
Choose someone to love deeply, and keep a love painting as a prison, which is the affectionate money day after day

author:Who pities the grass

Walking on the journey of life, only for one person, the love swaying in the heart not only warms the heart, but also amazes the quiet time!

As soon as the heart moved, the love was like a tide, so the person in the old time clearly appeared in his eyes, thinking of Canglan, even if it was far away, it was also like a stone's throw away!

Choosing someone to love deeply is to be affectionate day after day, infatuated, even if you don't see each other often, the position that belongs to the loved one in your heart will always be reserved, and no one can replace it!

Love a person to the end of the age, will keep a love painting for the prison, in the vast sea of people to meet the favorite person, is the beginning of all the good, there is love in the heart, the beauty of the heart will be interlocked, indelible......

Choose someone to love deeply, and keep a love painting as a prison, which is the affectionate money day after day

The person who lives in the heart will always be irreplaceable, the most important position in the heart only belongs to the beloved, meet a person, harvest a vigorous love, this love can not be eliminated!

Walking on the windy and rainy road of life, you must be lucky enough to meet the right person in the crowded crowd, have a soft heart for a person, and once your heart moves, you can no longer let go......

Like is a whim, love is from the heart to the ancient, even if the person you love is not around you, but the heart is always controlled by that person, full of thoughts, proving the fetters of the heart......

Choose someone to love deeply, and keep a love painting as a prison, which is the affectionate money day after day

The interpretation of love, the beginning is you and the end is still you, no matter how many ups and downs there are in the process of love, you will go on without hesitation, the road of love is bumpy, but you can't help the will to love......

If the heart belongs, there will be a soft spot, this may be the temperature of love, the tenderness swaying in the heart, always makes people can't help but miss, accidentally falling in love, it is a lifetime of bonding!

Love someone is attached to love, such a deep love, how can you say that you can let go, say that you will never change your heart, and then engrave that love into your life, and from then on, you will share it with your soul day and night!

Choose someone to love deeply, and keep a love painting as a prison, which is the affectionate money day after day

Sincere love, no matter when in the heart, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as love is still present in the heart, whether it is parting, or tearful eyes, it is the abbreviation of love......

The person of true love, from the moment the heart moves, is destined to be tightly bound by a love, true love can no longer let go, the heart-warming love of the person in the heart is incomparable beauty under the sky......

When I miss it, even if I walk in the vast sea of people, watching the world shoulder to shoulder, I still feel that I am alone, without the company of my loved ones, I am a world......

Choose someone to love deeply, and keep a love painting as a prison, which is the affectionate money day after day

The love that touches the heartstrings is always so romantic, full of love to show the unique gentleness, the strong love is as warm as the sunshine, the kind of softness, long and graceful, and the beautiful aftertaste is endless!

True love in the shallow time, it seems so heavy, even the thoughts can make people feel a lot of emotion, choose one person to love, and keep a love painting as a prison, that is the affectionate money day after day......

The interpretation of love, the beginning is you and the end is still you, no matter how many ups and downs there are in the process of love, you will go on without hesitation, the road of love is bumpy, but you can't help the will to love......