
Whether a woman can chase or not depends on three points

author:Uncle Qiao
Whether a woman can chase or not depends on three points

When the opposite sex gets along, men look at women with pleasing eyes, feel that women's eyes will hook their souls and fascinate themselves, and feel that women's temperament is very charming and make them unforgettable for a long time, and at this time men can't help but take action to pursue women.

Men don't want anything, don't investigate anything, they rashly take action to pursue women, show love to women, chase until the end and find that they are chasing the wrong person, find that the other party can't chase, or find that the other party is not worthy of love, how should men deal with themselves at this time? And how to face women? If this is the case as soon as possible, you should think twice before you act.

In fact, whether a woman can chase or not, it depends on three points, do you understand them all?

Whether a woman can chase or not depends on three points

1. Whether the other party likes him or her and is willing to associate with him.

The woman you love has a family, the woman you like lives in the heart of someone else, the woman you love hates you in her bones, you don't know anything about it, you rashly pursue each other, and in the end you often end up boring yourself.

At the very least, you should understand the other party, if the other party already has a partner, if the other party has a happy family, if the other party has a heart, it is impolite for you to pursue the other party rashly at this time.

If the other party is single, and also has a good impression of you, and is willing to have a relationship with you, at this time, you can consider "trying to date" with the other party, you can start with ordinary friends, if the other party is worthy of deep friendship, then gradually pursue her.

Whether a woman can chase or not depends on three points

2. Whether the other party is consistent with his words and deeds, and will take his own responsibility.

When the opposite sex is together, a woman always has a set behind the surface, and she always can't do what she promises you, and at the same time, she always avoids the responsibility she should bear, she always disappoints you, you have talked about her many times, urging her to get rid of the bad habit of always lying, but the other party does not take your words seriously.

At this point you should realize that it is difficult for her to "get better", and if you have difficulty accepting this, it is time to plan for the long term and not hang yourself from a tree.

On the contrary, if the other party is consistent and consistent, will take the initiative to take charge of his own person, will develop himself with heart, and often do things that make you look up to him, such a woman is very good and worth pursuing.

Whether a woman can chase or not depends on three points

3. Whether the other party knows how to respect and will accept your shortcomings.

If two people want to have a long-term relationship together, they need to respect each other and accept each other.

When a woman interacts with you, she is always strong, asks you in the name of love, kidnaps you with morality, forces you to do what you don't want to do, does not respect your wishes, she is unwilling to tolerate your shortcomings and shortcomings, always cares about you, and the other party will treat you like this, making you feel difficult to get along with.

You must know that the days are very long, and if they are unbearable now, how can they endure them for a long time? In the face of a woman who does not respect you, you need a strong heart, if your heart is not strong enough, you should be cautious at the beginning of the relationship.

On the contrary, when a woman interacts with you, she will fully respect you, will consider your feelings, and will accept your shortcomings, which makes you feel relaxed and happy, which shows that she is worthy of your chase, so take advantage of it.

Whether a woman can chase or not depends on three points