
Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

author:Micro Zhaotong
Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab
Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

The past is chasing us all the time, so we have to run faster. At that time, the light machine began to engrave all the symbols of a city, and the news had already recorded the bits and pieces of people's livelihood, and those people and things that passed with time would eventually dissipate in the rising fireworks of the city. The old streets and alleys in the central city of Zhaotong always open our unique memories of hometown and foreign land, those that cannot be returned or found are traces of hometown, and what is within reach is also the information of a foreign land.

Hometown timidity, every person who is born in "Yunnan Zhaotong", no matter how far he goes, is the youngest child in his hometown Zhaotong. Here, we take the time axis, the streets and alleys of Zhaotong City as the dimension, the warm people and things as the direction, and the text, images, and videos as the mirror images to take you to see the streets and alleys of Zhaotong.

In the name of time, I will give you a heavy memory of Zhaotong City.

A bird's-eye view of Zhaoyang is the outline of the city outlined by criss-crossing lines, and when you open her "lining", this city, this street, this alley is full of small and large details. There are many alleys in Zhaoyang, so many that you can't count them in one breath, and it is one of the cities where the street culture is extremely well preserved. The alleys are filled with ordinary life, but also hide the unique style of the city. On the bluestone pavement a stone's throw away, the years continue to engrave the traces of time in the ordinary streets and alleys of Zhaotong. (1) The car stopped at the Yuanmen Square, walked through the noisy Beizheng Street, turned into the water lane, we were attracted by its quiet and peaceful, and walked into the depths of the alley on the bluestone paved with pieces of shiny ancient stones. In the alley, whether it is the verdant camellia or the blue green cloud grass, there is a well-maintained peace, looking down on everyone who comes and goes in the alley. It is as if the people who come and go have never been here and have never left. Carrying water lane, not long or short, take a slow walk, 10 minutes is enough. The roadway is not wide or narrow, and four or five people can go in parallel. The alley and the steep street are side by side, but there is no hustle and bustle of the steep street, like a wise man who does not show the mountain dew, hidden in a corner. The alleys are peaceful, and the people who live here live a leisurely life. The happiness of Carrying Water Lane is real and amiable, and you can reach out and hold it in your hand.

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

Turn to the right and walk ten steps down the small alley, where the low houses are inhabited, and the faint light shines through the windows. "Which one are you looking for?" In the old man's inquiry, we explained our intention, and the old man received us warmly. In the room of thirty or forty square meters, there is a smell of medicine, a computer desk is placed on the side of the aisle, the computer page stays on the trend chart of the stock market, prompting the daily preferences of the elderly, and next to it is a double-door waste refrigerator and a four-door refrigerator. "The old refrigerator is kept for storage cabinets, and the big refrigerator was bought for me by my youngest son last year." The old man said. The old man's name is Huang Shunhua, Yongshan, married in Zhaoyang District in 1972, settled in Jiaoshui Lane, 75 years old this year, gave birth to 3 children, two daughters and a son, they now have their own small families. The eldest daughter drives a taxi, the second daughter works in a labor camp, and the younger son works as a ground crew at Kunming Airport. "This house was bought by my mother-in-law's father before the founding of the People's Republic of China." Huang Shunhua, who has silver hair, recalls some old stories he learned from his mother-in-law when he was young. Before liberation, the mother-in-law's father had the craft of making Songhua eggs, and the whole family lived by selling Songhua eggs. Sitting on the sofa of Huang Shunhua's house, the small table in front of him was full of various medicines, looking around, there were pots and pans randomly placed on the shelves with a sense of age, and the stove was neat and clean. Under our questioning, Huang Shunhua's thoughts returned to the era of youth.

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

In the 70s of the 20th century, Huang Shunhua and his wife worked in the former Zhaotong Machinery No. 2 Factory (county level). At that time, it was a period of economic development and social construction throughout the country, and the machinery and equipment in the machinery factory were in short supply, and it was everyone's dream to work in the machinery factory. In Huang Shunhua's words, the machinery factory at that time was very prosperous, and there was a supply of food for food. Huang Shunhua's house is located at No. 61 Jiaoshui Lane, just 100 meters away from Beizheng Street, which was one of the most prosperous areas of Zhaotong City at that time. Huang Shunhua clearly remembers that at that time, the current foreigner street and Qingguan Pavilion were surrounded by farmland. Don't worry about food and clothing, life is smooth, and life goes by slowly. (2) However, there is no good thing in life once and for all. In the 80s of the 20th century, land reform and enterprise restructuring were like a bolt from the blue, leaving Huang Shunhua's family at a loss. Facing layoffs, there is no longer a supply of food, and you have to rely on yourself to eat...... A family that is used to a happy life has to start with a long-term plan and a new start. Tribulations in adversity will only make life more brilliant, even if the road ahead is difficult, we must move forward bravely. Now, Huang Shunhua's children have all started a family, and her own life in her old age is happy, and the family has ushered in a bright future. After living in Shui Lane for more than 50 years, Huang Shunhua's happiest time is when his children have something to do and something to achieve. In the past, the water lane was the center of Zhaotong City, where rural women wanted to marry in, and rural men wanted to become urban people, just to enjoy the various superior conditions in the city. The wheel of history rolls forward, and the times always favor hard-working people. Nowadays, every family in the vast fields is prosperous, and those who do not want to make progress will eventually be abandoned, and they who are still living a hard life have begun to yearn for rural life again. The name of Pickle Water Lane is not only a place name for Huang Shunhua, but also a symbol of her lifelong memory. The alley of Pickling Water Lane is not only an alley for Huang Shunhua, but also a place where she has lived all her life. Whether it is early in the morning or evening, whether it is rainy or sunny, whether it is leaning forward or alone, Huang Shunhua has to go up and down the water alley several times a day......

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

Carrying water lane, named after carrying water, is a century-old alley full of human touch, recording a period of hard years and carrying the memory of the older generation of Zhaotong people. In the Republic of China and even after the liberation of a period of time, tap water has not been introduced into the homes of ordinary people, and when they open their eyes every day, the problem that needs to be solved urgently is to carry water. The drinking water of the people of Zhaotong is brought from the Great Dragon Cave. The water of Dalongdong flows into the city through the official ditch, and there is a huge rectangular stone pool in the middle of the original Shuncheng Street and Chongyi Street, where the whole city carries water to sustain their lives. As a result, there was a profession of carrying water and selling it for a living, and some poor people took water here to pick it up and sell it. The content of this historical record is basically the same as what several old people we interviewed said: this alley is the most time-saving and labor-saving road to enter the city center, and over time it has become what everyone calls "water lane". At that time, the people who carried water every day always had to splash a little water on the ground, so that the alleys were always wet...... Time flies, and now it is difficult to find those days of carrying water, the bluestone pavement is still the same, and the old bricks and tiles and mottled walls make people think of the scenes of the past. (3) On the left side opposite Huang Shunhua's house, No. 72 Jiaoshui Lane, is the Jiang family's house. Push the door in, walk through a narrow aisle, a typical courtyard room type has a hole. Sunlight shines through the carved window lattices of the courtyard and sprinkles on the courtyard covered with stone slabs, which is warm and quiet; Sunlight shines through the patio in the courtyard, dappled with light and shadow, and hydrangeas and moon flowers bloom one after another, elegant and calm.

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

Sitting in the courtyard, you can see that the layout of the courtyard is elegant, the axis is clear, the left and right are symmetrical, and the charm is simple; The blue bricks and gray tiles, carved doors and windows, and cornices and corners of the past, every inch of space tells the simplicity and tranquility. Just as we were about to leave, an old man came back leisurely with a vegetable bag. The old man accosted us while taking out all the vegetables he had bought today. Leeks, peppers, mushrooms, melons, cabbage...... The family's food for the day was ready. The old man's name is Jiang Zhengfa, 78 years old this year, and the eldest son's family lives with their old couple. During the conversation, it was learned that the house where Jiang Zhengfa lived had lived for a hundred years. Regarding the historical story of the alley in front of the door, Jiang Zhengfa said it well. In the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1763), the Liji Pond was expanded and inlaid with stones. The depth of the pond is 2.33 meters, the circumference is 129.33 meters, the area is 641.2 square meters, and the water capacity is 1490 cubic meters. Completed in 1943, the 10-kilometre-long nullah diverts water from the Da Long Cave to the Octagonal Pavilion and flows into the Octagonal Pavilion Pool, where the water stored in the upper and lower reservoirs is for the city's residents to drink. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, closed water pipes were installed, and after the water pipes were connected, the pool slowly lost its users, and occasionally only people washed things.

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

The name "Water Lane" is chosen because of the story of people and water. At that time, there were two kinds of water carriers, one was the person who carried water full-time to make a living, this place was the center of Zhaotong City, there were many rich households on the street, and the daily water was borne by the people who carried water and sold it; The other group is people who carry water for domestic use, and such people are the majority. In fact, carrying water is a technical job. Balance, lower center of gravity, and small steps are at the heart of his technique, which not only helps the water bearer transport water more efficiently, but also reduces the spillage of water during the lifting process, thereby increasing efficiency. Mastering these skills requires a certain amount of practice and experience, and "people who do not master the skills will be injured by carrying water." At that time, every family had the best pick. Jiang Zhengfa said that the best flat pole in his house disappeared after being connected to the water pipe. There is also a particular time to carry water, and in terms of time, it is generally chosen in the early morning. Because there is less debris in the water in the early morning, the water quality is clean and transparent, and this water is safe to drink; Sometimes you can also pick up water in the evening, and you can save a lot of time by taking your dirty clothes and other belongings to the scrubbing sink at the water source. So, where is the pond that used to be? According to Jiang Zhengfa's recollection, it was between Shuncheng Street and Gluttonous Street (now Chongyi Street). It was a rectangular stone pond with different names, some people called it a pond, and some people called it a large pond. The water in this pool comes from the Great Dragon Cave, flows through the Twenty-Five Hole Bridge, and enters Zhaotong City. After the supply of running water, the pond gradually fell into disuse and was landfilled in the 70s of the 20th century. (iv)

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals.

"Most of the people living here are craftsmen, and they rely on their crafts to eat, and they have been passed down from generation to generation, and some of them have been passed down for generations, and some of them are no longer clear, but they only know that their grandfather's grandfather is doing this here."

"When adults enter the city, they must go to the water lane, where there are all kinds of household goods, and people can trust them. The accompanying children jumped up and down to the nearby Gluttonous Street (now Chongyi Street) to buy a string of sugar gourds, a roasted artichoke, and a cup of cold papaya jelly. ”

For Jiang Zhengfa's eldest son, Jiang Rongde, the alley in front of his house impressed him the most about the former old goods trading market.

The reason why Picky Water Lane is famous is that it is a market for old goods trading and hardware processing. The alleys are densely lined with shops, with blazing flames and machine tools, which are places for processing and producing ironware. The stall at the door is full of various parts and utensils that are indispensable for people's production and life, such as screws, axes, pliers, hoes, and spades...... Everything. There is also the façade of the acquisition of old goods in this alley, old utensils, old calligraphy and paintings, many cultural relics collected by archaeologist and collector Mr. Zhang Xilu before liberation, are found here, among which the most famous Han Dynasty Pisces copper wash was almost melted into copper water, this copper wash has now become the treasure of the Zhaotong City Museum.

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

There are also people who buy and sell old books and newspapers, and some outsiders can buy the books they need here and happily take them home. There are also those who write letters, repair locks and have keys. The person who wrote the letter patiently asked, wrote carefully, and then shook his head and read it rhythmically, which became a scenery of the old city.

After the reform and opening up, as the last group of water pickers were resettled and settled by the government, the water carrying industry gradually faded out of the historical stage. With the strength of the country, the development of society, the economic conditions continue to improve, every household has used tap water, the days of carrying water have become a thing of the past, and the people carrying water have gradually disappeared.

The former water lane is a typical old alley, no more than 3 meters wide, and the old houses on both sides are not very neat, which constitutes the style of the water lane. Although it is no longer the most lively area in Zhaotong, it still retains a shadow of prosperity. Today, the alleys are still there, with shops such as ghostwriting (paperwork), tailoring, and seal engraving, as well as industries such as mobile phone film, nail art, snacks, lock repair and key distribution.

The century-old mansion of the Jiang family in the water lane has gone through four generations. The first generation is Jiang Zhengfa's father, Jiang Guohua's generation, Jiang Guohua has been a shopkeeper all his life, honest and trustworthy, conscientious; The second generation is Jiang Zhengfa's generation, Jiang Zhengfa was a worker in the Yuezhong Cake Factory when he was young, and his skills were excellent and respected; The third generation is the generation of Jiang Zhengfa's children, the eldest son lives with him, usually teaches himself Chinese medicine and acupuncture to support his family, and the younger son lives in a separate courtyard next to him; The fourth generation is Jiang Zhengfa's grandson's generation, whose granddaughter went to college and only came back during the holidays.

Now, the hard bluestone slabs of the water lane are glowing with the glow of time, and time disdains everyone's frustration or scenery, and walks forward on its own......

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Source/Zhaotong Rong Media Center Reporter Tang Longquanfei Yang Ming Text/Picture Producer/Hu Huayu Editor/Baojin Proofreader/Yan Jiajia Editor/Li Jianqin's contribution/[email protected]

Street and Lane Chronicles (1)|Carrying Water Lane, the time imprint engraved on the bluestone slab

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