
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

author:The style of western Anhui

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Yu'an District Transportation Bureau organized a series of theme activities of "Welcoming July 1st and Celebrating the Founding of the Party".

The "July 1st" commendation meeting was held

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

Awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members, commend the advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers and outstanding communist party members in the whole system, pay tribute to the old party members, and guide the majority of party members to keep in mind the original intention of joining the party and take the initiative to take action; The secretary of the party organization gave a special party class to tell about the difficult struggle of the Communist Party of China, and encouraged the majority of party members to work hard, seek truth and be pragmatic.

Visiting and condolences to party members in difficulty

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

Visited 20 difficult party members in Wanglou Village, Shanwang Township, Shihu Village, Hongyan Village, Xihekou Township, and horticultural farm communities, so that the difficult party members could feel the party's care.

Visit the Red Education Base

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

Organize party members to go to Huoqiu Martyrs Cemetery, Huoshan County Hongyuan Square and other places, through the memory of revolutionary martyrs and revisiting revolutionary history, guide the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, cultivate the feelings of the family and the country, and inherit the red spirit.

Carry out volunteer service activities

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

Organize party members to go to Gongwan Village, Xihekou Town, to carry out safety education and publicity on "cherishing life and preventing drowning" and "Civil Code" law popularization to strengthen the safety awareness and legal awareness of the masses; Carry out the love "vegetable" delivery activity, organize party members to go to the "Chuxin" vegetable garden built by the highway management center, pick the first season of green vegetables planted by party members, and send them to the Xingdazhou Special Children Education and Development Center, so as to give care to the "children of the stars" and pass on the positive energy of the society.

Carry out the "re-take the red line and recall the revolutionary years" walking activity

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

The "10,000 Steps" walking team of the Organization Bureau went to the Xu Jishen Memorial Hall to carry out collective walking, and by re-taking the red route, remembering the glorious footprints of the revolutionary ancestors, and tempering the original mission of party members and cadres.

Carry out the "Celebration of July 1st Party Discipline" integrity education activities

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

Carry out special seminars and exchanges on party discipline learning and education and party discipline learning and education knowledge tests, promote the study of party discipline into the brain and heart, and turn it into the actual performance of entrepreneurship.

Carry out special theme party day activities

Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities
Yu'an District Transportation Bureau carried out a series of "July 1" activities

Carry out a series of themed party day activities such as "Political Birthday", "Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party", and "Women's Heart to the Party and Skillfully Embroidering the National Flag", so as to understand the original intention of the revolution, continue the spiritual bloodline, and cultivate love for the party, the country and the family.

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