
"Purifying Humanity" Chapter 103: Just give it to him

author:Dust in the dust

Wu You said: "Indeed, you are even more invincible when you boast of yourself, no wonder Youyou doesn't like you, I listen to you boasting about yourself there every day, and you are not annoyed to death by noise." ”

  Wang Ziyue said: "Brother don't talk about this first, you listen well, this is a poem with a lot of meaning." ”

  After that, the thumb of his right hand clasped the ring finger and little finger, stretched out the index finger and middle finger, put on a posture of a literati chanting poetry, and recited aloud: "Death and annihilation of the body follow the cycle of reincarnation, but the debt of bitterness in this life." All the mortal world is restored to the dust, it depends on the karma to attract the dependents, and the love is so unraveled that there is no way. ”

  Wu You was in no mood to play this with him at this time: "I don't have a rich relationship history like you, I'm leaving, and I may not come in the future." Take care! ”

  Wang Ziyue hurriedly said: "What are you anxious about, I know you have to leave, after all, we know each other." You were really right just now, brother, I have a much richer emotional history than you, although I am only twenty years old, I have seen through the essence of love. What I am telling you now is the accumulation of my experience, and if you listen to it well, it will be of great benefit to you in the future. If you meet a girl you like in the future, you will be guaranteed to be by your side all the time. ”

  "This world doesn't need me to accompany me, and I don't need this world to accompany me." Wu You looked deeply hurt by emotion, and after saying this, he raised his heavy legs and walked away from Wang Ziyue.

  Wang Ziyue just wanted to continue talking, but a bodyguard next to him couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Mr. Wang said, let you not contact Wu You." ”

  Wang Ziyue hurriedly waved his hand: "I know, isn't he leaving?" I don't think I will come to this sad place in the future. For the last time, it's fine. ”

  Wu You was only a few steps away from them, and their conversation was vaguely overheard, and he roughly understood that Wang Ziyue's father didn't want his son to come into contact with him. At that moment, he stopped, didn't look back, and said coldly: "So that's the case, okay, we shouldn't know each other in the future." ”

  With that, I headed for the underground parking garage.

  Wang Ziyue wanted to stop it, but shook his head after watching Wu You go down.

  As soon as Wang Ziyue walked to the door of eating history, Ran Youyou reprimanded and shouted: "What did you say to Wu You? ”

  Wang Ziyue smiled dryly: "It's nothing, my brothers and I just said a few heart-wrenching words." ”

  After speaking, he looked at Mo Chuyan with a contemptuous smile.

  Ran Youyou suddenly hid his face and cried: "I don't want to lie to him like this, but my father..."

  Mo Chuyan hurriedly explained to Wang Ziyue: "I was acting for Wu You just now, and Youyou has her unspeakable secrets. Don't mix it up anymore, I secretly looked here just now, and I always felt that you didn't say anything good about Wu You. ”

  When Wang Ziyue heard this, he sighed: "So that's the case, so why don't you take it out and make it clear?" What can be explained in a few words is so complicated. ”

  Ran Youyou was still sobbing: "My dad asked me not to explain too much, I also want to explain all this to him, but my dad..."

  When it came to his father, he was silent.

  Wang Ziyue's brain has always reacted quickly, and when she heard Ran Youyou talk about her father twice, she didn't continue, thinking of her father's repeated telling herself not to contact Wu You during this time.

  At first, he kept himself away from Wu You, but during this time, he simply made it clear that he was not allowed to appear by Wu You's side.

  Thinking of this, he probably analyzed some eyebrows, so he asked tentatively, "Is your father not allowing you to contact Wu You?" ”

  Ran Youyou was originally crying with her head down, but when she heard this, she looked up at Wang Ziyue: "How do you know?" ”

  Wang Ziyue thought to himself, guessed right, I don't know why his father and Ran Yaokun didn't let them contact Wu You? This is incomprehensible.

  Seeing Ran Youyou ask himself, he thought about it for a while, and said with a straight face: "It may be that he wants us to be together, Wu You always mixes in the middle, and because of his father's identity, so, let's just ignore him and let him walk away by himself." ”

  Ran scolded leisurely and rolled out, reaching out to hit Wang Ziyue, Wang Ziyue hurriedly ran away, didn't run two steps, couldn't stand up with pain in his waist, and hissed and inhaled cold air.

  The wound is not completely healed, and there is no major problem in walking, but I ran those two steps just now and moved to the wound.

  Squatting on the ground, some beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

  Ran Youyou was annoyed that what he said just now was too ugly, knowing that Wang Ziyue liked to pretend to deceive people, thinking that he was deliberately deceiving her this time, so he simply turned around and went to the office.

  After Minister Chen and the others left, Emperor Wu asked Mu Cheng: "I will move to Kauai in half a month, Brother Cheng, what are your plans here?" ”

  Mu Chengdao: "Preemptively, I can't give you a clear answer yet." Half a month should be about the same time, I asked Jin Dao and Huoba to specialize in brain shadow data technology in the past few days, to see if they can break through the technical barrier as soon as possible. At present, it is not possible to completely control the thinking and behavior of the human brain, and if you can't control your behavior, you can't control the dominance of this war. ”

  Wu Huang said: "Then Kauai needs to arrange for someone to go over first?" ”

  Mu Chengdao: "We can arrange for people to go over first, as long as we strike first, they will not have the opportunity to launch sanctions and war against us." So, now and in the past, the danger is also very small, and there are people who have passed, so that they do not suspect us in advance. ”

  After Wu Jian set the car to automatic driving mode, he sat in the back to accompany Wu You, comforting Wu You along the way.

  After talking too much, Wu You was a little upset and interrupted him: "Okay, I know you want to comfort me, don't worry, I won't look for a short time for this." It's you, who have been talking in my ear for so long, and your ears are very noisy. Let me be quiet, you say that for so long, you can rest for a while. ”

  At this time, the ring vibrated a few times, and a phone call came in, and after the phone was connected, Diana's voice came: "Wu You, where are you now?" I want to meet you. I forgot to ask for your number before, but the number was told to me by Ran, and today Ran also told me everything about you. ”

  For Diana, Wu You can't say what he feels, but it is certain that he doesn't hate her.

  Because she was going to take the passenger plane back, she directly reported the location of the passenger plane to her.

  Diana told him to wait for her there, and she would go now.

  Hanging up the phone, Wu You began to review the things about Diana in his mind again.

  Diana is a person with a very distinct personality, and she is very proactive in love.

  I haven't been able to figure out if Diana really likes herself?

  In his impression, the man and woman did not have a period of interaction, and it was purely impulsive to say that they liked it when they first met.

  He has never experienced the feeling of love at first sight, and although he has a good impression of Ran Youyou when they meet for the first time, it is not love at first sight.

  Naturally, in his heart, it is impossible to understand love at first sight.

  If you want to talk about Diana, now you have a better taste, except that she is slightly taller than Oriental girls, both in figure and appearance, she is superior.

  When I met her that day, I had Ran Youyou in my heart, and naturally wanted to keep my distance from Diana.

  In his heart, if you like someone, you must be loyal to her, both mentally and physically.

  As a post-10s generation, his views are more conservative than those of the post-90s and post-00s, not at all like a new generation of people, but like the ideas of his grandfather's generation.

  About fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the passenger plane, and the three of them got out of the car and waited for Diana's arrival.

  Wu Jian was leaning on the car, suddenly remembered something, patted the car and asked Wu You: "You Shao, if you can't go back, what will happen to this car?" ”

  Wu You subconsciously glanced at the car, and then turned his gaze forward: "This can't be taken away, and it's a waste to put it in." Seeing that the person over there didn't have it, I thought he shouldn't have much money, so I'll give it to him. ”

  As he spoke, Wu You pointed to a man in his thirties walking on the sidewalk on the road not far away, who looked like a salaryman in terms of clothing.

  Wu Jian smiled: "Youshao, I mean, I don't have any money, and now I only have a scooter worth more than 100,000 yuan at home." So, hehe..."

  Wang Xirong next to him heard Wu Jian say this, and hurriedly said: "Youshao, Wu Jian has a scooter anyway, and I don't have a car at home." My family is rural, and I don't have enough money to buy a house in the city. ”

  Wu You understood the meaning of Wu Jian's words just now, and his feelings were that he wanted this car, so he asked the two of them: "By the way, you are in the worry-free group, how much is your salary every month?" ”

  As for the salary, he has never asked, so he doesn't know.

  Wu Jian smiled: "It's okay, 50,000 yuan a month, but, my family's expenses are a bit big, my girlfriend's family is not rich, and I often subsidize my girlfriend's family, so I don't save much money." ”

  Wang Xirong said: "My family has always owed money to others before, so I paid off the account. I don't have any savings, in the countryside, it is difficult to support my family by relying on those few acres of thin land, and my family relies on me to earn money alone. ”

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