each other by focusing on a number of urgent and difficult issues such as policy publicity, industrial development, improvement of the living environment, and assistance to difficult groups.

Select a number of advanced models. Combined with the selection of the "Yunling Pioneer" brand of grassroots party building, we will promote the construction of "one belt and five districts", continue to deepen the creation of the "1+1+9+X" party building demonstration system, deepen the construction of town, village and group party building demonstration sites, and drive the party organizations and the majority of party members in the town to catch up with and surpass each other with typical leading demonstrations, and strive for excellence.

Share a red party. Combined with the "Our Chinese Dream and Culture into Ten Thousand Homes" Huimin cultural and artistic performance activities, a unique red literary evening was held. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "Dancing with the Left Foot to Follow the Party", "Embroidering the Red Flag" and other 15 kinds of art forms of programs were brilliantly staged, with the review of the party's glorious history and the party's great achievements as the main melody, expressing the infinite love of the party members and cadres for the party and the motherland, and showing the spirit of "not forgetting the original intention to follow the party, keeping in mind the mission and making new contributions". (Correspondent Li Xuemei)

The development of activities has further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of party members and cadres, and created a strong atmosphere of loving the party and the country

Source丨Chuxiong Prefecture Rong Media Center

Editor丨Zhang Jinxin

Audit丨Cun Minggang Li Yankun

© Chuxiong Prefecture Rong Media Center

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was celebrated in various parts of the state

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