
Can you eat zongzi if you have a bad stomach? If you want to nourish your stomach, an analysis will make you increase your knowledge!

author:Medica Media

The common situation of gastrointestinal decline is poor appetite, indigestion, easy bloating or abdominal pain, and some people will also have diarrhea, if there are these conditions, it means that their stomach is not healthy, and they should be kept healthy through multi-faceted adjustment or correct treatment, of course, they should be careful in terms of diet. Some people have questions about whether they can eat zongzi if they have a bad stomach, let's find out.

Can you eat zongzi if you have a bad stomach? If you want to nourish your stomach, an analysis will make you increase your knowledge!

As soon as the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, the filling of zongzi is generally glutinous rice, which will be paired with salted egg yolk, chestnut, mushroom, dried shrimp, fatty meat, etc., the more ingredients, the richer the taste. However, the main ingredient of zongzi is glutinous rice, glutinous rice itself is not easy to digest, if the gastrointestinal function has declined, it is best not to eat zongzi, so as not to increase digestion and lead to aggravation of pre-existing diseases. We should choose other foods that are easy to digest and light to provide nutrients, so that the burden on the stomach and intestines can be reduced and the function will gradually increase.

How to effectively nourish the stomach?

1. Eat three meals on time

If you want to nourish your stomach, the most important thing is dietary science, especially the diet should be regular, of which the three dietary rules are the premise. Some people have abnormal gastrointestinal function, but they still do not eat three meals on time, sometimes the time between the two meals is too close, and sometimes the time between the two meals is too long, which will lead to gastrointestinal disorders. The correct way to do this is to eat at a fixed time, whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, to get nutrients at a fixed time, so that the digestive system can function normally, and the stomach can also function better, so as to maintain the subsequent digestion smoothly.

Can you eat zongzi if you have a bad stomach? If you want to nourish your stomach, an analysis will make you increase your knowledge!

2. Stay away from irritating foods

To protect the stomach, we must eat less irritating food, the nutrients of the food, the nature is different, the impact is different, some foods are very mild in nature, and eating too much will not have an impact. But some foods are irritating, and some people have adverse reactions when they eat the stomach, especially easy stomach pain, indigestion, these foods should be kept away, there are such characteristics of greasy food, pickled food, spicy food, alcohol-containing food, etc., if these foods are not far away, the original stomach disease may gradually worsen. You should keep your eyes open before eating and choose carefully.

Can you eat zongzi if you have a bad stomach? If you want to nourish your stomach, an analysis will make you increase your knowledge!

3. Eat in moderation

To maintain the stomach, you must eat in moderation, do not overeat, and do not eat too much. Some people ignore the importance of eating modestly, always eat very full, take a large amount of food in one breath, and may have eaten too late to send a signal of fullness, and the amount of food obtained means that the digestive burden is also increased, if the habit is not corrected, it is easy to accumulate food, indigestion, and subsequent stomach diseases will be aggravated. For adults, it is enough to be full at seven or eight minutes per meal, and it is also necessary to chew slowly during the meal, and do not get food quickly and in large quantities.

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