
When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

author:Yamashiro Former Guest
The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the references and source screenshots have been placed at the end of the article
When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

This year, with the continuous "involution" of cultural tourism in various places, a number of tourist resorts have become popular, such as Zibo barbecue in Shandong, ice and snow world in Harbin, Malatang in Tianshui, etc., attracting many tourists to check in and play.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

The boom in tourism has also driven the occupancy of hotels and homestays, and in hotels, many people will not care that these seemingly free mineral water has a lot of hidden dangers.

Some people may be surprised, what kind of moth can ordinary mineral water have? What is the secret of the mineral water provided by the hotel?

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

Miscellaneous mineral water

Unpolluted underground mineral water that springs naturally from deep underground or has been artificially exposed is called mineral water because it is rich in minerals.

Although the real natural mineral water is of good quality, because of its complex process, the cost is more than a little higher, and the cost will increase a lot, so these extra costs will naturally be added to the sales price.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

Therefore, in contrast, unnatural mineral water naturally becomes the best option, like most of the mineral water we see on the market is in this range.

As the saying goes, there is no business, although the price is already a lot cheaper, but there are still some small workshops that produce a lot of shoddy mineral water in order to make a profit.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

And some of these are produced, some of which will be put in the room by the hotel as a free gift for the guests to drink, and the mineral water itself is not tested, and the dangerous ingredients in it will also pose a great threat to our health.

For these inferior miscellaneous mineral waters, we can not drink as much as possible, and we must look for the national health mark, otherwise it will bring more trouble to our health.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

Expired mineral water

In the hotel, mineral water must be a consumable product, and in order to save money and convenience, they will directly choose to buy a large amount of mineral water.

Some hotels cooperate directly with manufacturers, and those cheap mineral water are directly transported to the hotel warehouse, and many of them are stored for a long time, which produces a lot of bacteria and substances that are very harmful to the human body.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

And these mineral water was put in the hotel room by them, some are even free, in line with their own money why not drink, but after drinking, the light will have diarrhea and other minor problems, heavy will directly endanger life and health, these are worthy of our attention.

In addition, many people are not very clear, in the hotel, although there will be people cleaning every day, but as long as no one drinks these bottled mineral water, the hotel cleaning staff will only simply wipe it and will not replace it.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

This invisibly also makes these mineral waters have a lot of potential safety hazards, and the customers who drink these problematic mineral water will naturally have different degrees of health status.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

Someone was tampered with

In fact, there are a lot of news reports, the quality of mineral water in the hotel has been frequently exposed, there have been customers in the hotel, want to drink water but find that it is the smell of detergent.

Fortunately, they found the problem in time and did not continue to drink, otherwise they would not dare to imagine the outcome, how much harm and danger it would cause to the human body.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

For those mineral waters, it is kept in the room, and many people bring it every day, but if there is a bad intention, it is something that is tampered with.

Someone once said that she drank the mineral water provided in the hotel and was poisoned, and when she approached the hotel and hoped that they could properly handle the matter, the hotel refused on the grounds of damage to the surveillance, which is enough to see how poisonous these industry black rules are.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

And the hotel cleaning staff "lazy" did not realize that these seemingly harmless things have become the culprits of harm, and spending some money are trivial things, so that their lives are in danger, that is, the gains outweigh the losses.

Outside, we should be vigilant and not accept the "kindness" given by others, not only in terms of personal safety, but also in terms of food, after all, illness comes from the mouth, and we have to pay attention.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

All the free is not given for free, naturally there will be pay, after all, how can there be this free lunch this year, don't always think about taking advantage, how can there be so many good things to get you!

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

How to hide from the "mineral water trap".

In the face of this situation, what should we do to avoid it, the most effective and practical way is to bring your own water when staying in a hotel.

Since we know that there is a problem with the water there, we should solve it from the root, and the safety of our own water will naturally increase, and it will be more safe to drink.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

On the other hand, if you forget to bring water, or you are in a hurry to drink water, then for everyone, we must carefully observe the quality of mineral water, check the best date to drink, and avoid threats to health.

The most important point is that we must choose mineral water with national certification marks, because for these things, our country has perfect testing standards, and only if they meet the requirements can they be sold in the market and people can buy them.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

It is with these standard considerations that the permitted mineral water will be more secure, and it can also become the basis for protecting everyone's health and escorting everyone's health.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?


All in all, when we go out for a game or a business trip, it is best not to drink the mineral water in the hotel, although this matter is very subtle, and you must not take it lightly.

Stay vigilant and vigilant, pay attention to water safety and sanitation in the hotel, don't be blinded by those free things, and hope that everyone can harvest more beautiful scenery and good mood during the trip.

When you go out to stay in a hotel, it's best not to drink the mineral water in the room, there is a mystery hidden in it, have you been tricked?

Information sources:

1. The original article was published in Shangguan News on "Bottled water also has a shelf life? Is it okay to drink "expired" water? ";

2. The original article was published in the cover news on 2016-07-22 about the report on "The hotel gave mineral water and drank the detergent but the tenant was hospitalized for four days";

3. The original article was published on 2021-02-25 by North Evening Online about "Female Tourists Drink Hotel Mineral Water Poisoning, the Hotel Prevaricates on the Grounds of Monitoring Damage, and the Police Fight Back in One Sentence!" ".

4. The original article was published on the global network on 2022-09-15 about "Changsha guy drank the "mineral water" in the guest room and found that it was disinfectant! Hotel Response".

5. The original article was published on 2021-08-11 on China's Jiangxi Network on "Hotel Mineral Water Actually Drinks 84 Disinfectant Smell? The Vilson Hotel in Anyuan District, Pingxiang was complained".

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