
Known as "kidney tonic grass", it was often used to wrap zongzi in the past, and the roots were particularly precious, and everyone was digging them

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen

Our big countryside is really full of wonders, there are birds flying in the sky, there are also small fish swimming in the river, and all kinds of strange wild plants, especially these wild plants bring us great contributions to human beings, some can be fed to poultry, some can be used as wild vegetables to satisfy hunger, and some can be used as medicine to cure diseases, it can be said that the effect is very great.

The older generation often said that "there is no idle grass in the countryside, and all knowledge is treasure", any kind of plant has its meaning of existence, but we lack awareness of them. For example, the plant we shared today, its leaves were often used to wrap zongzi in the past, so it has another name of "zongzi" in the folk.

Known as "kidney tonic grass", it was often used to wrap zongzi in the past, and the roots were particularly precious, and everyone was digging them

Actually, it has a very nice botanical scientific name called Xianmao. Because its leaves are like grass, and its medicinal value is very precious, just like fairy grass, so it is named fairy grass. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded: "Its leaves are like grass, and it is light for a long time", which shows that the value of fairy grass is not ordinary.

Due to the different regions where this plant is distributed, the name is naturally different, it is called "Hainan ginseng" in Hainan, "mountain codonopsis" in Fujian, "Guangdong ginseng" in Guangdong, and "Xianmao ginseng" in Yunnan. In addition, ground palm, mountain palm, single grass, single grass ginseng, fairy grass and so on are its aliases.

It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Cinnamomum Vulgaris, mainly distributed in the south-central, southwest, east China and other places, mostly seen in rural roadsides, wastelands, hillsides, grasses, shrubs, etc., and is a more common wild plant in rural areas.

Speaking of fairy grass, it will be no stranger to the older generation, because its leaves are basal, narrow-lanceolate, relatively long, about 20 cm long, and the color is emerald green, it is a good material for wrapping zongzi, and the zongzi wrapped with it is particularly delicious, and there is a faint zongzi fragrance.

Known as "kidney tonic grass", it was often used to wrap zongzi in the past, and the roots were particularly precious, and everyone was digging them

Although the leaves are long, the flowers are very short when they bloom, and they are hidden in the leaf sheath and have yellow flowers. Although the flowers are small, they are particularly beautiful against the backdrop of green leaves. Moreover, the fairy grass plant is not tall, the shape is beautiful, the flower color is gorgeous, and it is also good to use it as a potted plant.

In fact, the underground roots of the fairy grass are the greatest value of the whole plant, its rhizome is long, cylindrical, and the flesh is relatively thick, similar to the shape of "ginseng", but the texture is hard and brittle, easy to break, and it smells a slight fragrance after cutting.

In the autumn of each year, there are many people who dig fairy grass, can be used fresh, can also be dried for later use, the medicinal value is extremely high, it has the effect of tonifying the kidney and aphrodisiac yang, dissipating cold and removing paralysis, and has an effect on rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, soreness and weakness of limbs, spermatozoa, enuresis, impotence, postpartum deficiency cough and other diseases.

Because Xianmao is a herb that blindly replenishes deficiency, it has a good effect of tonifying the kidney, so it is also known as "tonifying the kidney grass" in the folk, and the health effect is remarkable. There is even a saying in the folk that "a thousand catties of milky stone is not as good as a catty of fairy grass", and the value of fairy grass is indeed very large.

Known as "kidney tonic grass", it was often used to wrap zongzi in the past, and the roots were particularly precious, and everyone was digging them

As the value of fairy grass is known to more and more people, more and more people are digging it. Due to the destruction of the environment in recent years and the abuse of herbicides, the common fairy grass that used to be common is now becoming less and less.

Dear friends, is there such a fairy grass in your hometown? It is called "kidney tonic grass" in the folk, and it is often used to wrap zongzi in the past, and the roots are particularly precious, and everyone is digging. If you meet in your hometown, please cherish it!


1. This article is a popular science article and does not constitute medication advice, please follow the doctor's advice!

2. If you want to know more about herbal medicine, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: nutritionist He Haizhen, thank you for your support!

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