
84 probationary party members of Rongshui participated in the centralized oath-taking ceremony

author:Beautiful meltwater style Miao Township
84 probationary party members of Rongshui participated in the centralized oath-taking ceremony

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the party spirit education of new party members, enhance the concept of party spirit, sense of honor and mission, and encourage the majority of party members to give full play to their vanguard and exemplary role in promoting the high-quality development of meltwater. On the morning of July 1, the working committee of the county party committee and the county organs, together with the county Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, the two new working committees of the county and other departments, held the 2024 "Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead" centralized oath ceremony for reserve party members in the national culture and clean government park of Miaojia Town, the county seat, and 84 new party members participated in the centralized oath ceremony.

84 probationary party members of Rongshui participated in the centralized oath-taking ceremony

During the event, 84 probationary party members wore party member badges on their chests, raised their right fists, and solemnly swore in front of the party flag, making a solemn oath to fight for communism for life. Two representatives of probationary party members made a statement: they will take today's oath as the driving force, spur themselves with higher requirements, learn from outstanding party members, and practice their oath with practical actions.

84 probationary party members of Rongshui participated in the centralized oath-taking ceremony

During the oath-taking ceremony, through visiting the National Culture and Clean Government Park of Miaojia Town and the Rongshui Achievement Exhibition, the first lesson of joining the party was taken and the party spirit education was further received. After the oath-taking ceremony for joining the party, the prospective party members of this year's new development have expressed that they should keep in mind the oath of joining the party, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, fulfill their obligations as party members with a high sense of responsibility, fulfill their duties and missions, play an exemplary role, make extraordinary achievements in their ordinary positions, contribute to the high-quality development of Rongshui economy and society, and add glory to the party flag.

84 probationary party members of Rongshui participated in the centralized oath-taking ceremony

Graphic reporter丨Qin Shengcong Zhao Xiaoxiao

Proofreader on duty丨Liang Junyuan

Editor丨Liang Liming

Responsibility audit丨 He Cheng

Responsible Producer丨Gong Xiangyou

Produced by丨Rongshui Miao Autonomous County Rong Media Center

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84 probationary party members of Rongshui participated in the centralized oath-taking ceremony