
The education system of Jin'an District celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a report meeting on discipline and party classes

author:The style of western Anhui

On the morning of June 28, the district's education system celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a report meeting on discipline and party classes. Members of the Education Working Committee of the Jin'an District Party Committee, commended personnel, secretaries and deputy secretaries of party organizations at all levels, and responsible comrades of various units and offices (centers) of the bureau attended the meeting. Yang Zhengyuan, Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Jin'an District Party Committee and Director of the Jin'an District Education Bureau, attended the meeting and gave a lecture on the party, which was presided over by Zhang Yushuang, member of the Education Working Committee of the Jin'an District Party Committee and deputy director of the Jin'an District Education Bureau.

The education system of Jin'an District celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a report meeting on discipline and party classes
The education system of Jin'an District celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a report meeting on discipline and party classes
The education system of Jin'an District celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a report meeting on discipline and party classes

At the meeting, Li Xueshi, member of the Education Working Committee of the Jin'an District Party Committee and deputy director of the Jin'an District Education Bureau, read out the commendation decision. The leaders attending the meeting awarded honorary certificates and medals to the commended outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and representatives of advanced grassroots party organizations.

The education system of Jin'an District celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a report meeting on discipline and party classes

Yang Zhengyuan congratulated the commended personnel, and then with the title of "Insist on Putting Discipline and Rules in the Front and Be a Model Practitioner of the Spirit of Educators in the New Era", relying on the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", from three aspects: grasping the historical evolution of the party's discipline construction, grasping the necessity of strict discipline, and grasping the new requirements of discipline construction in the new era.

Yang Zhengyuan stressed: The study and education of party discipline is a long-term and arduous task, which requires us to persevere and make long-term contributions. It is necessary to maintain a high degree of political sobriety and firmness, consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics, and action, and consciously be firm believers and faithful practitioners of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to stimulate the internal driving force of educating people with strong educational feelings, truly regard education as a belief and mission, and regard the teaching profession as a responsibility and career, so as to give better play to the ability to cast souls and educate people. It is necessary to strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the state and the professional ethics of the education industry, consciously resist all kinds of temptations, look at students with public intentions, do not seek personal gain, do things cleanly, and understand how to behave.

In the summary of the meeting, Zhang Yushuang demanded that three strengthenings should be achieved in the work in the future: first, we must strengthen learning and internalize the party's discipline and rules; Second, we must strengthen self-cultivation and externalize the requirements of strict self-discipline in action; Third, it is necessary to strengthen management and create a good atmosphere of abiding by discipline and stressing rules.

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