
The true relationship between Meng Tian and Gongzi Fusu

author:Teacher Che Chang

After Qin II Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, in order to prevent Fusu from forming an alliance with Meng Tian, he issued an edict to give his son Fusu and Neishi Mengtian to death. Because Fusu and Meng Tian were killed by Hu Hai at the same time, many people mistakenly thought that Meng Tian and Fusu had a close relationship, but this was not the case.

The true relationship between Meng Tian and Gongzi Fusu

The Mengshi clan was loyal to the Qin state, and Meng Tian was loyal to Qin Shi Huang, but he was by no means a party with Fusu. As an emperor, he is very suspicious, if Meng Tian and Fusu have a close relationship, Qin Shi Huang would not dare to let Fusu, who is expected to inherit the throne, and Meng Tian, who holds 300,000 heavy troops in the northern frontier, be put together.

Fusu was sent to Meng Tian's army, which was called the prison army, which was actually a labor reform. Qin Shi Huang meant to let the grassroots of Fusu have more experience and truly cultivate the character of decisiveness. As the eldest son of Qin Shi Huang, Fusu was gentle by nature, cherished the people, and acted in a Confucian style. This is different from Qin Shi Huang's views on many things, which were eloquent and acted according to Legalist ideas.

The true relationship between Meng Tian and Gongzi Fusu

After Fusu arrived in Mengtian's army, he did grow a lot after training in the military camp, and compared with in Xianyang Palace, his eyes were less weak and more resolute. Through training at the grassroots level, he realized the hardships of the officers and men at the grassroots level and the common people. Fusu wrote many times, advising his father to suspend various projects or slow down the progress of the projects, so that the people could recuperate.

Qin Shi Huang was very dissatisfied after seeing it, and he believed that the people could only be controlled by constantly driving them to be in a state of exhaustion and half-fullness, otherwise the people would have nothing to do when they were full. Fusu's views were too bookish and angry, and he reprimanded him many times for this.

The true relationship between Meng Tian and Gongzi Fusu

When Fusu received the edict of death, he did not suspect that there was fraud, wept silently, and prepared to commit suicide. Meng Tian dissuaded Fusu and said: "Your Majesty is outside, there is no crown prince, and the son, as the eldest son of His Majesty, is ordered to guard the frontier with me, which is a heavy burden entrusted to us by His Majesty." Now with just one edict, he commits suicide, and he knows that there is fraud? ”

Lacking experience in the political struggle of the Soviet Union, he committed suicide at the urging of the envoy with the concept that the king wanted his ministers to die, the ministers had to die, the fathers wanted their sons to die, and the sons had to die.

The true relationship between Meng Tian and Gongzi Fusu

Fusu was nominally the supervisor of Meng Tian's army, but in fact, on the contrary, Meng Tian was supervising the transformation of Fusu according to the will of Qin Shi Huang. It is understandable that Qin Shi Huang ordered Fusu to commit suicide, but there was no reason to let Meng Tian commit suicide. Meng Tian expressed skepticism when he received the edict and refused to carry out the order of self-determination. Mengshi had a very high prestige in the army and the court, and the envoys had no way to force Meng Tian to take him into prison and wait for the emperor's fate.

Receiving the news that Fusu committed suicide and Meng Tian was imprisoned, Hu Hai's first reaction was that Fusu had been eliminated, the hidden danger had disappeared, and Meng Tian could still be appointed. But the change occurred after Meng Yi returned to the capital, and Meng Yi had been ordered by Qin Shi Huang to pray for the emperor's blessings on the mountains and rivers.

Zhao Gao had a personal enmity with Meng Yi, Zhao Gao was sentenced to death by Meng Yi for breaking the law, and was spared death because of Qin Shi Huang's protection. Seeing Meng Yi, who looked down on himself and almost let himself finish playing, Zhao Gao was angry and didn't fight anywhere. Now that he is the emperor's teacher, he can finally raise his eyebrows and let the Meng brothers know what feng shui is called in turn, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi.

So Zhao Gao suggested to Hu Hai: "The first emperor wanted to make you the crown prince for a long time because of your virtue, but he was obstructed by Meng Yi, so it is better to kill him." Hu Hai agreed to Zhao Gao's proposal, and the Montessori brothers committed suicide.

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