
Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

author:Uncle Water

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

For friends who like to travel or often travel on business, staying in a hotel has become a habit, after all, the hotel facilities are readily available, and it is an ideal resting point. If you choose a slightly better hotel, it may also come with a variety of services such as free laundry and free catering, many people think that they have picked up a bargain, but in fact it is not, these so-called free items also hide a lot of safety risks.

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

If nothing else, take the free mineral water provided in the hotel, which alone can put us in danger. Some people may wonder: isn't it just mineral water? What could be the problem? Such a statement is purely to scare people. Don't underestimate this bottle of mineral water, if you drink it casually, it will have a huge impact on our health, so don't drink it if you can't drink it. What's going on? Let's move on.

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

Miscellaneous mineral water.

Although some hotels will offer complimentary mineral water, this bottle of mineral water will also be included in the cost of the hotel. So much so that in order to reduce costs, some hotels will find small workshops that produce mineral water to cooperate, after all, the price of mineral water produced by these small workshops is far lower than that of mineral water produced by large manufacturers. Although the cost of the hotel is controlled, it is likely that this mineral water will contain some bacteria and impurities, which is not good for our health.

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

Expired mineral water.

For hotels, mineral water itself is a consumable product, so when they buy mineral water, they will buy a large batch at one time, which is not only convenient and convenient, but also the price will be reduced. They will put the mineral water in the hotel room one by one for the user to drink, although the hotel residents will constantly change, but the mineral water in the room will not be changed every day, over time may lead to the problem of expired mineral water, this spoiled mineral water will also affect the body.

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

Someone was tampered with.

Since the hotel itself is a temporary place to live, the people living in the hotel change almost every day. It is said that there are all kinds of birds when the forest is big, and in this case, even the hotel itself cannot guarantee it, and every customer who lives in has no other thoughts. What if you encounter a customer with a crooked mind who injects an unknown substance into the hotel's mineral water? In order to avoid such a situation, try not to drink the hotel mineral water.

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

Bacterial dust problems.

Although most hotels have someone to clean every day, it is likely that only one rag will be used from start to finish, so that the rag will be contaminated with a lot of dust and bacteria. Some cleaning aunts will also wipe the bottle of mineral water with a rag during the cleaning process, so that bacteria and dust will be contaminated with the bottle, if you accidentally drink this mineral water, it will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and other problems.

Insider reminder: When staying in a hotel, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the room, and it suddenly dawns on you after reading it

The price is on the expensive side.

In addition to these problems, some hotels do not provide mineral water for free. If you don't pay attention, you will need to pay extra for the mineral water to open and drink, and the price of mineral water in the hotel is usually higher than that of the mineral water outside.

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