
[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

author:Zhangjiachuan Media

Zhangjiachuan County Rong Media Center News (Reporter Ma Tianxue) is located in Huayuan Village, Malu Town, at the foot of Guanshan Mountain in the east of Zhangjiachuan County, the leading force of party building not only allows the cadres and the masses to unite closely and work together for rural revitalization, but also injects new vitality into this land. With the in-depth promotion of the integration project of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism, the "flowers of getting rich" have bloomed beautifully in this land, bringing tangible benefits and full happiness to the villagers.

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"
[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

Walking into the Garden Village, the beautiful scenery in front of you is stunning. In the fields, golden corn, white potato flowers, and patches of green hemp paint a dazzling harvest picture; On the hillside, the ancient trees are forested and the mountains are stacked, forming a natural oxygen bar to escape the heat in midsummer; In the valley, the water is babbling and the boulders are lined up, playing beautiful and charming mountain music. In the midst of these beautiful scenery, there are also well-built attractions integrating agriculture, culture and tourism, attracting tourists from all over the world.

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"
[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

Under the guidance of the party building, the Huayuan Village Party Branch has played the role of a grassroots party organization, made full use of local resources, and combined the three major industries of agriculture, culture and tourism, to create a series of unique agricultural, cultural and tourism integration projects. Natural landscapes such as Wulong Mountain, Old Dragon Pond, Snake Cutting Cliff, Wheat Accumulation, Wuzhi Mountain, Bluestone Cliff, and Shiren Peak show the magic of nature and Zhong Lingyuxiu; Wulong Mountain Yunfeng Temple Ruins, Buddha Cliff Taiji Bagua Map, Erlang Shen's Foot Stone Seal, Tethered Horse Pillar and other cultural landscapes and nature cleverly combined, complement each other, the garden village relies on the unique natural scenery and rich cultural landscape, the scenic tour route forms a central axis, a large ring, four small rings of the pattern.

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

In 2018, it was named "Gansu Provincial Tourism Demonstration Village", in 2019, it was selected into the second batch of national forest village list, in 2021, it was named "Provincial Rural Construction Demonstration Village", and in 2023, it was named "Tianshui City Hemei Village". It is with the strong leadership of the party branch that Huayuan Village can accurately grasp the pulse of the times, accurately position its own development direction, and realize the gorgeous transformation from a traditional agricultural village to a modern rural tourism demonstration village.

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

The train runs fast because of the headband. Whether the masses are rich or not, the key lies in the branches. As the "leading goose" in the development of Garden Village, the Party branch has continuously promoted the strategic deployment of "ecological village, industrial strong village, tourism village, and cultural village" to take root. In terms of ecological protection, the party branch advocates the concept of green development, leads the villagers to jointly protect this green water and green mountains, and ensures the sustainable use of ecological resources. In terms of industrial development, the party branch actively guided the villagers to develop characteristic agriculture and rural tourism, formed a diversified industrial structure, and enhanced the economic strength of the village.

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"
[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

In terms of tourism development, the party branch has played a key role. Relying on the brand effect of "National Forest Village" and "Provincial Rural Tourism Demonstration Village", the Party branch led the villagers to improve the scenic spots, routes and regional planning, and carefully drew a panorama of rural tourism development. Focusing on this panorama, the garden village strives to create a characteristic rural tourism business card integrating "pastoral sightseeing tours, folk customs experience tours, and homestay vacation tours", attracting a large number of tourists to come for sightseeing and experience.

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"
[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

Villager Su Shuangwa told reporters: "Over the years, our garden village has undergone great changes, the party's policy is good, our party branch has also been driven well, repairing river embankments, hardening roads, cleaning environmental sanitation, cadres and masses are working hard, the beautiful garden has also ushered in a large number of tourists, income has increased, and life is happier." ”

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

What's more special is that the party branch of Huayuan Village has carried out in-depth excavation and inheritance of the cultural history of the village, combined traditional culture with modern tourism, and created a unique Guanlong Ancient Road Scenery Exhibition Hall and Garden Village History Museum. The planning and establishment of the two museums promotes the local red culture and farming culture, which not only enriches the tourism experience of tourists, but also further enhances the cultural soft power and brand influence of the garden village, and helps rural revitalization. Wang Wenbao, secretary of the Party branch, said: "We will continue to excavate, protect and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese cultural resources, and use the exhibition hall and the village history museum as an important carrier to retain the memory of the village, highlight local characteristics, and create a poetic garden." ”

[The party flag is flying high on the front line] Huayuan Village, Malu Town: Party building leads cadres and masses to build together, and the integration of characteristic agriculture, culture and tourism blooms "to get rich"

In the future, the Huayuan Village Party Branch will continue to play a leading role in promoting the village to achieve higher-quality development. On the basis of protecting the ecological environment, we will further expand the rural tourism industry chain and improve the quality and level of tourism services. At the same time, strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations, and provide a strong guarantee for the long-term development of Huayuan Village.

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